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Jochen, Mike, and everyone
Posted May 3rd, 2009 by Gloria Wen...
In the blog this morning, I wrote about Patch Adams, the movie. Heaven Admin went to Patch Adam's web site and discovered that there is a book Patch is compiling of poems, quotes etc. about peace.
Jochen, can you post the links to Heavenletters that talk about peace? We'd like to submit excerpts.
And, Mike, maybe you have a poem or two to send in?
Here's the link:,000_Pieces_of_Peace.html
Anyone else have suggestions?
With love and blessings,
Yes, I can try to find pithy
Yes, I can try to find pithy things. I will need a few days, though, since I'm in a big hurry at the moment.
If you want to have a look yourself in the meantime, here are 6 Heavenletters on peace:
Beloved Jochen, which of
Beloved Jochen, which of these six that you found is not wonderful!!!! How do we choose? And there are more! Thank you so much. Thank you.
Now I see that the book
Now I see that the book compiled by Patch Adams' staff wants only one-liners. I'll start with the Heavenletters you so kindly found for us.
Anyone who finds great one-line quotes, would you send in to:
judy [dot] fisk [dot] lucas [at] gmail [dot] com
For credit we would put -- I think!