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I'm just going to be nice today..

Yes...I've decided I'm going to be nice today...regardlesss of what happens. Even if people really upset me...I will be nice anyway. this be nice and even be peaceful inside even if things are kind of crazy on the outside? Gee...I wonder...Maybe i will ask God and see what He-She says.

Sweetest Jimi, I am reading

Sweetest Jimi,

I am reading this only today, but you posted it the right day, for I was dealing with this. Yes, I can we can be nice, in any moment, we can be peaceful, although some people or circumstances puch our buttons really good...

We can still say: "I AM THAT, I AM". and that is LOVE LIGHT JOY GENTLENESS COMPASSION .......


Hi Sweetie! Yes...I

Hi Sweetie! Yes...I agree...cause Love lives in our heart and loves to go our in the world to love others...just because love loves to love. Love, Jimi.