The Future of Heavenletters
Gloria to God:
Dear God, the wisdom that Glenda Green spoke is incontrovertible. All excellent. I will mention some.
The mind is a willing servant and cruel master, because it has no answers. It just goes around and around.
To strengthen the sacred heart within us, we give gratitude, admiration, forgiveness, and move away from judgement.
When we can forgive our enemy, we gain great power and we come to know that we are love because, here we are, loving without an outside condition inviting it.
When we know who we are, which is love, and we can just be and have our actions come from our Source, then we are creating our loving future. If we are not being our true self, then we are simply calling up our next lesson.
She read Jesus' translation of The Lord's Prayer, very simple, positive, and beautiful.
She mentioned innocent perception as being what Jesus said when he said to be like a child.
It's good to look at the sunrise and sunset.
It is good to get minerals from electromagnetic sources such as the sun and wearing a copper bracelet, for example.
Here are some things I would have preferred:
She spoke from a high stage. I felt it separated her from the audience. While she said we are one, she mostly referred to the audience as "you" and herself as "I". Better to say "we", I think. She was orating, possibly giving a sermon. She said things like: "I promise you…", speaking from herself. I don't care what she promises. I care what You promise or Jesus or Mother Divine.
She certainly gave credit to Jesus, but I didn't always know when she was giving an explanation of her own or Jesus'; I would have preferred that she read from her book rather than paraphrasing and then I would know I was hearing Jesus. She referred to Jesus as The Master. I don't recall her mentioning You.
Her heartwork — I mean artwork! — is beautiful. I preferred her angel pictures to her picture of Jesus. I much prefer Sai Baba's manifestation of Jesus' face from a photograph of the Shroud of Turin.
She is booked this month for speaking engagements, and spends time in Sedona where she picks up visions of angels to paint.
When Jesus first appeared to her, it was 1991. Preceding him was a bright light that filled the room. She thought that was necessary to get her attention. She saw him three-dimensionally, and she heard his actual voice. It wasn't clear to me, but it may be she saw him only within her third eye, or perhaps also outside her.
He was happy, smiling, had a sense of humor, but she never saw him laugh because, unlike the rest of us, he has no need to release.
What I learned from Glenda Green's presentation in terms of my future with HEAVEN:
I will speak on the same physical level as the audience, not from a far away stage that separates me so much from the audience. If for some reason I must, I will sit on the edge of the stage, not so far away and not so high up then.
I will tell my story about myself and how HEAVEN came to be, and I will spend more time on that human story. I will read Your words as given rather than paraphrasing. I will aim to make my presentation more personal heart rather than a prepared speech.
I don't want to come off critical of Glenda Green. She is doing it. She has built an organization that promotes Christ and wisdom, and maybe I had better practice the gratitude and admiration Jesus spoke of.
After her speech, there was a break, and I did not stay to hear her talk about Y2K or for the questions and answers. If she hadn't had the break, I don't think I would have left though I did feel antsy.
When it is my good fortune to tell people about HEAVEN, I will not have a break. Maybe I'll suggest that people stand up and stretch to get the circulation going. (When I taught school, we did Simon Says.) I think my school teaching background will hold me in good stead.
Well, dear God, now that I have said so much, it's Your turn!
My children are beautiful in all their infinite sizes and shapes. Glenda promotes My Son, and she sings his messages of truth. She catches a Catholic crowd, Gloria.
HEAVEN will capture the man on the street, pick up strays, gather the lonely, those who have squeaks of doubt in their church, the ready seekers, the already God-minded, and the non-believers. HEAVEN is like the flute in Godspell that called the people to come and leave behind their purses and coats and return to innocence.
And you will be the bookseller, Gloria. You will be the mother of the book and have a good time.
I am glad you went to see Glenda because now you will have more confidence in how you do things. You have already remembered that when you taught school, you had your children sit in a circle. You never made yourself higher than your children. And you read out loud a lot from books, word for word.
A Course in Miracles, Lesson 353:
"My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet today have but one purpose: to be given Christ to use to bless the world with miracles. Father, I give all that is mine today to Christ, to use in any way that best will serve the purpose that I share with Him. Nothing is mine alone, for He and I have joined in purpose. Thus has learning come almost to its appointed end. A while I work with Him to serve His purpose. Then I lose myself in my Identity, and recognize that Christ is but my Self."
My Son and I are One.
Dear God, one more thing. I saw a minute on TV about a Greek Orthodox priest and a tour of his beautiful church. He said, "And this church is for Jesus."
I love Jesus and Christ, but I thought a church was for You. I get confused when it seems that people put Christ ahead of You.
That is fine. Whatever name I am called, I am glad. It matters not the name.
Those who appear to worship Christ before Me are attending to a goodness that will lead them to their own. My Will be done.
Gloria to Mother Divine:
Dear Mother Divine, the wind is blowing hard, and I feel like the wind is your hair! Maybe it is Mother Wind I sense, but that would be you also, I think.
Mother Divine:
God's wind cleans the earth. It sweeps away the dust.
As does His love clean your heart and pump it.
As does His love clear your eyes so that you may see His love permeate your being and the being of the universe and animate and inanimate things.
As does His love whisper in your ears, "Love My creation. I made it for you and for My pleasure through you."
The morning birds sing to you of God's love. They say, "Tweet, Gloria. God sends His love."
The sun is yet to rise. As it rises, it is God's cloak covering the earth with its folds.
The earth turns to the sun. The sun is always there, as you turn to God Who waits for you to open to Him.
When you see the sun come up, night packs its bags.
The bird sings, "God provides."
Even the trees reach up to Heaven.
The bird's song enters your room and your heart the same way love enters. It is a fact.
Birds sing.
Love enters.
Dawn comes.
Sun rises.
Night goes.
Hearts love.
God stays.
Joy is a ribbon around the world that joins hearts.
God blesses.
You are blessed.
Collect God's blessings as the thirsty earth the rain.
Let the blessings expand you. Make room for them. Move over your small self for them.
Every morning the birds awake and sing to you.
This morning you hear.
The song jostles your chakras.
The song says, "Greet the day. Arise like the sun. Let your love cover the earth."
A little later…
Gloria to Mother Divine:
Dear Mother Divine, I wasn't sure that was you talking to me above while it was writing. As I read it over, I think it is. I may have felt another presence as I was writing, and afterwards, I did, too, for a while, and it wasn't comfortable.
Mother Divine:
It was I talking to you. The presence you felt was floating negativity. You don't feel it now, do you?
Mother Divine:
Sometimes there will be negativity around. That which you sensed did not have to do with you. You are more sensitive now to what is around you. If this happens again, do as you did to neutralize it with tools Karen has given you.
Thank you.
Gloria to God:
Dear God in Heaven, just sitting here, thinking of You, fills me with bliss.
Pearls of bliss. More and more your awareness of Me will be automatic. The awareness will stay with you more and more until it cannot fade at all. Sun-dyed, God bliss. You understand that this is awareness of what has always been, except you were too dense, too preoccupied, too frightened to notice. Nothing has changed but your noticing. Noticing is awareness.
Dear Mother Divine, what would you like to tell me tonight?
Mother Divine:
Besides your Godwriting, typing, eating, meditating, what did you get done today?
One query letter. I rewrote my query letter. Now I'm looking for a list I made of a few literary agents to get five more out.
I did get some telephone calls from three people today, but, you know, each one seemed to want to get something from me and give nothing. It was nice that they thought of me, but I feel I am wasting my time. One person, very nice guy, but a complainer, — I told him to write down every day what he is grateful for, and call me back next week. I feel like a doctor, giving prescriptions!
Karen left me a message. She gives more to me than I can possibly return.
Mother Divine:
It is good when a giver finds a giver.