Hold God in Your Heart All Day

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear Almighty Father, what is Your blessing for me today?


My blessing for you is My wish that I be held in your heart all through the day, that you take Me everywhere with you, and that you let My light shine out from your heart so that I may be seen. I want to be seen. I want all to see Me in all. That is My desire, and it is yours also, is it not?




So, carry Me and that thought in your heart. True sight sees Me reflected from all.


So simple, dear God, and yet seemingly hard to attain.


Because people try too hard, make of it something it is not. Rather than trying to see Me in all others, then have the idea to reflect Me to all others. That will do.


Dear God, Jill seems to be taking responsibility for herself and not blaming others. It occurred to me the energy that must be consumed by having to know everything, always having to be right, always having to be on top.

Jill also was talking to me about the Enneads, and how she is a #2 who manipulates people through her need for approval. I can relate to that; I've been accused of being a 2!

I think all of the types have a basic thread, and that is the need to control. The manner is what makes someone a 1 or 9. Joyce is a 1, and her form of control is with order and schedules. I think the real thing is the issue of control.


The closer one is to Me, the less need is there to control. Control means ordering outcomes. Control is a kind of precision and doesn't belong in life which is a flow.

If you can offer Me your life, the unfoldment of your life, you are not abdicating; you are seeing life as it is.

You produce your life. You take action. You create it. And you let the chords thus set in motion play.

You are correct about the amount of energy used to arbitrate control in life. Better to give than control. I think you understand this.


Yes, but how to do it?


You do it by giving each one his own life and his own path, his own choices and his own results. You do not constrain someone else's life or mode of it.

Teach by example, not your mouth. Give up the reins, and ride your own horse.


Another thing, I had mentioned to Karla how I appreciated her acceptance of my connection to You and her belief in HEAVEN.

She told me she had asked her priest about it. He said something about judging by the person's actions, if they are gentle, loving etc.

That didn't seem true to me, dear God. I have heard that we can't tell someone's state of consciousness from the outside. It felt to me that the priest was saying something like: If Gloria conducts herself in line with what Karla and I see as appropriate, then we can know that these writings called HEAVEN are truth.

That may not be exact, but the priest's statement does make me feel constrained, like, if I should ever get annoyed by Karla, that I ought to pretend she didn't irk me so I and Your words can still be approved of!


What someone else thinks of you and My words is not your concern. Let go of control, dear Gloria. Who has said that Karla or her priest have to believe in you and/or My words here?


Me, my conditioning. You make me think of something else that Karen said. She said, "When people get mad at me — good, they're mad at me. Then I know I'm doing my work!" Like my query letter to that literary agent — it hit him right between the eyes!


Let it be the same to you whether he liked HEAVEN or not.

When you get a favorable response, and you will, you proceed from there. When you get an unfavorable response, which you have, you proceed from there also. Leave by the wayside what belongs at the wayside. What wants to come with you, let come. No making. No doing. Just what is. Let it be.

A Course in Miracles, Lesson 344:
"Today I learn the law of love; that which I give my brother is my gift to me. This is Your law, my Father, not my own. I have not understood what giving means, and thought to save what I desired for myself alone. Let my forgiven brothers fill my store with Heaven's treasures…Thus is the law of love fulfilled. And thus Your Son arises and returns to You."


Just be, Gloria. Let what is. Don't block, and My love will shine through.


Dear Mother Divine, what do you wish to say?

Mother Divine:

Gloria, when you love, you let love emanate from you, and your attention isn't on what someone else thinks about it or you.

When your attention is with God, your small self has no voice to intrude, no eyes to dart here and there, no ears to hear untruth.

When your attention is with God, you are filled with God and not the merits or demerits of the world.

So, fill your eyes with God, your heart with His love, your ears with His voice, and your soul with His peace.

The peace of God is upon you. The peace of God is absence of ego. The peace of God is your mind with God's, your heart with God's, and you express God.

Take delight in God as He delights in you. Take His joy and make it your own. He gives it to you. He wants you to have it. Would you refuse?



Mother Divine:

So, take it. Say: "Today I accept Your joy, dear God. I accept Your love, Your peace, Your voice, Your heart, Your mind. I accept Your children as my own, and I accept myself as Yours."


Gloria to God:

Dear God, what do you wish to tell me tonight?


Have you something you want to ask?


I'm trying to think. I could report that today I feel much less sensitive. I did my asanas and pranyam this morning. Oh, yes, John and I were talking, and I think he was surprised that all "great" healers are not necessarily well-connected to You. They may think they are, but may not be. Men of the cloth as well.


All are connected to Me. You are speaking about the openness of the connection. Not all those with healing powers communicate with Me. Nor all men of the cloth. And you might also be surprised with the simple people who do, like you, for instance.


I am surprised and so grateful that We do. I never knew this would happen. I wanted enlightenment at some point, but I don't think I even thought of You in connection with that! I wanted it because I heard it was good and was free of suffering.

But at some point I wanted You, dear God, and You came.


You awakened to Me.




And you will awaken to more. You are still waking up. You are just stretching and yawning now.


Dear Mother Divine, what would you like to tell me?

Mother Divine:

All is well. All is as it should be. God is in Heaven. And you will be too. You are almost there. Heaven awaits.