
Money Is Good

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Karen called me yesterday, at Your request, to strengthen me for the upcoming increase in HEAVEN's circulation. You, Mary, and Jesus did amazing work on me and the world through her, and I thank You all so much.

All-Encompassing Love

God said:

Love is energy, and money is a representation of energy.

A pile of a thousand-dollar bills in the middle of a room is a pile of paper until the consciousness of Human Beings enters the room. You think money is a cut-and-dried matter, but it is not at all. The energy of money seems high when you attribute your dreams to it. Money has the value you set on it.

The Making of Money

God said:

To make huge sums of money for the sake of making huge sums of money is not enough. You may say you want millions so you can do a lot of good, and you may well do a lot of good, but that is not your motivation. That is more a noble alibi.

Love Overflows

God said:

The use of money tends to become a rote thing.

The energy money represents has often been forgotten. The receipt and use of money may have become like a race, only you've forgotten where you are racing to. Caught up in the race, you run in many directions. Where you run to is no longer in sight. Running seems to have taken precedence over what and where and why and perhaps how.

Today do something with money that you have never done before. What can it be?

Fill up parking meters for those whose meters run low.

Leave a dollar on the sidewalk for someone to find.

A Lesson in Economics

God said:

Money is a medium of exchange in the world. That means it is reciprocal. Something is exchanged for something else. Printed paper represents the energy of exchange.

Once upon a time the world traded in goods. A sheep was exchanged for lumber or labor. But when banks took a bigger role, instead of a sheep, paper and coins were exchanged.

Isn't it easier to see the energy in a sheep than it is in paper? But it is easier to move paper around. Exchanging paper for goods takes less energy than trading sheep.

Money and the Good You Do

God said:

Money is a microcosm of the world. It is a great purveyor of the world. It is nothing by itself. It is what people make of it or do with it.

One who has it shares it. Another who has it keeps it to himself. Another takes someone else's. One spends what they don't have. Another duns to collect his debts. Another erases.

Money can be a great blessing. It can also be a great bone of contention. Or the whole issue of money can be denied.

The thought of money makes you happy or sad or bitter or discontent or distressed or hopeful or hopeless.


God said:

What a metaphor money is! It seems to capture the sum total of relative life. So meaningless at the same time as it seems vital. How valuable the valueless coins and bills are! They are counted as valuable because mass mind says they are. Because their value is mutually agreed upon, you scramble for them. You count and recount them. You grab them to you with relish, and you feel a power in spending them. And yet you know there is more to life than this metal and paper and your scrambling.

When God Is at Your Side

God said:

I say, "I AM." I say, "I am right here." I say, "I am always right here." I say, "You have Me always, beloveds."

Beloveds, you live in many worlds. It doesn't matter where your body is, and it doesn't matter where your mind is. I am totally absolutely right here with you. I am as near to you as your breath. We are so vital and vibrant to each other. We are the same breath. Who breathes your lungs in and out, you or I? Who can separate Us? Neither you nor I.


God said:

Never mind if you believe in Me. It is enough to believe in Godness. Godness I am.

I am a Truth-Sayer and a Truth-Giver.

I am a Hound of Truth.

I am Truth and the Essence of It.

I am all-good, for I am All-God.

What would God be? That Which I Am.

I am your Mentor.

I am your Far-Seer.

I am your Benefactor.

I am your Deliverer.

But I am not a Tooth Fairy, I am not a Fairy Godmother, and I am not Santa Claus — as you think of them.

And yet I am they too.

I give to you.

I give all to you.

And you have it.


God said:

Money is one of the many flimsy illusions in the world. It is taken seriously, and yet it is a trick of the mind. Money is like the Emperor’s New Clothes. Everyone pretends that these rectangles of paper and circular coins have great value. Money is bowed down to. It is even called the almighty dollar. Crimes have even been committed in the name of this paper and metal.

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