My gift to Gloria
Dear Gloria, below I post a Godwriting that I wrote in december 2010. It is my gift for you, dear. My difficult in traslate it was great. But, dear to my heart, our friend Chuck has helped me so much. So, we could say, it is OUR gift for you!!
Chuck, dear, thankyou so much.
Much love to all.
Now I can see.
Everybody has gone away.
Now I know why I feel myself alone.
We are never alone.
Now we are, you and I.
Guides have disappeared, angels are silent. Personality, who has done so many things, has gone away too. Here are just you and I. We meet again.
We have the Truth here with us.
Here for this silence what it is. In this silence, in this emptiness, we have to work.
Who is talking now? The Truth. You are the Truth. You can speak.
Why are you again assuming the listener’s role?
I think you should say something more interesting. This is why I want to hear from you.
You are that part of me that had waited. You are that part of me that had soffered for the distance.
You are that part of Me that has waited. You are that part of Me that has suffered so long for the distance.
Breathe me. I move mayself into and through you. My dawn is not
so far.
When you are aware of yourself you become aware of me.
It is that part of you that is new who can be aware .
It has been so long that I have waited for you, so long that I almost forgot it was possible.
We are one now. I rise ever more seen.
The fatigue you feel is from your work.
Joy falls. But it comes.
Let it happen, don't resist to it. Don't be afraid for nothing. Nothing
Now new guidelines come into your mind that welcome opportunity considered unlikely.
Let the mind finds its own new balance.
You are new. You think there is some soffering because you can't find anymore guidelines you have just two days ago.
But there is no mistake. There is the new.
Play with it. Live it. Discover new points of reference that are freedom, new life, the present moment, new capacities.
I and you always more penetreted. I and you in every little time/space istant, we live united in our resurection.
You and I are always more penetrated. You and I are in every little time/space instant, we live united in our resurection.
We are who talk. We talk like the I Am. I Am is not a name to impose itself, it is not a divine way to call forth and manifest power.
I Am is the most silent, the most humble and the most compassionate name that has ever been.
I Am is a silent affirmation of the creation state.
That is for you are full of love. Because you feel the empty, you live the silence.
I Am is for you, full of love. Because you feel emptiness, you live the silence.
It is due to wrong ideas that you have accepted that you think there is desert and error.
You cannot find I Am in the thunder, in the power of the hurricane.
It is exactly here, in the silence, in the emptiness of everything that it resides.
Love. I feel the emptiness of love too. It seems to me I don't live the sound of love.
You want to see the divine light in everything, and you don't. But this is not love, even if it is a part of it. Love is not an emotional overwhelm.
I am not an emotional overwhelm, but it is indisputable that I love.
Love are we togheter. I see how you think about your atoms. I am there. There I get up.
In love we are together
I see how you think about your atoms. I am there. I am there in action.
In you I reside. Your thought about that is love.
Now you are in this silence, in the emptiness of oneness. Now hear that silence, that emptiness. I speak from there.
I am that for which you search. Your search is ended.
Now you have to really believe what I am saying. Now you have to celebrate the party.
Now you have to enjoy, knowing that even if you are unable to see now, you certainly will see tomorrow, because I Am with you.
Know that when I say I Am, I intend that, rather than write, you tell yourself: I Am.
For in the I Am that I speak about, we are both together.
You have to say more frequently: I Am.
Pronounce it silently, like a whisper in your mind, throw it like a stone in a pool, inside the emptiness, inside the silence.
It is there where we will meet.