Love Arises

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear Father, what would You like to tell me this morning?


Your heart is lifted by two birds, one on each side. Your heart is raised a notch. More love can be funneled. A heart is like a silent flood of love. Open the heart-gates wide.

Let your heart be a Statue of Liberty that welcomes all, lets them in. Let your heart be a welcomer of other hearts and a nurturer of your own.

Every morning, say to your heart:

"What a love you are. What a full-running iris of a heart you are, bright-colored, warm, moist, a smooth-going pump of joy. Hail to you, my heart, for how you embrace the world and myself, the embodier of you. How can you run well if I do not endorse myself in whom you beat. I am not the owner of you, but I am the holder, so I will value the holder of God's heart."

Today, when you think of it, say to yourself:

"I am the holder of God's heart. I am the keeper of God's heart. I am the surround of God's heart. I am that which the heart moves. I am the carrier of God's heart. I carry a precious jewel in the center of my chest. That is my treasure chest; it holds the treasure of God's love. I have no other treasure. That heart of God is what I am sent out into world with. It is all I need.

"The expression 'God provides' means that God has provided. His heart is the only provider that is. He has packed everything in my heart that I will ever need. With His heart, I will find a good lunch, good company, and fair skies.

"Because God's heart beats within me, I am a throb of God's heart. His heart surges through me.

"God's heart knows no difference between me and another because His heart beats in all.

"His heart is a beautiful moist strawberry. His heart is the metronome of eternity, and I carry His heart tenderly, with joy and respect.

"When I meet God's other heart-holders, my heart acknowledges our oneness and our service to the One.

"Our mutual hearts beat a song of love. From each heart, this love is drummed. The world is one big heartthrob of God's love."

Gloria, did you really think there was anything but My love anywhere? Answer.


In war maybe not.


My love is found even in war. In war it is emphasized. Despite the heated hearts of hate, love arises. I am found in war too because I am all that there is. War is a trick of separated hearts who have lost their way.


In sickness, dear God?


I am there. Sickness is a trick of self-punishment for imagined crimes. For imagined lack of heart. Now, enough of that. Tell me now where My heart of love is.


Everywhere. There would be no life without Your love.


I am your very existence. My love that created you sustains you, ennobles you.

Forget not Whose heart beats within you. A common heart beats there.

Love can be clamped but not gone. Love must out.


I feel prompted to tell about a seventh grade homeroom student I had. His name was Angelo Cordero. He came to the public school from the Child Study Home, a residential center for disturbed children. He was expelled that year he was in my homeroom for trying to beat up a male teacher. I remember thinking that the teacher instigated it, and the child is blamed.

This boy was always sweet in homeroom. He always greeted me, and his eyes met mine.

I want to tell you why I think this boy was content in my homeroom. It was a stroke of luck.

For some reason, on the homeroom computer sheet that came to me, he was listed as Angelito Cordero, and I always called him Angelito.


First, you knew that his heart beat in yours and yours in his. Second, you called him a name that recalled tenderness to him.

Many teachers think they are in school to teach subjects. They are there to teach love. School is an excuse for hearts to come together. Learning of subject matter will roll in after that. After hearts meet, there is a comfortable basis for learning.

Hearts meeting is not license. A teacher of love coordinates a class until they are one.

A Course in Miracles, Lesson 355:

"There is no end to all the peace and joy, and all the miracles that I will give when I accept God's Word. Why not today? Why should I wait, my Father, for the joy You promised me?… It is You I choose, and my Identity along with You. Your Son would be Himself and know You as his Father and Creator, and his Love."


What else is there to say, Gloria?


Nothing. Thank You.

Dear Mother Divine, I am reading a book called The Thing about Money is Having Some by Stuart Wilde. One thing he says is to expect money to come to you, and even when you see a penny on the street, pick it up, because, if you pass it by, nature gets confused and thinks you don't really want it.

I had a dream last night that I was with a group of people, and I saw a penny on the street, and I bent to pick it up. I told the people why I was. They all bent down too, and shiny new dimes and quarters kept appearing on the street!

Mother Divine:

God will lay out more than coins for you. Golden love is returned in gold. You have established credit with God. He has a fund for you. Do not worry about money. Worry keeps your attention off God. Put your energy on God's love. Bet on God's love.


Gloria to God:

Dear Almighty Father, a few times today when I felt annoyed, I remembered I carry Your heart, and everything was better. In addition, I knew that you and Mother Divine were at the group meditation.


Why wouldn't I be there?


I mean, I sensed You there. I felt You. I experienced You. I don't even mean in meditating. When I sat down, I wanted You there, and then I knew You were. You needed no ground to stand on, and yet You were so established there.


Look above you now, and Whom do you see?


Awareness of You, dear Father. I have another question. I started to think about the lesson from A Course in Miracles today, where it says "all the miracles I will give when I accept Your Word."

Accept Your Word must mean to believe You, have trust in You. Yet I wonder if there is more to it than that.


Accept My Word means to accept My vibration. In the beginning was the Word. In the beginning was the Sound of Me that created the splendor of Creation. That Sound of Me is known as Love. Vibrate love, and miracles will dance before your eyes. Vibrate love, and the earth will spin with joy. Vibrate love, and your light will reflect Mine and dazzle the heart of man.


And Mother Divine, where are you in this?

Mother Divine:

I am a reverberation of God's vibration. I am his one note slightly moving, the same note, let's say, at a slightly different frequency or color. We can talk more about this in the morning. You are fading out now.