Habits of Thought

God said:

You know, beloved, that it is not so much that the world changes but that you do. And what does it mean that you change? It means you have let go of that which it is better to let go of.

Your past thoughts have kept you bound to where you are. If you are not content with where you are, then your thoughts must change. You must let go of the ideas you have. You have held them for a long time. You don't even know you are holding them. You do not know how much on automatic you are. You have habits of thought to undo.

You do not see your thoughts. You do not hear them. You have been so inculcated with them, they have taken you over. Pay attention to what your thoughts are and how you connect two thoughts and knot them together. That is how you bind your world.

Free yourself of thoughts dependent one upon the other. You may hinge too many together. The dependent clauses you convene are not true. One thought is not dependent upon the other. You have closed out your thoughts. You have concluded them. You make determinations and consider them laws of the universe.

There is one law of the universe, and it is love, and it is Oneness.

Whatever you say you need, you are mistaken. You arbitrarily say that before you can have one thing, you must have another. You accept as true a dependency that is not true. And so you wait, and so you delay yourself. And so you innocently make excuses for why you are left wanting. You have put yourself by the wayside. No one else has. No one else can.

Your beliefs have been restrictions. Your thoughts have been inflated, and they have deflated you. What you have always thought may well not have served you.

What are some new thoughts that could change your life?

That you have everything right now. That you are independent, rather than dependent. That you have narrowed your field of vision and now you will open it. Possibilities that you do not see have been swarming around you. You believe in what you see. You go by what you see. But your sight has been limited. You have seen what you expected to see, and so you have not seen what there is to see.

You have not only accepted false limitations. You have welcomed them. You have invited them. You have buoyed yourself with ignorance, and called it wise.

You are capable of ten times a thousand more than you presently accede to.

You have perhaps been a lazy athlete in life. Why, in many cases, you haven't even entered the race. You have sat on the sidelines waiting for a race to be run. You were in the bleachers when you belonged on the field.

If you want to get up, then get up. If you want a greater life, it's yours. You may have denied yourself it because you watched and did not pursue. Your thoughts defeated you.

Look, while you are here on Earth, you might as well get going. You have waited enough. You have waited for the weather to change. It will change, but you are not to wait for it. If you want greatness on Earth, then be it. It is what you are capable of, not this other that you have settled for.

It is not the outer that needs to change. It is your thoughts. You have perhaps been discontent and accepted discontent as a way of life. I say you have accepted too much and not aspired to enough. You have not dreamed enough. You have not dared enough. If your life has been lackluster, you have not shone a light on it. And now you do.

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It is not the outer that

It is not the outer that needs to change. It is your thoughts. You have perhaps been discontent and accepted discontent as a way of life. I say you have accepted too much and not aspired to enough. You have not dreamed enough. You have not dared enough. If your life has been lackluster, you have not shone a light on it. And now you do.

Oh yaaaaa.....JJ


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