Associating with God

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 


Dear God, Karen called me last night, again in her love and givingness, and said that my perception recounting Glenda's presentation was a milestone for me because I saw, stated, and stayed neutral. Neutral is being out of judgement. I said what I saw.

That neutrality is, I believe, what Glenda meant when she said innocent perception. Coming from being rather than doing would also exemplify that. Coming from being is coming from God's energy. Coming from doing, as it seemed to me Glenda was, is expending her own energy or ego.

Karen, in her love and wisdom, wants me to put no man ahead of myself, not to believe in any one more than the God within me, not in Karen, not in anyone.

I love and appreciate that Karen does not allow worship of her. I adore what she has and is doing for me from the goodness of her heart. She is a messenger straight from You, God, and I am so grateful and so enjoying it.

Am I neutral to Karen? I'm not sure about that. I know You have given me greater strength and awareness through Karen.

The only area in my life where I would not want Karen to go is in my relationship to certain spiritual masters. It is private. It is my own. For twenty-six years their teachings and techniques have lifted my heart, raised my consciousness, and introduced me to You, and I do not even want to imagine what my life would have been without this life-supporting influence.

I guess I have a sense that Karen might see my gratitude to these teachings as putting the God in another human above the God in me, but they do not take personal credit ever. They give thanks to their teachers and to the glory of God.

Their concerns are with the whole world. They think of nations instead of individuals. When they call for large groups to meditate for world peace, their focus is on the world and not my individuality, and that's fine with me. If that's using me, I'm glad.

I have some concern that Karen will bring this up to me. Will You help me with this?


You are making a mountain out of a molehill. Karen will not tread where you do not want.

I am well aware of all the good these teachers have done for you and My creation. I am well aware of all the good Karen does for Me. I am glad and grateful for all service, and all service is for Me.

A Course in Miracles, Lesson 354:

"We stand together, Christ and I, in peace and certainty of purpose. And in him is his Creator, as He is in me. My oneness with the Christ establishes me as Your Son, beyond the reach of time and wholly free of every law but Yours. I have no self except the Christ in me. I have no purpose but his own. And he is like his Father. Thus must I be one with You as well as him. For who is Christ except Your Son as You created him. And what am I except the Christ in me?"


I believe this is what Karen is talking about!




God, is it the same to say the Christ in me as to say the God in me?


It's as good as the same. It is the same as to say the heart of you.

Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, Karen is right — I am releasing a lot!

Mother Divine:

Do you feel better now?



Mother Divine:

Then you have released.


I seem to want to say that truth is where you find it. Does it matter who says it?

Mother Divine:

Truth doesn't change. Humans often want truth to come from where they want it to come from. Truth from a beggar or a king is truth, if it is truth. Humans get tied up in presentation.

Lies dressed up are bought. Watch ads on your TV.

Christ in you goes beyond appearances. A leper, a prostitute, a tax collector, a priest — to Christ — are all the same truth. No man is a mountain. But every man is a prince.


There is a verse in the Vedas that says: "My daughter is an empress."

Mother Divine:

That is the way to look at everyone. What delicacy there would be in the world. Queen Karen is calling Queen Gloria today.

You, Gloria, even call Sunshine and Ginger Prince and Princess.

Today, consider that all you meet and see are God's royalty.


Gloria to God:

Dear God, it is interesting. Karen called me today, and when I had to leave to go to a group meditation, she said, "What a blessing. Everyone going to meditate to help Korsovo." She said my teachers were cool. She said Fairfield is such a high-vibration place with such high-vibration people. When she talks to anyone who says they want to leave it, she thinks, "Why would anyone want to leave there? They've got everything there." She said further that people take themselves with them wherever they go.

So, I was unstressing when I thought Karen might not understand or value what we do here. She understands and values. I am so glad.

Also, it wasn't my reaction to Glenda that was such a breakthrough, though that was indication of it. The breakthrough, as I understood it today, was when I saw the expression of dislike/hate/distaste on Jill's face. I allowed myself to see the truth and further, I expressed it. Karen said it is a whole shift in my life. And it is from that that I was able to sense that presence in my room.

It seems to me I'm doing a lot of talking lately.


You are expressing more. And of course you are shifting. Do you think that associating with Me would not bring change?

Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, what would you like to tell me?

Mother Divine:

When the heart is stirred, shifts are made. The heart swirls. This is why it is so important to be in truth. When you are in truth, your heart is on. Shift in the heart is all that is necessary for shift in life.