An Alchemist of Vibration

God said:

Your vibration is rising high. This isn't something you make happen. It is something you draw to you. By your intention, your willingness, and generosity, you draw a higher note to you. You are calling it to you now. What do you think your moments with Me do?

There is no strain to heightening your vibration. Quite the contrary. It requires heaviness to keep your vibration from rising. Attachment to the past is heaviness. When you let go of the past you have been dragging around, you are lighter. You who are light are lightness itself.

Who can dance carrying a heavy package? Dancing requires lightness. Certainly a dancer can go higher when he carries only himself. He raises himself high. A dancer knows that that is what he is for. With each leap the dancer leaps, the audience's heart rises, and so, the dancer's dance uplifts all. Even those who did not get seats. Even those who did not make it to the particular theater. Even those who didn't know about the performance. Even those huddled in a cave. Even those at sea. Even those who have gone before or come after.

Your vibration uplifts the same. It encircles the universe the same. It reaches everywhere, and then takes off for another port. Energy does not disappear but continues.

Irrevocably, there is nothing you can do that is for yourself alone. The most selfish act and the most selfless reverberate equally throughout the universe. Vibration vibrates. There is no cut-off or poll as to where a vibration goes and what it leads to. The only distinction is the vibration of the note itself.

When you are feeling distressed, you are vibrating a lower note than you are used to. It is that simple. When you are embroiled in an argument, you vibrate argument. Even when you clamp your anger, you still vibrate it. Contained or let loose, your vibration finds its way out to everywhere.

No shadow falls that does not fall on everyone. There is no sunlight that does not fall on everyone. Neither joy nor heartache keep to themselves. They advertise themselves around the world.

Every thought has its own note. Action or reaction, it is the same. It goes out on the shortwave. It is received everywhere and back to you.

Beloveds, what choice do you have but to go higher? For yourself is not sufficient motive. For yourself, your motive will flag. But for Me, it is another story. When you do for Me, already your vibration is higher.

I change vibrational tones into another element. I turn vibrations into gold, and gold I send out. I am an Alchemist of vibration. I thread gold in your heart.

Your heart understands vibration. That is why you want to listen to it. Your mind understands facts and figures but not vibration. Money earned one way has a certain vibration. Earned another way, the same currency vibrates another way. Not even money is just money. But tell that to your mind.

You are one who can no longer perform on the basis of an ulterior motive. An ulterior motive is for calculated gain. An ulterior motive becomes like a lie to you. The motive of gain just doesn't work for you any more because your vibration is higher. You need an interior motive. You might as well face it, and go on.

All is vibration. Nothing less than high will do for you. Rising higher is its own reward. In truth, it is the only reward there is in the whole of creation. And it is ample.

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I understand the love expressed here by God and am in awe of our Heavenly Father! All praise be to HIM!


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