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Heavenletter # 4545

Do we agree that we will allow "we" and "We" in the same Heavenletter? I would like to make the case for it.


To the best of my

To the best of my recollection, when we see We capitalized, God is speaking.

If God quotes us in a Heavenletter, we -- referring to human beings -- would not be capitalized.

Are there specific Heavenletters where perhaps capital We is meant and I didn't put it?

P.S. In Godwriting, it is not that God says to me: "Capitalize this and don't capitalize that." I do sense this, however, in much the same way as I may sense specific words when there is a choice between two words. Most of the time, I sense God's words clearly. Sometimes it's almost as though my typing fingers sense punctuation. I don't think I could NOT capitalize We when it refers to God!