New Year Insights

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to Heavenreaders:

To fill you in, Leslie has a severe painful illness, and, asked God if He would forgive her if she chose to leave. In addition to God's amazing response, Heavenreaders have sent their letters of love. Here's another beautiful one:

Bev to Leslie:

Dear Leslie, hi. How are you feeling? I wanted to write you and make sure that you continue to feel the support of Heaven readers in your life. Your questions to God have caused such a tremendous amount of love to flow. God's words to you have had a powerful effect on me — especially that "pain is a stoppage of energy".

I think of all of the pain in the world today and think what a gift you have given to us to allow us to be part of this powerful flow of love and healing that you have set in motion! Thank you.

I also wanted to share something with you that helped me when I experienced a return of some health problems I had had many years before. The problem came back right after I took the Ask God workshop. Fortunately, it only lasted for a few weeks, but there were times that I felt I was at the end of the line in terms of my pain threshold.

I wrote to God often. He kept reminding me that He was always with me — whether I could feel His presence or not. He told me to call on Him for help and let Him into the areas where the pain was the worst, as they were actually the cause of the pain. By letting God into those most painful areas, the pain would start to be released. He said together We would take it day by day, hour by hour, and even breath by breath when necessary. It was such a huge comfort to me, and also the beginning of a very deep healing.

So remember, God and the Heaven readers are always with you — breath by breath.


I am very proud of My children who so generously share their love. Can you all feel My love now? This is an occasion to feel it. Take a minute and feel My love moving in you. My love resides in you, and My love on its own and My love burgeoning in you will heal anything and everything. That is what is meant by faith. Faith is awareness of My love.

Gloria to God:

Dear God, you suggested that we write down our vision for this New Year. I will do mine now:

I continue being open to hearing Your words, sharing Your love, wisdom, and healing.

I look to open my heart more and so be stronger in Your love to make it easier for vast numbers of new readers to welcome Heavenletters on Your behalf.

I will look for more signs of love from You in my life.

I am open to loving myself.

I am open to loving all Your children.

I am open to keeping my mouth closed with my daughter.


Change that one.


I am open to seeing only Your pure light in my daughter.


Much better.


I open my heart to setting my ego aside.

I open my heart and mind to receiving Your peace.

I open my heart to receiving all of Your blessings.

I open my heart and life to financial security.

I open my heart.

I look to respond with love.

I look to bless order in my life.

I look to free myself of fear and control.

I look to value neutrality.

I look to perceive the pure love that neutrality is.

I look to welcome what life brings.

I am open to daring to make mistakes.

I am open to shrugging my shoulders after a mistake.

I look to see You in everyone and everything.

I look to perceive and express my thankfulness.

In the following question, Rudy] now seems to have second thoughts about God's answer to his question about the necessity of being saved by Jesus. — Gloria

Rudy to Gloria:

well hmmmm doesn't God live in us? not maybe as a person but as PURE unbounded consciousness? and yet also he is someWHERE some place as a personal God too? i guess, yes, I find it emotionally hard to really believe He loves me or is really ther…weird eh? i mean i do, but sort of fear him…

Aren't the answers awfully convenient? and sort of "anti-fundamentalist Christian" which says we must atone and repent and all and work with Holy Spirit whereas the God u talk with and the new age God says it's ok to sin or do anything and it's all fine AS IF JESUS died for our sins for nothing?

hmmm it's all point of view I suppose… from the position of Being, there isn't even a universe…

bye love r

Gloria to Rudy:

God isn't anti-anything!

I know only a personal God, this God Who loves even me. Maybe I don't know what personal God means, but I take it to mean my God Who speaks in my heart. His voice is so big it booms everywhere, from everywhere, so He is inside and outside of me, OR, there is no inside outside, only His pure being.

God to Rudy:

Dear Rudy, you are so far and so close at the same time. Why don't you just join Me?

What if you believed that I do exist for you and in you and that it's even possible that I love you — God loves Rudy. Rudy loves God.

Believe it for a day, and see what happens.

Let Me point a few more questions in your direction. Let Me question you instead of your questioning Me for a while.

Do you believe I exist?

Do you believe I love anyone?

Do you believe that I loved and love Jesus?

Do you believe that Jesus is eternal?

Do you think that I sin? Think on this one, Rudy.

Do you think that My loving you means that Jesus died for nothing?

Do you think that his life on earth was a waste of time because you don't need his saving to be My beloved child?

Do you think that he accomplished nothing?

Your beliefs are thoughts. Learned thoughts. Do you think that thoughts can change? Can you unbelieve beliefs? Can you unthink thoughts? Can you unbelieve your thoughts?

Hmmm, you can doubt everything else, why not doubt your own thinking? It's not yours anyway.

Whereas Gloria thinks she has to defend Me, you think you have to spar with Me. Why is that?

If more people could feel My love for them, the world as you know it would turn upside down. Feel My love, and then you will believe in Me.

Do you think I am a limited God really?

Do you think I would be wiser to love only select ones who perform more or less perfectly in your eyes? Do you think only an imperfect God would love you?

Ahh, let's get you some kind of tall throne where you can formally sit in judgment on Me.

If you believe in Jesus, then at least believe in his words. If you believe in Jesus, then at least believe in his life. His life was one great surrender to Me, Rudy.

If you love him as I think you do, then kneel beside him. Come kneel before Me. Why not find happiness? Why wait for salvation outside you? Why not save yourself, Rudy?

Rudy, don't be clever. Be simple. Be Mine.


Dear God, what else would You like to tell us about the New Year?


Your new year began long ago.

The new year is like an urn. You planted seeds in it, and now they come up. What you have planted is what will arise.

But you can repot and resoil and rearrange now. You are not bound to your past thoughts and way of thinking and living.

So, a new year is ahead of you, and you can make it what you will. Look forward.

Your act of looking forward to what comes up will strike a note for the year. You set a tone for the year. Or a color. What color would you personally like this new year to be for you?


Yellow is what comes to mind.


Good choice. Sunlight and God. I am often considered golden.


What if I had chosen green?


Then you would have a year of green grass and leaves and nurturing from the earth, much sprouting up of newness.

Your year would be what the color means to you.

Pick your theme song for the New Year.

Name your year. What will you name it?


My Year of God.


What will you name January?


Clear Slate.


You have the idea.

And now I bless you all to your good fortune in the earth year 2,000, and I give you My love and remembrance of your eternity.