Seek the Peace of God
Dear Mother Divine, sometimes I wake up with tunes in my head and find myself humming them. I may not know the names of them, but they can be from my youth, the Hit Parade, a soap opera… It makes me think that whatever gets into us gets into us!
Mother Divine:
Yes, unbeknownst to you.
I wonder why I wrote first to you today. Sometimes I don't know what is the difference between you and God. On the other hand, I must know because some questions and comments are for you, and others for God Himself. Maybe you're one level of the path, and God another. But no, that's not it. Maybe you're one side of the road, and God another. That's not quite right either.
Maybe just a slight variation in the tone, the same radio station in another modulation or frequency slightly discernible.
Mother Divine:
I am an aspect of God, but what does that mean? We spoke before that God is white and I am rose. Perhaps we could say I am an overtone of God or an undertone or the tiniest variation in angle of approach, seen one degree over from the left or the right.
But in Heaven, of course, there is no left or right. All One in Heaven and in God.
Maybe the difference then is in me. The questions and answers from you come from another place within me, maybe from another dot in my brain or cell of my heart. But I am glad you became available to me, that you are here, and that you love me. I feel your softness and sweetness and an easing, and yet I think I do feel more love from God, more power maybe, more something. Is that unkind for me to say?
Mother Divine:
You feel a relaxedness with me. You are more on your toes with God. And that is fine. Not necessary, but fine.
I feel as though I melt into God, but, somehow, you and I, we're just there. Oh, I don't know what I am saying.
Mother Divine:
You are saying there are different notes on a scale. And I am saying that there is one note in Heaven.
God and I, as you know Us, are symbols. All the words for Us are symbols. Oneness is one twang on the guitar. One Ocean, one wave.
Sometimes you feel Us as your own aura. You feel Us as "something", just something, something you know, familiar, true, the More, the All you seek, the All you hold, the All you are. Call Us your Magnificence.
A Course in Miracles, Lesson 343:
"I am not asked to make a sacrifice to find the mercy and the peace of God. The end of suffering cannot be loss. You only Give. You never take away. And You created me to be like You, so sacrifice becomes impossible for me as well as You. I, too, must give…Your Son can make no sacrifice, for he must be complete, having the function of completing You…The mercy and the peace of God are free. Salvation has no cost. It is a gift that must be freely given and received. And it is this we would learn today."
Dear God, in a way I feel I have definitely found Your mercy. It is Your peace within me that I am not fully aware of. I sense its presence, but I don't quite own it yet.
You own it, Gloria, but do not yet quite acknowledge your ownership. You feel it as a sometime somewhere part of you, perhaps sectioned off, not yet encompassing.
My peace is within you. It is you, but you still hold on to the babble of fear and world thoughts. They are waves on your peace.
It will be good for you to look for My peace, have that as your aim. You have Me a lot. Now seek My peace.
You have sought and found the wisdom of God, the friendliness of God, My presence. Await the peace of God, and it will roll over you, and you will know nothing else.
The peace of God will be like a bath. You will be washed in My peace and become it.
It is nice for you to have that to look forward to. It will be better when you establish it as yours. Choose My peace rather than your turmoil.
You have chosen Me. Now choose My peace. Reach out your hand, and choose the card that says "God's Peace," and sign your name at the bottom.
Subscribe to My peace. Ascribe to it. Scribe it, Gloria. Write it. God's Peace. God's Peace. God's Peace, and then you will have Everything.
Thank You. This is off the subject, but similar to the tunes that come to me, sometimes I close my eyes and I see pages of my handwritten Godwriting. I cannot make out the words. I don't if it is an afterimage, or if I am seeing writing that is yet to come.
It is past writing you are seeing. It is like your mind collates it. Tomorrow's page has not yet been written. You don't know what I am going to say tomorrow or tonight. I don't plan it either. We are spontaneous with this, and that is how I want it. You write out strings of Me, as it were.
Right now I feel You looking at me with love.
I do. And that is the only way I can look upon My children. Love sees love. Love's seeing is love. Love is My eyes upon you — or yours on Me!
Later on March 31, 1999…
Gloria to God:
Dear God, Ruth called me today from Boulder and reminded me that Passover starts tonight. I wonder whether some of my sensitivity stems from that. And there is also a blue moon tonight.
There is always something that you can attach a mood to. Your mood springs from you, dear Gloria. Something in your physiology. Some release of past conditioning. Something more for you to learn.
Dear Mother Divine, my dear friend, what will you tell me tonight?
Mother Divine:
I will sit with you in silence as you meditate, and you will feel better. You will feel my love which is the same as my presence. Sit with me tonight.