Our Beloved Nancy, Doctor in England
From Nancy's dear sister:
Dear Gloria and Everyone xxxxxx
I am so sorry to have to tell you that my gorgeous, beautiful sister, Nancy, died yesterday at home. It was such a shock and she was so incredibly strong for all of us and I love her and miss her terribly.
She took huge comfort from heavenletters and all the contact she had with everyone here and I am grateful she shared it with me. I just wanted to thank you all.
With huge love and thankfulness that you were and are here
Nicola xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nicola, never once did Nancy even hint at complaint. She was always so uplifting to all of us. She never felt sorry for herself. Always thinking of others. Always grateful for everything. Such a good-natured princess she was. No one would have known that she was ill and in pain.
I too am in shock, Nicola. This is a day I never wanted to come. Even knowing that she will be happy and so warmly welcomed in Heaven, I would have kept her here. We will sure miss your beautiful sister, for she was my dear sister in love.
I will see about getting all her posts put together so we can all see again what a bright light she shined on all of us.
May God give peace to her bereaved husband and children and all those who were privileged to know her.
There is a Heavenletter I will send to you, Nicola. It was written August 19, 2004. HEAVEN #1385, entitled in Memoriam to Sandy Hessler. It is to your beloved sister as well.
Will you kindly keep in touch with us, Nicola. It's easy to post there.
God bless you.
With love,
Thank you Gloria with love,
Thank you Gloria
with love, Nicola xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nancy, I remember many of
Nancy, I remember many of the things you have said here. Thank you for being here, lovely one.
And Nicola, thank you for letting us know.
Blessings abound.
(Munich, Germany)
This is Nancy's page on
This is Nancy's page on Heaven: http://www.heavenletters.org/nancy
Here are a listing of all Nancy's uplifting comments: http://www.heavenletters.org/user/3633/track
I don't think I ever wrote directly to Nancy, yet I felt a closeness to her, and now no less. Nancy has moved further in and higher up where everything is clearer and peaceful. Ok Nancy, we'll have that tea party another time and another place.
Nicole, thank you for letting us know. Oceans of Love to you and the family.
Dear Santhan, you really
Dear Santhan, you really seem to know everyones wishes, secret or not. I would have asked you to post Nancy's photo and the links for her page and precious comments, and now its already done. Thank you so much!
Beloved Santhan, what a
Beloved Santhan, what a beautiful message from you. And thank you so much for posting Nancy's photo.
Senor, the links you so kindly found do not seem to work for me. The first one takes me to my profile. The second one takes me to postings from Annette.
Is my computer up to its usual tricks? Do the links work for everyone else?
Loving you all and missing Nancy,
Querida, you a right with
Querida, you a right with the first one. Nancy's page is here:
The other link is correct, leading to Nancy's posts. (Annette's name is mentioned just about everywhere because she is the one posting the Heavenletters themselves.)
Thank you, beloved Jochen!
Thank you, beloved Jochen!
I want to copy down and post all of Nancy's beautiful comments. But first I am excerpting this:
On November 10th, 2008 Danilo posted God's answer to a beloved mother:
Danilo wrote:
Dear Nancy,
And about the words of God, maybe this will give you relief:
God to Saraswatie:
My most beloved daughter Saraswathie, queen of My heart, angel of life, giver of goodness, blessed mother of angel son, this is not a matter of life or death. This is not crucial whether your body continues or stops. Beautiful soul, whether housed in a body or free in Heaven, you are My blessed daughter, and you serve Me no matter. You have always served Me. In what form you continue is incidental. What you and I are to each other is far beyond the physical.
The outcome of your life on Earth is life. Whatever occurs, your destiny is life. Whether you do chemo or do not do chemo, your true existence is assured. Should you choose the pink wallpaper or the blue wallpaper? That is your question, My beloved, and I am not practiced in giving such answers. And when I see the answer you will choose, I bless you, and yet I do not make the decision for you. Do not think I am withholding from you. This is Our contract, beloved. In the giving of free will, I also gave you My silence. I do not tell you Yes or No except in the silence of your heart.
All the logic in the world cannot make the decision for you. Adding up numbers does not make the decision. Doctor’s advice does not. Your son wisely knows that the decision is yours. And you make your decision from deep within your heart, even knowing that you would like Me to decide for you.
My beloved Saraswatie, it doesn’t matter whether you choose pink or blue. It doesn’t matter if you go right or left. It doesn’t matter whether you choose chemo or not. It doesn’t matter if you bet on the horse named chemo or the one named nutrition and faith or if you bet on both horses at once. Know that your prayers are answered regardless of what happens to your body. Everlasting life is assured.
Your choice depends upon how you feel with it. Whatever choice you make, it is the right decision. And you are the one who has to make it. Like your son, I am with you all the way.
And so you make a decision.
Your real question is whether your body will get past this diagnosis imposed on it, or whether your body will surrender the named illness given to it. Take a step at a time, beloved. You do not have to offer Me anything. However you serve, you serve Me. And you have served Me well. If you spend your life having a good time, that’s fine with Me. You bore a son who is a great contribution to the Universe. I do not ask for more. You can give more, but know you are not obliged. You are not to pay Me for life received. There are no debts. If debts there were, they have all been cleared. We are free love, My beautiful Saraswatie.
It is a choice also to let go of your vested interest in your body. This is a choice also, to be attached to the fruit of an action, My most beloved, or unattached. Trust in Me for the outcome whether it is the outcome you prefer or not. My love you have regardless of anything. My love is not dependent upon what you do or don’t, or what you decide or not.
The play enacted in the world is all important to you and all who love you. Blessed are you who are so loved.
You and your loved ones have great desire and determination that your body continue in the world of Earth. Powerful are your thoughts. Powerful are your emotions. Powerful is your will. And powerful is Mine. And merciful am I.
I will great joy for you. Pick it up, beloved. Whether you have two more years of physical life or fifty, you will have years of great joy. Have you not decided that along with Me?
Put your beautiful hands over your heart now. We pledge Our love. Take that love and place it over your abdomen, and let the love enter and dispel all doubt. Our love is clear and true, and love can do anything, and love can do everything.
All is well. I bless you with My love, and I accept yours. Angels in Heaven are dancing in joy for your recovery.
And the stars bow down to you as I embrace you.
You are blessed.
(from: http://www.godwriting.org/godwriting/dear-heavenly-father-health.htm#mor...)
angels dancing in heaven
On November 10th, 2008 nancy says:
Dear Danilo,
Thankyou so much for sharing from the depth of your heart and for sharing your response from God. I am crying tears of gratitude for your love and I am watching those angels in heaven dancing in joy for your recovery.
With all my love Nancy
On November 11th, 2008 Dreamhealer says:
Dearest Nancy,
I understand you very well, too. I was there, feeling down, worn out, with no hope. Now that I read this Heavenletter in particular I understand many, many things. We have to heal the heart first in order for the physical cure to come. No medication or outside treatment will help more than healing the heart. Puttin our heart in God's hands so He can do His work without us interfering is something we must do. I did so when I thought I couldn't stand it anymore, and it was as if a weigh fell off my shoulders. Then, the miracle was done!
Praise God for his Healing Love and Mercy!!!
In Love & Light
On November 12th, 2008 nancy says:
Dearest dreamhealer,
You are an angel sent to me today. I have learned from Bernie Siegel and his work that when someone heals their heart and life and lets go and lets God that this is when the so called miracle of physical healing occurs , it is altogether different to hear it from one who has been there and done it and got the medal . Heavenletters has shown me the way to God and heaven for which I will be eternally grateful also all the wonderful people who post here have helped heal my heart
I agree praise God for his Healing Love and Mercy
All my love and gratitude thankyou thankyou thankyou
Dear Jochen, V and Gloria, I
On November 10th, 2008 nancy says:
Dear Jochen, V and Gloria,
I cant thank you enough , but thankyou thankyou and thankyou for taking the time to reply with love and wisdom I am calm again. Jochen you are so right when in that very peaceful "healed " place you dont think for 1 second about how long your body will be here just soak up the bliss.
Thank you all again you have rescued my day from misunderstanding
loads of love Nancy.
Thanks Jochen. The link
Thanks Jochen. The link above has been corrected.
One Love
Here are some of Nancy's
Here are some of Nancy's posts. You will get an idea of her bright light. I'll post more another day as well.
On April 1st, 2009 nancy says:
This HL felt personally sent to me today and brought great peace with it for me
Love Nancy
On March 10th, 2009 nancy says:
More glorious images of a beautiful party, see you there!/ here.
speechless and smiling from ear to ear ! Nancy
On March 9th, 2009 nancy says:
Dear Chuck
I so agree, the images of heavenletters for us "visual" beings are wonderful.
Dreaming in pictures Nancy
And thankyou beloved God
On March 8th, 2009 nancy says:
And thankyou beloved God, thankyou.
Nancy, enjoying handing out the flowers of love.
On February 25th, 2009 nancy says:
How beautiful, if we can always remember in every difficult situation to take a deep breath and think of the angel of love within us, what a beautiful image apart from anything else. Thankyou
love Nancy
On February 26th, 2009 Gloria Wen... says:
Beloved of Nancy, yes, that's how I see it too. The angel of love within each of us.
Nancy, I had a very happy thing happen. I found the photograph you sent me. It had fallen behind something. Imagine my happiness! My daughter is going to scan it. Your photo is at her house right now.
Loving you,
On February 28th, 2009 nancy says:
Beloved Gloria,
I am just happy you won't fret about it any more!
much love Nancy
On March 3rd, 2009 nancy says:
There is nothing that is too good to be true. There is nothing that is not possible. What a dream AND The Truth if God says so. Dream on!
much love Nancy
On February 15th, 2009 nancy says:
If you must hold on to something, hold on to Me, for I AM as I always was and will be. I am with you now. I am the the theme that runs through your life. You can keep me with you . In fact , I insist on being with you.
What more could we ever need to know? such peace.
Much love Nancy
On February 9th, 2009 nancy says:
A graceful and beautiful start to my day Thankyou
love Nancy
On February 3rd, 2009 nancy says:
The upside of illness is that you can get well ! THANKYOU God for that reminder today andTHANKYOU Gloria for bringing us the message.
Much love from Nancy remembering the upside of illness is that I CAN get well.Feeling better at the thought already.
On February 4th, 2009 nancy says:
Dearest George, you just keep teaching us. Sending you infinite love Nancy
On February 1st, 2009 nancy says:
What a great start to today THANKYOU
love Nancy
On January 25th, 2009 nancy says:
Dearest Monicah, Thankyou for this we should make it our anthem for every day
Much love Nancy.
On January 21st, 2009 nancy says:
Just what I needed to be reminded of today. Keep your thoughts on where you want to go not where you fear to go. PERFECT and so simple !
love Nancy
On January 23rd, 2009 nancy says:
Dear George,
Oh so true and comforting
Love to read your posts again
loving you Nancy
On December 1st, 2008 nancy says:
THANKYOU what peace, not having to switch on and off and just stay on . It sounds so simple.!
love Nancy
On November 30th, 2008 nancy says:
Dearest Marie
It is amazes me every time the timing of the heavenletters for my life . Today's heavenletter was a beautiful reminder for me too
Much love Nancy x
On November 26th, 2008 nancy says:
What a relief for those of us who think we have to save the world and fix everyone and everything!!!!!!!
in the getting up is the healing
On November 15th, 2008 nancy says:
Dear God,
Thnkyou for today's sustenance. In the getting up is the healing, a fine motto for today.
all my love Nancy
I am deeply saddened by this
I am deeply saddened by this news, I loved Nancy and hers comments and I will miss her. Only You know why.
Emilia, her sister in the Light
I, too, beloved Emilia. Even
I, too, beloved Emilia. Even knowing how happy Nancy must be, I am sad for myself.
Loving you,
one doubt
Beloved Gloria, I am bewildered. I do not know if my question is improper, but could you ask God why this happened? I know death of the body is supposed to happen on earth, even if I, personally, dare to doubt it. Yet, so many times God told us about our most important role, on this earthly plane and at this very moment, as conscious bearer of His light. In that sense, wasn't Nancy's life a purposeful, full, bright, meaning, loving one? Wasn't she close, as He promised, to the Holy Big Target of the reunion of body and soul? Wasn't God speaking to her too? Yes I know, the puzzle of life is so grand we cannot grasp the meaning of singular happenings and yet I think we have to keep asking...or do we have to stop questioning?
Beloved Emilia, the very
Beloved Emilia, the very second I read your comment, I was impelled to write down a Heavenletter, and it was on death of the body. I believe the Heavenletter was in response to your heartfelt question. It related to dear Nancy, and yet it relates to everyone. There was nothing improper with your question.
We have many many Heavenletters on death of the body. More than enough for a book.
And yet the answers to Why Death and When Death seem to be unfathomable.
Have you read In Memoriam to Sandy Hessler? It appeared in August of 2004. Here's the permanent link:
If you go to Heavenletters and put death in the subject search, you will find Heavenletters, one after the other, on the subject, all beautiful, and still our hearts ache.
Emilia, the Heavenletter that just popped out will appear in about six weeks. I will email it to you now.
God bless us all.
dreams and destiny
Thank you dearest Gloria, thank you with all my heart for the Heavenletter you sent me. I believe the key word is "illusion", this life is illusion and death is illusion within illusion, we keep forgetting. God wants we know our eternity and the continuum of life without attachement to the physical. His Promise is we will have this awareness here, in this life, in this body. He often says "soon", "very soon", "soon enough", "pretty soon" and I believe Him, but this must not have been the Promise made to Nancy who died without having this awareness. And maybe this is not the promise made to me either, regardless of what I believe are my deepest dreams and desires and regardless of the supposed power of my thoughts. There is too much we miss. I feel like a blind chicken, not that wonderful, powerful Being of Light that holds the Universe in his hands. I have not even access to my true wishes. I believe I want to live when it is that I wish to die. Did Nancy know, as God says, she had fulfilled her earthly task and wished to leave? I suppose she consciously intented to stay still here, but on the level of soul the decision was different. So, is what we consciously think and dream of some use and purpose? Or is the real game played on a plane we cannot access? Then what we are supposed to do here? Believing, trusting, hoping... and waiting.
Forgive me Gloria and remember that You are my Angel sent by God to assist and support me in this life so wonderful and so desperate.
Loving you
My feeling is that most of
My feeling is that most of us hold on to life as long as we can. How many of us actually feel we have fulfilled our life purpose? We many not even know what our life purpose is. We may not know that we have done anything great. I imagine that most of look to some future deed that will clearly say, We are done.
I am reminded of three stories that might apply.
One is of a wealthy lady who did many great things in the world. She started humane organizations; she funded them; she gave of herself. She worked for good on a big scale.
When she went to Heaven, she was given GREAT honor, some great festivities. She was sure her welcome was for all the enormous things she had done. But that was not why she was honored at all. It was for once when she was in an orphanage, she held on her lap a baby or little child who was deaf, blind, and covered with a skin condition that made her smell bad. This woman held the child on her lap and hugged her close and sang to her and talked sweet to her as if the child were the most beautiful loved baby on Earth. It was for that she was honored.
I read a story once so many years ago, and the ending has remained in my mind. The main character in the story is an older woman who is now dying. She keeps saying to herself, "I never really loved anyone. I never loved." She didn't want to die.
I think of Schindler from Schindler's list. He was a rake who was truly a hero. No one would have picked him out to be a hero. He drank; he chased after women; he swindled in business etc. He wouldn't have picked himself out either, yet he saved many from death in concentration camps. I don't remember the number, but it was close to a thousand. At the time of the movie, because of his efforts, and because of their lives being saved and their having children, their families now measured six thousand.
When the war was over, and Schindler was fleeing the camp, he broke down and cried: "I could have done more. I could have done more. I did not do enough. All the money I wasted that I could have used to save a human life."
My understanding is that our souls know what's going on. Our souls say, "Yes, it's time. My term here on Earth is over. I have done what I am supposed to do." As human beings, most of us fight leaving tooth and nail. That must be true or we wouldn't have nursing homes so filled with ailing people holding on.
I imagine that our conscious minds cannot absorb the magnificence of human existence nor can our conscious mind get itself around death.
God certainly doesn't view death the way we do.
I know I learned from Nancy a lot about what is important and what is not.
Loving you,
When this dualism between
When this dualism between conscious mind and soul will merge we will know when to die and why to live: one dream, one destiny. This captivity will come to an end and we will be masters of our life. We are working on this goal. Hard experiences like death lead us to rebel to this blindness and claim the light of full knowingness. Accepting life and death doesn't mean accepting also our limitations, to die without knowing is not something we are expected to accept. I am stronger than ever in my intent to overcome every boundaries to my awareness. "Have the intention, beloveds, have the intention..."
A bright light ...
I am so sorry to hear of Nancy's passing ... the loss of her on this plane felt so deeply by her family and friends. She is well-loved both here and in Heaven.
Beloved Nancy
May Nancy's loving sweet Spirit continue to Live and Love forever. And may all of her relatives and friends take solace and refuge...in the Love that she was and Is...forever and ever. Loving Nancy and loving you. Jim and Jimi.