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Radio Interview

Hi Gloria
Was just wondering how the recent radio interview went. Please can you share some of the highlights with us.
Much Love

Jenni, thank you for asking!

Jenni, thank you for asking!

There is a blog entry about the show.

The entry after that one is about the questions Heavenreaders sent in for the show. They were great questions.

The show was prerecorded. Tomorrow (Tuesday) the host will give us a link where we can download the show. I will post that as soon as I have it.

And I'll have more volunteer work for you to do, Jenni, as soon as I can get myself together!

David Adelson gives us link to download the radio interview

Hi Gloria,

Thank you so much for your informative talk–I look forward to our listeners taking advantage of your insights and receptivity (and openness)!
The interview is available for download at
or at

A short YouTube excerpt is available also, at
Thanks again for a delightful, informative and encouraging hour,
Love and Blessings,

David Adelson

David, the youtube presentation was a phenomenal choice!

I loved your choice!

And when the youtube presentation ended, it was a cliff hanger! I must go find out what I said next!!!