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Bells Ringing in Heaven Youtube video

Dearest Friends,

Warm Greetings.

Pls check out another video I made on this HL-
Bells Ringing in Heaven

I wanted the HeavenLetters Book Image to come in the
main video image but somehow it didnt turn up.
I was bored looking at my own face (ha) so this time
I thought it would be better to have the HL Book
as the main video image.Maybe next time.

Hope you enjoy it.

Peace and Love.

The Heavenletter book showed

The Heavenletter book showed amazingly at the beginning of the video.

Please know you have a most expressive face. It is a delight to see you read! Part of the joy is watching you.

Big thanks,


The video is available here

Friends, it's about time that Heaven expands it's reach. These beautiful videos that Shahid has created, is part of that movement. Lets see some of you join in the fun!

Well done Shahid!

Now imagine a Heavenletter

Now imagine a Heavenletter being read out in different languages!!! Folk from all around the world creating videos of Heavenletter readings in their language. Many of your names come to mind! I can just see our friends from all around the world reading out their favorite Heavenletters. Beautiful!

I would love to do a HL in

I would love to do a HL in Hindi/Urdu.

The thing is I am helping many Spiritual people/Org's
online(mean that humbly) so sadly I really cant sit down
and translate into Hindi or Urdu,much as I would love to.
Also I live in a joint family so really dont have any

The videos I make for youtube is done only when
my family is out and I am all alone at
home.So if my family happens to go out
,mostly in the evening,thats the time I get to
make a video.

But if anyone does end up getting a HL translated
into Hindi or Urdu,Guess who will be the most happy
to do a Video on it???:)

Peace and Love.