Your Heartbeat
Gloria to Mother Divine:
Dear Mother Divine, you were saying something about the Original Sound of Creation. It seems so bizarre to me that I am asking about such a subject!
Mother Divine:
Consider God's hum as the pebble dropped into the pool, and I the beginning of rippling.
In any case, it doesn't matter. What is, is, and that instant of God's love multiplied itself, and it ripples still. Creation sallied forth.
I taught second-grade Sunday School for a short time and did some eurythmy with the children. It was something about Adam standing with his arms above his head, fingers touching, forming an O. Eve had her arms up and out like the top of a Y, and she said Ah. Adam told Eve the names of each animal, and Eve admired everything.
Mother Divine:
You could say God is the Creator Oh, and I am the appreciator Ah. But it is one motion, and We are not separate. I am not frill or an add-on. I am the God-force, Goddess, if you will. Or say God is the Sun, and I am the Moon; We are each other's light.
Dear Mother Divine, this is absurd, what I am going to say. We are still having problems with Roto-Rooter. And in my programming, I think I should ask the male God about plumbing problems and not you!
Mother Divine:
It is not a plumbing problem that you wish to ask about. It is how to deal with your sense of powerlessness with a company that did work for you, charged you $500, and now you have more problems than you originally did. You're afraid they want to charge you more AND you want them to like you.
Look at it as a spelling question that you and Roto-Rooter are trying to figure out, and you will not get emotionally involved.
Picture the Roto-Rooter Supervisor coming out, a fair and honest man, and he sincerely looks to find the problem and to correct it and do right by you. See yourself smile at him and let him talk and seek a quick and simple solution. See yourselves shaking hands goodbye, and both of you feeling the better from this contact.
Yes. Now, Rich Henderson, our plumber/electrician etc. said it costs only about $125 to "shoot the main", and that that's what they should have done in the first place. He was sorry he hadn't rented roto-rooter equipment and done it for us.
Mother Divine:
Gloria, you see the Roto-Rooter Company as a Governmental Authority and yourself as a tiny suppliant. But you know Who is the Authority, and that God and I will be there with you and the Supervisor.
This is not life and death. Nothing is at stake. Don't expend your energy on this when you could be sending out more query letters, getting your Naturally Speaking Program going, catching up on past typing and enjoying yourself with thoughts of God. Put your energy where you want it.
Do you remember what God said about school being an excuse for hearts to meet and teach love?
Consider meeting with the Supervisor as an opportunity to exchange God's love.
A Course in Miracles, Lesson 356:
"Sickness is but another name for sin. Healing is but another name for God. The miracle is thus a call to Him. Father, You promised You would never fail to answer any call Your Son might make to you. It does not matter where he is, what seems to be his problem, nor what he believes he has become. The miracle reflects Your love and thus it answers him…Your Name gives answer to Your Son, because to call Your Name is but to call his own."
Dear God, once You told me that sin was not asking for enough.
Sickness is certainly settling for less.
God, would You like to tell me anything about the Roto-Rooter situation?
Let Me take care of it.
Is there more You would like to tell me?
I shall speak of My love. It fills your heart now.
Your heart beats with the joy of My love.
You feel the veins of your heart covering the universe like lines on a map.
Your heart is like a captive set free.
Your heart beats God, God, God through the universe.
Your heart's beat is telecast.
It is radioed.
It reaches other hearts.
It lands everywhere.
My heart of love in you leads other hearts.
One frog makes its sound, and others join in.
No frog croaks alone. No bird chirps alone. No action is by itself. It is part of another. No raindrop is by itself. There is no isolated ray of the sun. There is no vacuum of thought.
And there is no other. All is contained within. One is many, and many are One.
Dear God, I am so grateful for You, Your attention, Your blessings. You meet with me to teach me love.
Yes, and to exchange it. Meeting with Me is not different from meeting with the Roto-Rooter Supervisor except that you feel safe and loved with Me. Remember, I am in that Supervisor also, and you can find Me there. You can learn from him also. And you will be doing it for Me. Do you see how there is no other?
Beginning to.
Gloria to God:
Dear God, the Roto-Rooter supervisor was a honeybun. But after he left I wondered if I had gotten swept up in his niceness. He found a leak somewhere which they fixed. He did not think the main sewer needed roto-rooting. He told me that Lauren has to see that food goes only into the disposal side of her kitchen sink. The fact that my toilet and Lauren's are flushing well now is not significant, because it has been an on and off thing anyway, and he understood that. He and a helper spent almost two hours. The supervisor said to call him again if there's a problem. I felt really good until the very end when he said, "We're not billing you for today." Well, I had never thought they were, and they would have a nerve if they did, but I didn't say that, and I wish I had.
Karen faxed me a beautiful well-thought-out letter, encouraging me to ask You and Mother Divine to help me stay in my truth, and thus be neutral and not lose my power. She suggested I think about where this feeling of powerlessness comes from and who made me feel this way. I know it has plagued me all my life.
Karen wondered about a gender association here. I think my trend is to get suckered by sweet talk from men, to crave it actually, but I can certainly be intimidated by some women also.
I don't think I was considered a person in my childhood except by my father and brothers. With one brother I am not even sure I was. I was probably cute baby sister to him, and it wasn't me he loved. But with my father and my brother Bennie, they loved ME.
The greatest trial in my childhood that I am aware of is from my sister who was five years older than I. She bullied me and everyone else too. But with me she was merciless, and there was no one around to tell her no and stick up for me. I don't think I knew I had rights at all.
And now Karen comes into my life, insisting that I do! I think she has made me her special project. She's going to get me up there, fully functioning in the relative world and in the spiritual realm. By hook or by crook, she will!
Well, dear God, what will you tell me?
These practical matters I will leave in Karen's able hands.
Gloria to Mother Divine:
Dear Mother Divine, I don't think there is another person in the world like Karen. I certainly never had a friend like her. She is so strong for me and focussed on my growth on all levels, and she has such wisdom. Something miraculous crept into my life. I don't know how this ever happened. She gives me so much that I don't know how to reciprocate. That God sent her to me is clear.
Mother Divine:
Make it easy for Karen to give to you. Your mother could not even let someone carry a package for her without an enormous protest and so wore out the person who wanted to help. Your father, on the other hand, had childish delight in whatever anyone did for him, and therefore it was easy to do for him. Be like your father in this. Make receiving easy, so giving can be too.
I had two remarkably wonderful interchanges with two people that I hardly knew.
Mother Divine:
It is very comfortable for you to be in your truth when it is a truth you like.