New Year Vision

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to Heavenreaders:

Leslie wrote and wanted to thank all of you who were so wonderful in your expressions of love. Your beautiful thoughts touched me as well, so I, along with Leslie, want you to know how much your beautifulness is seen and appreciated.

Gloria to God:

Dear God, as the New Year approaches, many people write down their New Year's resolutions. What do You advise?


Since you ask Me, I would think of it more as setting your sights than resolve. Resolve contains an element of mastery or control. Setting your sights makes it easier and more true, more livable. Not a resolve and not a wish list, but an idea of what direction you want to go in. Ask yourself, how broad will your vision be?

I do not see this list as outcomes. Don't say, "I will have greater income." Say, "I am open to greater income."

Don't say, "I will be more unselfish." Say, "I am open to seeing my world in a greater perspective."

Don't say, "I will create more harmony in my home." Say, "I am open to greater harmony in my home. I look to see greater harmony. I keep an eye out for God in my life."

Say, "I look to open my heart. I find opportunities to be kind. I look to see things differently."

The writing down is important. It makes you look at what you are saying. Your thoughts don't go so much into the ether. They stay around. They are located somewhere. You held them in your hand.

Whatever you write down, you are looking at yourself.

Whatever you do, you are looking at yourself.

It is good to find out where you are looking, for where you look is where you will go. Your eyes lead and you follow them.

Set your sights high. Yes. As high as Heaven.


Writing down our visions for the coming year helps us look at ourselves in a positive way and set the course for the Millennium?




When we Godwrite, we are also setting a course for ourselves?


You could say that writing your New Year visions is like jotting down where you will take a trip during the year whereas Godwriting is more like climbing the rungs of the actual ladder that take you where you want to go.

In life you do climb a golden ladder to Heaven. You climb the golden links that have been put there for you.

Sometimes there is great hesitation between moving a foot up the rung, so dear becomes the rung your foot is on.

But you are always ahead of your feet.

When you move a foot up, you merely come up closer to where you already are.

You are where your eyes are.

Your heart directs your eyes.

And I direct your heart.


Dear God, it has been a while since we have heard from Mother Divine. I would not want to say goodbye to 1999 without her.

Mother Divine:

It so happens I am always here.

You want blessings for the New Year.

That is all you have, my dears. Blessings. All God's blessings are yours. He keeps passing them out. I push them along.

And sometimes you pass them by. And sometimes you pick them up.

I suggest you collect His blessings.

His blessings are Heavenletters, written or unwritten.

There is a ticker-tape parade of Heavenletters.

God's blessings fall like snow from above.

They land on your nose and melt there.

The continuum of life that you call a year rolls out like a red carpet for you.

Fresh new red carpet.

No foot has touched it.

And now you put yours down and walk on it.

Walk well.

Strew joy.

Dance on this carpet.

Do somersaults on it.

Why not?

Don't turn around.

Don't look back.

Don't linger.

Begin your dance. One two three. One two three.

Join hands.

Connect yourself.


Don't sit on the sidelines.

Get up front.

Sing a song.

Sing God's song.

Sing for Him.

Play on this carpet of new days.


Does beloved Christ wish to speak?


I speak in your heart. I echo what God says. I am a repeater of His words and love.

If you could know the tiniest fraction of His love, you would leap for joy! You would dance high! You would melt in the love of His love. You would consciously become it, His love. You would merge with it, and know that was who you were all along.


But don't we know a fraction of His love?


You are aware of a smidgeon of it, an immeasurable tininess of it, like a grease spot of His love. You cannot even imagine the totality of His love, how much He loves you each, and how you love Him back. So much is unknown to you. Open your heart wider, and you will swim in God's love for you. Open your eyes wider, and you will know your own, for love loves love and knows only itself.

I am a beep of God's love in your heart.

I am like His finger that beckons. His envelope, unsealed.

Whatever I am, are you also.

Wherever you find God, are you there also.

You and God are very tight.


One goes nowhere without the other.

And that is the truth.

You are not twain but One, as are you one with me and one another.

All blessings on my brothers and sisters.

I bestow all of my faith on you where it belongs. My Christ light glows in you.

I wash your feet with my gratitude for our shared faith in our Heavenly Father.