raise your vibration
An Alchemist of Vibration
Your vibration is rising high. This isn't something you make happen. It is something you draw to you. By your intention, your willingness, and generosity, you draw a higher note to you. You are calling it to you now. What do you think your moments with Me do?
There is no strain to heightening your vibration. Quite the contrary. It requires heaviness to keep your vibration from rising. Attachment to the past is heaviness. When you let go of the past you have been dragging around, you are lighter. You who are light are lightness itself.
Words of Power
If you wish your vibration to be higher, step over negativity. Negativity is a greedy weed, and it would overtake you under the guise of common sense. It would tell you that you can't succeed at something. You haven't before. Therefore, you can't now. And so you are stuck in the mire of the past. You stick yourself there.
Elevate the World
Today We will pay attention to your view of the world. You know by now that as you think, so thinks the world. It is also the reverse. The world has influenced you considerably. Your relationship with the world has been reciprocal. As goes the world, so go you. As you go, so goes the world.
Raise Your Own Vibration
When you are feeling lost, the question for you to ask is not: "Where is God?" The question for you to ask is: "Where am I?"
Where are you? Where are your heart and mind located? What occupies you? What gets to you? What reaches you? What do you reach for?
Spend your life on what you want to spend it on. Not so much on what seems to come at you. What comes at you, you have called. The more attention you put on it, the longer it stays. Do not nitpick your life.
There is a larger horizon for you. Just a few more steps, and you will be there.