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Heavenletter Subscribers

Heaven news 28 januari 2009 : 200 - 300 subscribers each day ? You ain't seen nothing yet, Gloria, this is the beginning of mass awakening !!!

From Holland with love,


To Holland with

To Holland with love!

Beloved Anco, I love what you say. That's just the thinking we want to have! Mass awakening!

I can see where I need to be more careful in my wording. I said in Heaven News: "Now Heaven Admin is talking about 200 - 300 new subscribers a day!" I"m so sorry. I didn't mean to indicate that we have 200 to 300 subscribers a day right now. I should have said that 200-300 new subscribers a day is what Heaven Admin foresees will happen soon.

I am impressed with 20 or 30 a day you understand, and then Heaven Admin gets me in balance by saying something like: "Wait until we have ten times 20 and 30."

I also said that we have doubled, tripled and quadrupled our subscribers. I think if we go way back, it would be safe to say we have a thousand per cent more -- but please be advised that arithmetic is not my forte.

Let me say again that we started with eighteen subscribers. And when we got as high as 4 a month, I was ecstatic! 20 and 30 a day has me jumping for joy! 20 new subscribers a day is 600 a month. Can my nervous system deal with more!!!!

Blessings and love,
