Gather in God's Name

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

John M. to Heavenletters:

Please tell me more about the Ask God workshop so I can decide. What is its purpose? Why would someone want to do this? Wouldn't it reinforce the idea that God is separate, that we need to do something special to have access to Him? These are my questions.

God has given me the gift of finding a true teacher who has pointed me to God. I am thankful and feel this to be pure Grace. Perhaps God uses many circumstances to help all rediscover Him. Godwriting is your way. I am not sure it is mine. On the other hand, I am open to your response, or God's.

God to John:

Beloved John, what is the difference between communicating with Me internally and writing down what I say?

We can say that I host a Godparty, and I invite Myself, and I come, and I ask Myself questions, and I answer My questions. Or I can say to Myself, Hey, John, come on over, and We'll play an Ask God game. You'll ask Me questions, and you'll write down what I say. Or We'll just talk to each other.

Would you refuse Me?

If I in you invite you to dance with Me, wouldn't you? Because We are One, does that mean that we don't engage in sports?

John, I think you are involved in mental gymnastics.

Anything can reinforce whatever you want it to.

I wonder if there is some fear there that We can actually separate.

Are you (your individuality) running things, dear John, or is the God of Life?

I will not ignore your individualness, even though We know that it is not the Real; it is only the relative. I will not pretend your particularness away, as if neither you nor I is aware of it. And, at the same time, We know that Our Greatness of Truth transcends the smallness of inconsequence. Awareness of Our Oneness does not need to be attained, just allowed. You also don't need to protect it or fend off invaders from it.

You hold Me up to some standard. Just hold Me up to the light, My dearest John.

More than thinking of how something might pull you away from centeredness in Me, think of how you may serve Me. Maybe you would attend a Godshop to spread My light for the others there. Maybe you would attend because I call you — I call Me to Me. Perhaps I want to give Me opportunity to see the blazing light of Me in others.

I, you, me — I, You, Me — words and capitalization complicate things. Truth is uncomplicated. Truth is simple, unadulterated, pure.

I is always capitalized, and that is truth.

At the Godshops, you gather in My Name. You gather in My Oneness. I call the meeting. Gloria invites on My behalf. Then her individuality steps aside, and I take over. I play all the parts. And I am wonderful. My wonderfulness blazes. My light embraces My light.

Attend or not attend, dear John, that is not the question. The question is: why have you wariness? Why might a Godshop appear as something you'd better not go to any more than as something you'd better? It is something offered to you, and you accept or not as you like. Look not for reasons.

Follow your heart — or My heart — however you choose to call it. You come with Me no matter what.

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Diane to God:

Dear God, last night my son Michael and I organized a beautiful candlelight memorial service for his dear friend Paul who made his transition on Saturday morning. Because I was open to Your guidance, this service was perfect. When I would start to feel anxious, I would remember Who was in charge, and I would relax and listen. I was not sure about what music to use, so I waited, and You brought a song to my memory. Every step of the way when I felt unsure, You sent someone to help. I really balked when everyone circled at the closing and I needed to sing to people one quarter of a mile away. But everyone kept saying just do it, and do it we did. I had no idea my voice had that power and ability to project, and, of course, it was You singing through me. The song was so beautiful. Thank You so much.

And another important piece: If I were not giving all credit to you, I would not be able to walk through the door this morning because of my inflated ego. And what a tangled web that would weave! I received so much love and gratitude for the service.

Now I understand how we can do Your work and be humble. Thank You for all the blessings.

God to Diane:

Only humble. If it is My work, you can only be humble, dear Diane. You would not take credit for My work, would you? Many do, but you will not.

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Tina to Heavenletters:

My Godwriting that is in the August 14 HeavenPetals is the first I have done since I moved. It is thanks to Bev. She kept asking me for something for HeavenPetals.

I have been so devoid of a sense of intimacy in my life without Godwriting. But life just seems to get away from me with busyness. I'm sooooo grateful that Bev gave me the little extra push I needed.

I love that feeling of reading over a Godwriting and being blown away that the Creator of the universe is a wise and personal mentor we have right at our fingertips, whenever and wherever we reach out to Him! The depth and wisdom He adds to my human perspective!

I am eternally grateful to God and HeavenLetters for bringing this awareness right into my livingroom each and every day. And for making me so aware that I can reach out to God, one on One, just as Gloria does, and bingo —