Reliance on God
Gloria to God:
Dear God, how much is my relying on You for finances actually my denial of my situation? Have I been using my reliance on You as a way to look away from my situation and what I might need to do? The relationship between relying on myself or relying on You has long been unclear to me. I know You can do anything, and I know You are the One Who does, and I also know I pretend my situation away and rely on my daughter too much.
What am I supposed to be doing? Should I look for a job? What?
I know You speak truth through Karen, and yesterday she indicated that, whereas I may think I'm relying on You, dear God, I'm really relying on my daughter. She said my reliance on Lauren keeps our mutual energies locked. When I release my reliance on her, I will release her, and therefore I am then freed. Karen indicated that I must stop denying the realities of my situation and face, with You, what I would do if Lauren were not here, and that will unblock me. Until that energy is cleared, You wait. I understood Karen to say that You wait until I look at things squarely and stop denying before You will come in. This is where I get lost.
I don't seem to know the difference between worrying about something and looking at it realistically. I don't know the difference between looking within for answers, knowing what I don't know, and looking outside. Sometimes I think that You've sent me someone or something on the outside to help me. There are matters that I don't think I can rely on myself, like things with banks and IRS and so forth.
Karen said I rely too much on other people, that I need to rely more on my inner knowledge, that I must stop thinking that other people know more than I do. Certainly in terms of the world, yes, I think many do, and they really do!
She also said I give too much power to money rather than to You. I also gathered that it is my stuff that keeps Heaven from opening up to the world, that I write Your truth, dear God, but I do not live it.
God, I want to serve You. I want to be honest. But I guess I don't want to learn lessons. I think I have been Little Red Riding Hood, and I don't recognize the wolf when I see him. I do not know how to reconcile action and non-action.
Let go of confusion.
Confusion is a form of control.
Denying is a form of control.
You do not give over to Me by waiting, waiting, waiting.
Give over to Me now.
Gloria, you may have said in sincerity, Here, God are My troubles, but then you look for the world to give you the money to solve them. You look for the world to answer you. You look for a certain outcome, a certain resolution. Indeed, I may give you money to solve your situation, but money is not the problem.
Ask Me to heal you and not the situation. Do you understand what I am saying? Something within you blocks the money. That something within you is reliance on the world as your savior. Rely on Me and on yourself.
Make Me a full partner.
You trust in Me, but —
You know I provide, but —
When you trust in Me, dear Gloria, then you will have more trust in yourself. All My children are worthy. That means you, too. No one deserves more. No one deserves less. That is the point.
Waiting is sleeping.
Trusting in Me is alertness.
Whose energy do you want? Lauren's? Someone else's?
Or do you want Mine?
Clear the field.
Dependence on others is resistance of Me.
It is not Lauren's help to you that is a block. It is your sense of dependence on it.
You panic. You think, Oh, my, what would I do without her. And you feel the ground is pulled out from under you. She never was the ground under you.
I am your Foundation.
I am your Source.
Be dependent on none other than Me.
Accept what is freely given to you.
And know where it is from. It is from Me.
Do not block the stream.
Dependence is holding on, and holding on blocks the stream of abundance that wants to come to you.
Fear is the dam.
With trust in Me, fear will vanish.
Fear and I do not co-exist.
I exist, and fear is drivel.
Put your attention on the Whole, and not on a tiny point.
Money is a tiny point.
Money is a convenience.
I am a Necessity.
You don't have to earn Me.
You just have to recognize Me.
Give Me your sense of need, Gloria.
Don't give it to your daughter.
Give your daughter My love instead.
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Tina to Heavenletters:
I have been receiving Heavenletters for almost a year now. I'm renewing. I'm very grateful that I have the Heaven avenue for receiving God's teachings every day. I find that things in my life are looking up when I question the ways of the world.