Play Your Own Song

God said:

No one knows more about life and eternity than you. You may think that everyone else knows more than you, but you are the Knower as much as anyone else. Others may appear more proficient, but what is within their hearts is within yours as well. Some may play a better game than you. They may look better as they play, but that doesn't mean that they are any better at it than you or know more than you. I secured My heart within yours. Yes, this message is for you who reads it. If a million people read it, it is still for you. If everyone in the world read it, it would still be for you, and for them as well.

My children sure look for answers. You want someone to tell you what everything is about. You want someone to tell you the future and to give meaning to it all. You are the meaning, beloved. You are.

You are the journeyer. No one but you can serve your journey. No one can go on it but you. Interpretations others make may be wonderful, but they are on their journey, not yours. They may share their lunch with you, and you may partake, yet they have their own agenda, and you have yours. Sooner or later, you wrap it up, and start walking. No one is going to carry you. They may lead. You may follow. They may give advice. You may go by it, or you may not. But no one – no one – can take your journey for you. Not that you travel alone, for I am with you every step of the way.

Everyone travels through life together, each in their own way. There is much interdependence, yet interdependence does not mean dependence. Depend upon your holy heart. Depend upon Me, and keep walking.

You will discover many things on your journey. The world is designed so that you discover them yourself. As on a scavenger hunt, you have to find your own clues and what they represent.

You cannot copy someone else's life. Their life belongs to them. Your life belongs to you. And you — despite what you may think — you are good at it. You are good at your life. No one could do it better than you. No one can dance or sing like you. In truth, you are inimitable. Others are too.

Let others be an inspiration to you. Let them lift your heart. Remember, you are drawn to great energy and great intelligence because they are yours. You resonate with what is within you. Others can be tuning forks, and you resonate. But you are also a tuning fork, and other tuning forks love to hear your resonance too.

You are integral to the universe. You are not integral to someone else. Nor are they integral to you. They are not the life force of you. They are not your meaning. The most they can be is a friend. A friend is a very good thing. But friends are not gods. Do not fool yourself into believing that another knows more than you. Sure, they may know how to build bridges, and you don't. Sure, they may know how to drive a car better than you do, but of eternity, no one knows more than you. Even the most sincere devoted people do not know more than you. You know everything. It was all packaged here with you. You were given sealed instructions. Your name was on them.

You are the implementer of your own life. You are the star player. Play your own song. It will bring you closer to Me.