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Helping others

Now, I know a lot of atheist people, some of whome I am close to. Now, Ihave nothing against that, however, several of these people are quitedepressed due to their lost-belief, and I don't see why they should have tolive in a sad way when a lot of us don't, if one can be of help then thatwould be great! The problem is of course, they would probably require somekind of proof, even if God as a being can't really be proven. But I supposethe closest thing to proof in this instance for them would be thatknowledge of knowing which God has. Do you think it is possible to ask Godto tell me something, which I couldn't possibly have picked up fromanywhere else other than God? For example if God were to tell me of a happy memory that that person had had, but had never shared with anyone? Thatway, the person would wonder how I knew of such a thing without having someconnection with an 'all-knowing' being.I have explained some things to people in the past whichI have found inHeavenletters, which has largely been successful, however I think that somepeople just require a little more. Much Blessings and Love;

Lindenn A' P

Beloved Linden, thank you

Beloved Linden, thank you for asking your question and posting it here.

I think this is something to leave to God altogether.

You know, dear, people who have deep belief in God also get depressed.

I get the feeling from God that we are not to fix other people's difficulties. I have the tendency to do the same. Yet I believe God tells us we are to love and bless all as best we are able and leave them free to go on their own path and look to ourselves. God in Heavenletters definitely tells us that all paths lead to Him -- all paths.

I read somewhere that Mother Theresa lost her faith in God during her last years. Was she then an atheist?

The first 42 years of my life I had no conscious awareness of God.

When we label people, we make "others." I know how much you want Oneness. You would not have written your heartfelt question otherwise. I know that you feel all as your brothers.

There is a Heavenletter coming up, or perhaps it has already been published, in which God tells us to stay away from words like Thou and I, them and me.

There are great people who subscribe to Heavenletters who do not believe in God. One good reason why we stay away from discussion of religion on this forum is so that all who come can know they are welcome and can feel comfortable here and not have to defend where they are.

I appreciate that you asked your honest question.

God bless you.

With love,


Hey, thanks for replying so

Hey, thanks for replying so quickly.
To be honest with you I think it would be great to amaze someone in this mannar, leaving them thinking ''That's just amazing'', it'd enlighten their spirits; but more importantly all paths do lead to God; also it's a shame that some people think that God doesn't love them -- where on earth did that idea come from anyway? I suppose that it could have been created to try and keep society in order, definalty something I'm curious about.

With love and blessing;


Tweak: Btw, thanks for understanding my question, it's a bit unusual compared to most on here :D

Dear Linden, you got a

Dear Linden, you got a perfect reply to which I can hardly add anything. Perhaps this is worth emphasizing: Do not try to prove God, especially not with feats that are the domain of soothsayers. Anyone who is really good in that area will be able to tell your friends memories they have never told anyone about. If you can remember your being one with God, your deep happiness and peace and unobtrusive love – not necessarily your words – will be convincing for some but not for everyone. I remember a Heavenletter where God suggests we ask Him to take care of all the people we find it hard to deal with. So probably, as Gloria says, the best thing you can do for your friends is to leave everything to God altogether. Of course, be there for them.

You said that "some people just require a little more", and you may be right. But that "little more" is often just a little more time for things to sink in.