Reliance on God Is in the Heart
Gloria to God:
Dear God, would You make clearer for me the balance between relying on You and yet doing ourselves?
The reliance on Me is in the heart. You walk through life with a trust in Me, and yet you still walk through life.
If you were a baseball player, you would bat the balls. You wouldn't wait for me to swing the bat. But you would know that I am with you. You know you wouldn't always hit a home run, but whatever you hit, you would know I was there with you. It isn't that I have to perform a certain way for you to know that I am with you.
The balance is like the difference between peace and panic. In peace, you know I am with you, that you are ever in My safekeeping, and that whatever transpires is temporary, that you and I are permanent, that whatever transpires in the relative does not affect Us. That is reliance on Me. That is trust.
Faith is not an idea of the mind. It is a grasp of the heart. Gloria, I will see you through no matter what. You will make it through no matter what, for I am with you. I give you strength. I do not always give you ease.
Who holds up the airplanes?
Who holds up the sun and the moon?
Who shines the stars?
Do you think a star asks: Where is God?
Even when the sky is cloudy, a star knows where I am.
A star doesn't even have the thought that I might not be or not be there with him.
Take Me into consideration, that's all. Remember Me, that's all. Keep Me in your awareness. Keep Me close to your heart. Let Me walk with you through life.
You may not understand why certain things are so, but you can know My presence.
Dear God, when I used to counsel people on job-search, then it was also a fine line between seeking work and trusting in life.
A person can look for work and not be attached to a particular outcome. If a job-seeker feels that a particular employer must hire him, control and effort are at work. He is trying to control the employer, control life. The job seeker seeks work. He applies for it. If he wants a particular job, he lets it be known, but he does well to keep his energy with Me.
Is it that we go through motions? Shouldn't our hearts be in what we do?
Your heart can be in it, but not have grabbed hold.
When you go to a concert, you enjoy the music. You do not say which music should be played, or that it should keep on playing. You listen, you enjoy, you may even immerse yourself in the music, but when the concert is over, you get up and you are happy just the same.
But if you really want something, how do you not want it?
Want it, but know your life doesn't depend upon it. Your life depends upon Me.
Sometimes a client would feel that a job should just come to them. And sometimes it did!
Now I find myself feeling that way. If it's a good idea for me to work, couldn't the work just come to me?
Not if you hold on to that idea and think it must.
Remember innocence, Gloria.
Then I don't know the difference between innocence and not facing things. I still don't know the difference between facing things and relying on you.
Dear God, if I face certain things, then I would take action? If I faced my high-blood pressure, would I take medication for it? Am I avoiding the issue?
You might go to a doctor, or you might not. But you would face it with Me. Facing doesn't have to mean an action. It can mean an awareness and an acceptance. A choice more than action.
Is facing something with You the same as prayer then?
It is talking over with Me. It is asking Me to help you. It is you, growing. It is not you, avoiding or denying.
Forgive me for not understanding, but if I am relying on You, dear God, why would I go to a doctor? If I am relying on You, why would I look for work?
We need to remove the word rely. Rely has an implication for you that you sit in a corner and wait. Have faith, and move in life with Me at your side.
If you had faith, you would not need to ask these questions. It is good you are asking them, and keep asking, but don't doubt.
Let's talk a minute about faith in yourself. Begin to think about yourself with greater faith in yourself. Does that thought make you feel stronger?
You are not powerless. You are powerful. Have more faith in Me inside you. I am inside you. Bring Me closer to you, and that is faith.
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N.S. to Heavenletters:
Thank you for all the Heavensent letters that I have enjoyed through the blessing of my friend. It is good to know that something like this can help many people. The words of wisdom are very right on. I especially loved the one that Steve sent and God's reply (8-19).
At the moment I think I will not subscribe primarily because I am working with a group here where we are working directly in meditation and prayer to bring God into our lives with inner guidance.
I am sending a donation to Heaven Ministries, and I wish you continued success with working with God and bringing this guidance to so many.
Karen to Heavenletters:
This was a biggy there with you and God yesterday (September 5). Good one.
Know God. Yes, it was awesome. I love this Heavenletter. Why? Because it was deep Heaven. It will affect many in life.
When you face self and not fear, it creates a deep awakening. So deep. So deep that God permeates you in all ways. Why? Because you allow it. That is all it takes.
You are brave to open to God all the way. I commend you for wishing to grow in God everyday and everyway.