Reflect God's Love

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, in an email to me, Tina mentioned that she had been feeling some loneliness, and I replied that I had been feeling the same. That surprised her, and she wondered if perhaps I weren't doing enough Godwork for myself.

I don't think I would know anymore how to do Godwork for myself. It would be hard not to share You.

I don't know whether all of it is just phases, just what is, or if it is that as I grow closer to You, I want more of Your other children. Maybe I am enjoying people and activity more because of my enhanced awareness of Your love. Maybe before I didn't so much because I was less aware of Your love. At Godshops, for instance, I find so much Oneness with the people there that I am almost unaware of bodies.

How can I feel lonely when You are present? Or am I still forgetting about You too much of the time?


Enjoy what you enjoy. When you enjoy being by yourself, enjoy being by yourself. When you enjoy being with people, enjoy being with people.

But less and less will you isolate yourself from other people because more and more you will not know the difference. There will come a stage in life when the ripples from all you meet become your own ripples, and you will not know the difference. It may seem as if your bodyness will have extended itself to encompass others' bodyness. It is not that you don't know that A.J. is A.J. or Bev is Bev, but a more integrated awareness of Oneness takes over, and the body is no longer who the person is. And you forget your bodiness as well. That is the blessing.

Which of my children is truly happy, or happy for long, with their body? You see a body as always to be improved, added onto, or taken away, but seldom, if ever, satisfactory.

Now that you see people as less held to their physicalness, you see more of yourself reflected in them. And, of course, you are then more aware of joy.

It is not that you need the presence of other individuals so much as you need to reflect Me to others. You are right there.

No longer can you be content to live your life for yourself alone. That does not mean you give up your individual life, but individual life does not have the meaning to you it once had. You want more truth in your life, and the truth is that you are one with all.

You and Tina and all know that the physical presence of others is not the answer to loneliness. There is something else at work.

You know I speak to you, you know I am deep in your heart and deep in your life, and the ripples of consciousness around you grow ever wider. This is growing in pure love. It doesn't have much or anything to do with your individuality. It has to do with My love.

The question isn't whether to be solitary or gregarious. The question is: Where does God's love want to be expressed at this moment?

The time will come when the soaking up of My love and the giving of it will be the same. Inward and outward will be words.

We could say that until now, the glue of your life has been a thin gruel, and now the texture is more like pure wonderful maple syrup oozing from the tree, its sweetness lapped up by the universe.

Jesus did not think in terms of: "What do I want to do?" He kept Me with him when he was alone, and he kept Me with him when he was in crowds, and so he let My light shine fully on him.

Jesus did as he wanted. He did as I wanted.

My children all are coming more to the time when Our Wills will have melded into one inseparable Vision.

Never mind about this or that. Never mind what you feel at a particular moment. Let Me be the Seer Who sees through your eyes. Let Me be the Mover of your will. Let Me be the company you keep and the company you give. Let Me fill your heart, and you will not remember loneliness.

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John M. to Heavenletters:

Hi Gloria, I am appreciating God's response and need to investigate the issues He helped me identify. Please sign me up for the next Workshop.

God to John:

My beloved John, just be. No need to investigate. Just enjoy. Your acceptance and the insight you allowed alone remove debris. There is nothing for you to pursue but your joy. You have no task to accomplish. Everything is done. You are My innocent son.

Margaret to Heavenletters:

Great thanks to Annette for her wonderfully courageous questions and sharing that have brought us such wonderful responses from God of late! (Most recently September 7).