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HL #4511

Dear Gloria,

What if you cheered the world on today? All you would have to do is to think and talk about some of the great things that you have seen or remembered or desired. Picture what freedom looks like. Picture what happiness looks like. Today has held glory for you and will hold more glory in it, and you are here, present in the world, to point its glory a world that looks to you to show it where you want it to go.

This last sentence is difficult for me to understand and I wonder whether a word is missing. Should it read: "to point its glory TO a world to you to show it where tou want it to go"?

Thanks a lot.

Beloved Luus, you are

Beloved Luus, you are absolutely right. Yes, dear one. Yes, yes, yes! And thank you so much.

Cheers for the Dutch translators who not only ask their questions but also find typos! Thank you for your conscientiousness, and sorry for the typos, dear ones.