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How to analyse ?

Any event happening in the world has three aspects - 1.The doer 2. The sufferer (the subject) 3. The inspirer ( God).

Suppose, A has inflicted B some trouble. So who is responsible for that? Is it the past karma of A or the present free will of B or the all inspirer God against whose wish nothing can take place in the universe?

What a great question! Thank

What a great question! Thank you.

I wonder what others will have to say.

I'll come back later with my two cents' worth!

Not two cents' worth actually...

Hi Gloria !

The reply of the one through whom God speaks is never two cents' worth, it is two saints' worth ! I am awaiting your reply.

Signature:God doesn't call the qualified, God qualifies those whom He calls...

Beloved Chetan, I came back

Beloved Chetan, I came back more quickly than I knew.

Two things:

I just reread today's Heavenletter -- The Bread Cast Against the Waters -- and it seems to me that this Heavenletter answers your question.

And, in a way, you quotation is a response to your question as well! It would seem that God calls us all.

And a third thing, dear one! It is one thing when God gives me something to say. It is another when I speak from my individual self. What God says is gold. When I say may be worth two cents!

Love you,


My guess confirmed

Hello again !

Yes, God has answered my question in the most assertive manner. There is no running away from the law of karma and one is solely responsible for what he receives. Exceptionally true, indeed.

Here, I would like to comment on one thing. Does anyone read the recent posts on internet related to present condition of earth? The dark cabal (as they are called) are heavily blamed for the present perilous and oppressed condition of mankind. I won't agree much with this. We, humans only, are responsible for our present condition and it is we,again, who ought to decide to move towards light in order to breathe the air of bliss.


God doesn't call the qualified, God qualifies those whom He calls...

Beloved Chetan, What you

Beloved Chetan,

What you say: We, humans only, are responsible for our present condition and it is we,again, who ought to decide to move towards light in order to breathe the air of bliss.

You say this in a nutshell!

Furthermore, I believe God has said that we are each responsible to everyone for everything. Let me see if I can find that particular Heavenletter I'm referring to. It may have been published before you arrived here.

Okay, it is a very recent Heavenletter: #4258, The Bread Cast Upon the Water. Here is an excerpt:

Every thought is communicated. Every thought is swallowed down. Every happiness and every unhappiness sings its song. The oceans pick up the song. The tune is on the Hit Parade, played on every radio station in the world. Everyone, every being, no matter where or when, is his own transmitter, and so you are responsible for the state of the world and beyond.

You are responsible for yourself and everyone near and far.

Whatever continent you stand on in your perceived world, you are responsible for every other continent you perceive or do not perceive.

Regardless of your awareness, you impact everyone and everything. Regardless of your consciousness, you and everyone everywhere in every time zone, in every period of history, you are responsible. That everyone is responsible does not absolve you from your responsibility. In fact, there are no others. There is you.

You have thought yourself powerless to change anything on the face of the Earth, and, yet, you are the most powerful being on Earth, and you are the turner of the dial of the Universe. No one can stand in for you. No one can take on your responsibility. Only you.

Thank you so much for participating on this forum.