Love for God's Flowers
Polly to God:
Dear God, I live in a house with three apartments in it.
There is a flower bed and I clean it out and take care of it because I love Your beautiful flowers. The girl that lives upstairs has started putting her trash can in the middle of the flower bed. This horrified me, and I immediately removed it and put it on the cement nearby. Well, she put it back and this went on for a while. She totally destroyed the most beautiful flowers. This made me very sad and angry. I finally gave up trying to remove the trash can.
I have decided to send her love because she must be in a very sad place if she cannot appreciate the beauty of Your flowers. I have been trying to think of ways to send her love. I thought perhaps I could send her some inspirational information or even send her flowers. It has been a wonderful experience to let go of the anger I was feeling and replace it with compassion.
Do You have any other ideas on how I can help this woman?
God to Polly:
My sweet angel, for you are a human messenger of God, Polly. It is good for you to send your neighbor My love as best as you are able. Always that is good. And I commend you for your good heart.
Meanwhile, her trash can is hurting My flowers and hurting your sweet heart.
It is good to love My flowers and to nourish your own heart.
It is possible that she is a person who likes her own way for no other reason than just that she likes her own way. Perhaps she makes a statement with that trash can. She plops it where she likes, and she gets your attention. Perhaps she just likes to stay where she is and does not want anyone educating her.
Polly, I don't know if you have spoken to her.
Whatever her motivations and whatever her difficulties, she is not more important than you. I don't want you to repress your sweet heart.
Is it possible you could write her a note, briefly asking her if she would put her trash can on the cement so that the flowers can get the sun? Perhaps (see how you feel), you can ask her what flowers she would like there? Or you can say you have certain flowers in mind, and which of those would she most like? or what color? Or you are going to transplant some of the existing flowers, and what ones would she most like there for herself?
You get the idea.
You will tell the truth in your note. I know you will write a good one.
And make it easy for her to respond. Tell her how to respond. "Just put a note at my door. Or knock. Or my phone number is…"
Remember it is My love that you give to her, dear Polly. And you give her over to My keeping. She is not your responsibility.
Your object is get those flowers freed to the sun.
You are not your neighbor's nourisher.
You do not owe her anything. Because she seems indifferent to what is obvious to you doesn't mean you have to give away too much of yourself. Keep your own skin intact, dear Polly.
It is possible that you two will become friends.
At some point, you could perhaps pick flowers from Our garden and give them to her. Or tell her to pick some. Or if you bake something, give her some. Or anything you feel in your heart to give. And give without expectation of return, dear Polly. Don't even expect a thank-you. But goodness of heart does do its work, and surely it will make Us glad.
People, especially neighbors, do things that are not pleasing. For many of these things, you just shrug your shoulders. But some others, you cannot just overlook.
You are right to not make this a fight to the end, but somehow see if she can come over to your side.
Meanwhile, love My flowers to your heart's content.
The flowers know your love, and I know your love.
Will you write back and let everyone know what changes take place?
I bless you, Polly, and I comfort you. You are My especially sweet child. Keep your innocent heart. Never be dissuaded from it.
* * *
Diane to God:
Dear God, I felt such intimacy with You during the days following the death of my son's friend, Paul. The whole community had their hearts open and it was lovely.
I woke up yesterday going back to regular routine and found myself longing for that intimacy I felt with You and the community. I called the high school and the elementary school, offering to do individual or group counseling regarding the transition of Paul. I am moving forward on Your Finding God workshops. It is becoming so clear to me that I am working for You. When I am stuck, I check in with Boss for my next assignment. The intimacy…I am so hungry for the intimacy.
God to Diane:
Yes, the intimacy. More and more. You'll see. You will find that intimacy outside as well, as you did with the community, but look for it inside. That is where you can depend on it. Find God wherever you find God. Notice Me outside, but seek Me inside, dear Diane.