pain and suffering
You Are a Divine Being
As My children perceive life on Earth, there is no cure. Have you not been continually looking for a cure to human life? Have you not looked for this workshop or that workshop, this book or that book, this potion, that potion, this elixir of life, that one, this person, that person? You want a solution. You want growth, yet the cure you seem to be seeking may be oblivion.
There is no potion for relative life, beloveds. So long as you hold on to life in the world for dear life, you are subject to it. So long as you sieve out loss and gain, you struggle away from life.
Coming Face to Face with Life
Bernie to God:
Dear God, I'd be interested to know what You have to say to those with serious illnesses. What words of wisdom do You have for those facing life-threatening illnesses?
God to Bernie:
Beloved son, what do you expect Me to say that has not already been said a thousand ways? What answer will satisfy? What answer in common language can be enough?
Carry God's Light Only
Pain and suffering are two different things. Pain is necessary. Suffering is optional. Pain protects us. Of itself, pain is not a bad thing. What you do with it is the issue. Eternity is not the problem. When it comes, take it one day at a time.
God to Bernie:
Why Engage in Folly?
Be that which you want Me to be — wise and benevolent. It is not that love is tempered with wisdom, for love, of its very nature, is wise. It is innately wise of the heart to love.
That you have the whole universe at your fingertips doesn't mean I spoil you. I do not do everything for you, although everything I do is for you. We could say I give you all the parts of the toy, and leave it to you to assemble. Certainly you are a participant in life.
True, you are also an observer. In that case, let your eyes that observe be eyes of love.
The One Inseparable Heart That Beats Love
All the love that is in My heart is yours to take and to keep. It is all for you. Our hearts are married, beloveds, and nothing will keep the twain apart. We are One. We are One Heart. Only an idea in your head tells you that, rather than love, suffering abounds. You tend to believe so well in suffering that it could be said you are a fan of it. If you spot suffering anywhere, you really glom onto it, as if to say: "There, I've got you! I knew you were there in hiding, just waiting for me to come along." You give yourself alerts, and you pounce on suffering as if it were a valuable commodity.
The Spring of New Thought
When you feel pain and suffering, you are wrapped up in yourself. You have forgotten your place in the world. You have confined yourself to tears and bemoan your solitariness and the neglect the world sheds. To a larger or lesser extent, this is the truth of suffering.
Whether you experience pain as physical or emotional, you have let it contract your world, and then you are appalled at the world for being less than it is meant to be.