Relaxing into the moment...
Just a moment is all it turn to the nearest chair...sit down comfortably and relax. Nothing to do...nothing to accomplish...thankfully...nothing to figure out...just be. There..just as things are...just being with all of the way things are...even if it feels like things need fixing...just being with this feeling...that things need fixing...being with whatever arises....being okay with whatever arises...and if you are not okay with whatever arises...just be okay with not being okay! Isn't this great? When we approach life this way, what are we really doing? We are embracing life as it presents itself...we are loving life as it presents itself. This is beautiful...try it if you like. Loving you, Jimi.
Although I have read this
Although I have read this many times elsewhere, it suddenly strikes me as much deeper than I ever realized. And so well put! Thank you, Jimi.
But there is not okay with not okay with not okay with not okay with not okay with not okay with not okay...... I think that after many years of work in this quarry, I may be down to not okay in the third power and hope to reach okay with not okay within this decade and perhaps even OKAY in this liefe. You are certainly helping there.
Jochen...thank you for your
Jochen...thank you for your thank you! Gosh, i know very well how things can get complex so quickly! As in the third and forth power and on and on. I like to look at the quandary of being in the quarry like this:
I see myself sitting peacefully by a river...on a gentle bank. My head is pointed straight ahead so I can observe just what is happening now with the river. So...I am just watching the river as it flows past...and watching what happens to be carried by the river.
And what is carried by the river?...why any and all things that I am aware of: thoughts, feelings, sensory data...maybe even extra sensory stuff as well. E.G.: 2 seconds: my hand grabbing the knob of a door, 4 sec: pulling the door open, 2 sec looking at the face of a clerk behind the counter, 3 sec: thinking how much it resembles the face of my uncle...whom I hated, 2 sec: feeling an itch on my face...watching my hand go up to relieve the itch..., then for some reason, feeling a dread that my wife might actually die from an illness she has been battling for years.....and on and on and on..
Welcome to the human condition...the human mind! Our particular degree of awakening is the degree to which we are unattached to what we are observing. Another valid answer is how much of the above scene our we observing from the heart..with compassion. Another way of answering this is how centered and grounded are we...sitting on the the observer...or...are we for the most part "lost in thought"...or attached to the various thoughts-feelings as they float in front of us...and...and....are we still attached to them as they even exit our view to travel way down the river!!!???
Peace of mind comes when we relax with all of the above and just enjoy our view from the bank. And such a beautiful day out...i may even go for a walk. Love and blessings, Jimi.
The above metaphor of the river, by the way, came from a book by Stephen Levine called: "A Gradual Awakening".
Wow, that's the equivalent
Wow, that's the equivalent of a three-pound manual. How did you manage to make it this compact? There is much I can learn here although, evidently, I'm comimg from a different direction than you do.
I'm sending lots and lots of that strange heart stuff to your wife und you, dear Jimi.
Thank you Jochen...and just
Thank you Jochen...and just to clarify....the ill wife example just came to me. My wife is in excellent health. Jim.
Oh, good to know, wonderful.
Oh, good to know, wonderful.