God Knows the Flow of Evolution

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 


Dear Almighty Father, Sandra is very concerned about her husband's health and is feeling depressed. What would You like to tell her?


Her life is not dependent on her husband's. It seems so to her. He has been her life. But I am the hub of the universe, and I sustain life.

I would say to Sandra: Love. Continue to love. Love without binding. Love does not cause fear and trepidation. Love is joy.

Attachment causes fear, and fear is present joy lost.

No one can "have" someone. Nor can one lose him. Love remains in the heart of the one who loves.

No soul has the power of life or death over another because death is an illusion, as though the soul's leaving the body is death. The body is not the reality.

Love is not dependent on physical existence. Love is a sweet stream that courses through eternity.

David is a gift to Sandra, as she is a gift to him. Enjoy the gifts.

Ask Sandra to pray for My Will. She can put David in My hands. That is where he is in any case.

Sandra does not hold him to human life. I do. As I hold her.

Human life is a knot being tied. And life is also the untying of the knot. A frayed edge is nothing but a frayed edge.

Will Sandra list all that she is grateful for, as on a rosary, and toss away the beads of fear?

What she is thankful for are her blessings, and they are many.

Dear Sandra, you are not the owner of life on earth. It is a gift that you accepted, and like all gifts and physical reality, it is moved on from. You cannot hold back the tide of life, but you can allow it. So allow it.

Do you really think I would forsake you or David? Do you think you are forsaken because a body declines? Then you are mistaken.

When you write your rosary of blessings, accept each one and move on to the next. Let your tears flow in acknowledgement of the temporality of human life.

I would like you, Sandra, to write a love letter to Me. Write it on beautiful paper, put in an envelope, and put it in a drawer, and next week write Me another.

Give Me your love and your tears, and I will hold the love and wipe away the tears.

Sandra, do I know more than you or not? Do I know the flow of evolution and its many paths that lead to My feet?

Heal your heart, Sandra, and offer it to Me without demands or conditions, because you are My child and I watch out for you with love and vision and certainty.

Remember, it is not bad to weep. It is good to release. Be grateful even for tears, for they reveal your heart.

A Course in Miracles, Lesson 350:

"Miracles mirror God's eternal Love. To offer them is to remember Him, and through His memory to save the world…[the memory of God] depends on [your] forgiveness. What [you are] is unaffected by [your] thoughts…"


So, dear God, I and everyone are Your love eternal?


Yes. My love in assorted bodies. My pure love walks around in you and him and her and all those who forage on earth.


I love this idea, dear God, and there are moments I truly grasp it, and then I think of mass murderers and I lose hold of the understanding.


Don't think of mass murderers. Don't think of objections. Think of the examples where it is easy for you to see Me.

You see it in Sandra's love. You see it in your daughter's goodness. You see it in Diane's love for Molly, and Molly's extended love for her and all. You see it in Jon's going to work every day. You see it in Nancy's hands as she curves a pot. You see it in Tom's fixing a cog. You see it in Florence's care of others. You see it in Julie's garden. You see it in Brad's eyes. You see it in your fingers as you write. You see it in your little dogs' every breath.

You have never even seen a mass murderer, so why lend your thoughts there?

Let your eyes attach to the goodness you see. Goodness is everywhere. It is in every bushel and behind every door and around every corner. And you be sure to leave a token of My goodness wherever you go.


Dear Mother Divine, it is always interesting to me the turns this writing takes.

Mother Divine:

Just like life. It unfolds. It opens up. It is a field of surprises and also a constancy. You know you will find Us, and that We will answer. Do you really want a schedule of topics?



Mother Divine:

Take life in the same vein, and await what it teaches you.


I had a little lesson at the group meditation yesterday. I don't have a set place, and just sit where no one seems to be sitting. As I sat down, a girl leaned towards me and said something. My first thought was that she was telling me I couldn't sit there. But she was telling me to sit in a place nearer her where the person whose belongings are there almost never comes. I realized there is such a tendency for me to think I'm being turned away rather than welcomed.

Mother Divine:

Just like your father when he came to this country, and he figured a man was trying to take away his banana while the man wanted to show him that it needed to be peeled.


It is just the same.

Mother Divine:

Now that you recognize that, I suggest that you assume you are being welcomed wherever you go. And so will you welcome all that come to you the same, because you welcome them in God's love and in His Name. When you remember that, life is lifted to a higher realm of kinship.


Dear Mother Divine, is there anything you would like to say to Sandra?

Mother Divine:

I would like to say that she needs to heal the fear in her heart. David's health is not responsible for her fear. She is responsible for her fear. She invited it, and she can put it aside. It would be wise for blessed Sandra to put her attention on her own fulfillment. David will live so long as his soul chooses. He has his own agenda. And Sandra has her own. Love is rewarded. Suffering is not. Suffering is a choice, but not a path.

Sandra will not be neglectful of David by choosing happiness. She will lighten his heart. His heart cannot beat for her. If Sandra can have more faith in David and in God, she will not mourn so much ahead of time.

Sandra's lesson is to be grateful. She has what some never have. Her focus has to get off the losing and back onto the having. A contract of love has a clause that one may leave earth before the other. It is moving to another state of consciousness is all. Or think of it as moving into another house across the street. David can never leave Sandra's heart, nor her his. This is a bond of love that knows no bounds.

I glory in Sandra's love and her faithfulness to love. What changes in the physical changes. Soul and love and God are eternal. David is eternal. Sandra is eternal. There is no parting.


Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, Sandra and I spoke on the phone, and she especially loved your message. She also felt that the message did not have your usual tone, which she sees as more flowers and sweetness.

Mother Divine:

Sandra is correct. God and I give what is needed. You, Gloria, need flowers and sweetness and beautiful colors. You must have it. Sandra needs more black and white. That is not to say you can't have black and white and that Sandra cannot have sweetness and flowers. Let us call it the need of the time. The need of the time for you, and the need of the time for Sandra. I speak to an audience when I speak, and you and Sandra are not the same audience.

If Sandra were to see me, a vision of me, it would not be the same vision of me that you would see, Gloria, but each would be a vision of me in truth. Your apparatus for seeing me is different from one another. You can call it vibration for seeing, if you like.

When Gloria asks a question for Sandra, I answer through Gloria's vibration with the intent to reach Sandra. At the same time, all answers I give are for all human beings.


Dear Almighty Father, the landscape of the earth around our house is beautiful today. Trees are leafing, grass is green, and more plants push their way up. Magnolias still bloom, and the sky is blue.


Your appreciation is like a paintbrush, as though your eyes have painted the scenery that surrounds your home. Your appreciation inspires all the plantings to grow and bloom more. Even the dandelions!


I use dandelion leaves in salad, and I eat the stems, so that's fine with me! Dear Father, what would You like to tell me this evening?


Get the inside of your house in order.


Oh! I will. Thank You.