Love In and Love Out

God said:

Beloveds, today you start a new soul journey. You start from a new place. Yesterday's starting place is behind you. Today you are at a new point.

If We could mark your ascent with chalk, you would know how fast you travel. But your progress cannot be charted that way, so you can only guess. What matters is your growth. Your assessment is one thing, but, ah, your integral growth is another.

The score you give yourself, however, makes a difference to you. It makes a difference to the picture you make of yourself.

Too often (even once is too often) you look at yourself as if you are failing. Imagine what your face looks like when you conjure that you are getting a low grade. Imagine your face now when you know you are succeeding.

The end may not yet be in sight, but you are making progress. Progress is the only thing you can make, My beloveds.

You may think you have been backsliding, but that is your misperception. When you misperceive, you have been looking at the wrong place. Start looking at the stars and following them instead of some line made on earth. You are free to climb as high as you want.

So We talk of Truth, and We talk of your perception of Truth. Truth is always true, but your perception is often not.

There is that which you perceive outside you, and there is that which you perceive within you. That in itself is a misconception, because there is nothing outside you. You imbibe it. You draw it within, and yet you are also the issuer of it. All around you is a projection. You are the projector and the receiver of that which you project.

You can only see from where you are. You cannot pretend to see from a place higher than where you stand. Seeing differently does not come from squinting your eyes or from any effort. You do not attain it. Seeing differently isn't something you acquire.

We come back again to the issue of knowing Me for yourself and not as rumor, not even as acquired knowledge. You can overhear a lot about Me, and you can study about Me, and I am a fine topic and excellent focus, but all the knowledge in the world about Me is not the same as knowing Me for yourself.

The theory of mathematics is one thing. Knowing how to count numbers is another.

Of course, I am Truth, not theory. And I am very knowable. But I am not an accomplishment. I am not a medal you wear. I am not in small print that you must read. I am your Appointed Heart. You already contain all knowledge of Me, but sometimes you hold your awareness of Me up to an applied standard, and so you believe you are lagging.

How can you lag when I carry you?

How can you be other than the child of Mine that I made?

As you come closer to Me in your awareness, your vision changes on its own. It takes no effort. Anticipate and welcome the arrival of My full disclosure, but there is no formula to hasten your perception of Me.

If you want a formula, however, it is this: Give love. Opportunities around you for love abound. But there is a catch to this. You cannot give love without receiving it, so be alert for receiving love from wherever in the Universe it comes. Receiving love is not quite the same as always looking for it. The giving and receiving of love are not perfunctory. Nor do I mean they personal in the sense of the world, for all love is Mine. Of course, it is your nature to give and receive love, so in that sense it is personal. There is love in general, and there is love you live. Breathe love in and out. Every breath is anew.

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You already contain all

You already contain all knowledge of Me, but sometimes you hold your awareness of Me up to an applied standard, and so you believe you are lagging.
How can you lag when I carry you?
How can you be other than the child of Mine that I made?
As you come closer to Me in your awareness, your vision changes on its own. It takes no effort. Anticipate and welcome the arrival of My full disclosure, but there is no formula to hasten your perception of Me.

I cannot hear this often enough and I have heard it many times. It's always the same. Is it always the same? What modulation of that same old melody stirs your heart now? And now?

Your full disclosure --- wow, what a mighty sound. No standard. No effort. No formula. Only Your music.

Full disclosure

"As you come closer to me in your awareness, your vision changes on its own. It takes no effort." seems that living life always takes some effort. To go to the kitchen, I have to decide to go, get up out of my chair and walk there. So that cannot be the meaning of "It takes no effort." Perhaps it means that coming "closer to Me in your awareness..." is always a given, no matter what we do we always come closer, so it occurs whether we strive to this end or not. Yet effort does seem to be important, we are constantly being asked in these letters to bring God's light more clearly to earth.

It does sound as a wonderful promise: "Full disclosure will eventually come...." No matter what we should decide to do.......I love it too........Chuck


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