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HL #4545

Dear Gloria,

I wonder whether there should be a question mark behind the first sentence of this paragraph:

When you step into the sea, what else do you need but the feel of the water and how it tastes. There is nothing to do but absorb it. All the knowledge in the world is nothing next to swimming in the water. Then there is nothing more to know. You need no explanation. You need no understanding. Yet you, even as you swim in the sea, may not get the whole picture.


Luus, of course, you are

Luus, of course, you are right. There is no question that there has to be the proper punctuation for the structure of this sentence, and that is a question mark.

To my mind, there is a need for some kind of half-question mark! As I see it, this is not a real question, more of a statement! Personal feelings and preferences aren't supposed to enter into punctuation. Maybe we can invent a new punctuation mark!

I am going to leave it to you, beloved Luus. You decide, dear one. What am I complicating things for?!!!!

Thank you for proofing so carefully. I hope you know how much you are appreciated.

God bless you.

Love, Gloria