Geometry of the Soul

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear Almighty Father, last night was strange for me. I fell asleep for almost an hour at about 10, and then I was wide awake, I mean wide, until about 3 a.m. That is most unusual, and I wonder why I didn't think of writing to You then.


There is no compulsion for you to write other than your usual morning and evening time with Me. If ever there is an urgent message that cannot wait, I assure you that I will remind you to write.


Thinking about self-doubt, is self-doubt really doubt in You, dear Father?




But sometimes someone really can't do something?


Sometimes people who were told they could not walk again have run races. Frail women have lifted trucks off their children.

There is a difference between can't and don't want.

You say you can't do geometry. If you wanted to, you would very well.

When someone decides not to do something from fear or disinclination, it is his choice. He has to know it is not something from the outside. Motive and drive are major.

And one does not have to do everything and be everything. It is not always doubt that keeps someone away from a course of action. Sometimes the doubt comes in later, and it is then regret. It is good to move on and not look back at the road not taken. Move on to the next.


Glenda Green painted a picture of Jesus. He appeared to her and posed for her for four months and gave her wisdom. She is speaking at the high school next Saturday, and I will go to hear her.

Someone thought that Glenda was not "pure". I cannot imagine that anyone would make such a story up. What would be the gain? That would be too hard.


Her experience is true. It is easier for you to accept because Christ visited you once for a few moments, and I talk to you every day. Everyone would want this. Everyone would love Jesus to appear and to hear My words.

Most things come from desire. From a past life or an unremembered thought from this one. Whatever comes comes from on deep.

A Course in Miracles, Lesson 346:
"Today the peace of God envelops me, and I forget all things exist except His love. Father, I wake today with miracles correcting my perception of all things. And so begins the day I share with You as I will share eternity, for time has stepped aside today…I would forget all things except Your love. I would abide in You and know no laws except Your law of love…"


Dear God, I feel like I want to stitch a great big golden G, G for You, and wear it over my heart.


I stitch one for you and place it over your heart. It is indelible. You are Mine forever.

I shall tattoo a golden G in the depths of your heart. That is what I did long ago.

I planted a G in your veins, in your eyes, in your sinews, in your being. The strum of your heart is timed by a G.

I am an eternal metronome within you, I, your Father, who has no doubt because I am of full of love for what My love has made.

Within the G for God is a C for creation. Remind yourself that you are My creation. I created you. G created C from G Himself.


This sounds like geometry!


Ah! Geometry of the soul. The measure of the soul. The earth measure of the soul. G = C. C = G. G + C = L for life, or G + C = B for being. B = G. B + L = GG.

While We are decorating you, let's put a G for God in each eye, on the retina, and in each ear and one in your palate and one on your tongue, one in the middle of your forehead, on your throat, and the fingers of each hand and on the soles of your feet. Why don't we just make you a big G altogether. The crossbar of the G will be your smile, and that makes C (reation) into G (od).


Dear Mother Divine, I wonder if I may be fermenting the kefir water too long, or drinking too much of it. I love the bite to it, but is it alcoholic?

Mother Divine:

It is hard for you to know whether the bliss you feel is from God or the kefir. I assure you it is from God. You are intoxicated with God's love.


Gloria to God:

Dear Father, today Karen faxed me promotional materials she received in the mail from Glenda Green. The material was well-done, and the knowledge expressed was only wisdom. But here's the thing.

I started to feel inadequate, dear God. Glenda is a recognized artist, and I'm…

I started to feel stronger, like what do I think I need to be anyway but what You made me? You sure didn't make me a sniveling, ignorant, anxiety-ridden nobody. Why can't I be me with confidence?


Humility doesn't require that you deny your truth. Stay with Me in My heart, and keep Me in yours. You have a private line to Me. So long as it is open, you are invulnerable to distortion. Stay with Me, and you are secure.


Dear Mother Divine, what will you tell me this evening?

Mother Divine:

I have to laugh when I see you get doubtful of the abilities God has given you. You must know He moves you and pulls you and steers you and pushes you, is always with you, coaching you, cheering you, escorting you.

God has plans for you, and you don't want to drag your feet or lay low. Why not keep up with God and make everything easy for Him?

He knows how to make you smile, but why not smile at Him before He has to tickle you under the chin?