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I have no idea!

Did I decide to be born on Earth? I have no idea.
Did I decide to be born in Compton, Ca.? I have no idea.
Did I decide to be born to my biological parents? I have no idea.
Did I decide to have a unique I.Q.? I have no idea.
Did I decide to go through various traumas? I have no idea.
Did I decide to have certain abilities, talents? I have no idea.
Did I decide to have different desires? I have no idea.
Did I decide to have issues, predicaments? I have no idea.

Well...if that is true...if Im not convinced that I chose all of the above...what choice do I really the face of everything right now in my life as it currently is? Do I have any kind of real choice that I can count on?

Yes! You get to decide how you respond to life! You can respond with love...regardless of what is happening...

And if you don't respond with love...chances are you're just reacting to life out various ranges and textures of fear states.

And that is okay too cause you are still moment by moment loved by God...and your essence is still love.

But...but...if you have kind of had enough with just reacting...just being a spectator of life...Try love...choose love as a response to whatever presents itself.

With the "Love Response", you become a participant in Life...not just a passive spectator...or "sheeple". this being who is now radiating love to whatever situation presents are truly being the essence of your Father/Mother...which is Love. This is truly your greatest love and Love...regardless of the situation and...and regardless of what your mind may say! Go for it! Go for love!

Loving you always, Jimi.

Oh, yes: Go for it! Go for

Oh, yes:

Go for it! Go for love!

Loving YOU always !