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Heaven #4411 The Lingering Light of the Sun

Dear Gloria

I don't catch easily that title: "The lingering Light of the Sun" and in the last sentence: "We'll ease you out of shadow into the lingering light of the sun."

Is it persisting light?
Is it a light that proceed slowly?
Is it a light that is tardy in acting?


And in HL #4412: Change That Tune"

paragr. 8

"Turn in all your
complaints. Like your looks. Like, for like breeds like. Fault-finers breed
fault. Love yourself. Love the Universe. " Should we read "fault-finders breed fault"?



Dear Normand, dear Gloria,

I'm confused!! I translate the even numbers of HL and yesterday Luus send me HL#4412 Choose Happiness Today and in the last sentence is 'We'll ease you out of shadow into the lingering light of the sun.' (in French: dans le la lumière persistante du soleil ?) and Normand says that this sentence is from #4411 The Lingering Light of the Sun.

According to Normand is HL #4412: Change that Tune??

Maybe dear Normand, you mixed up the numbers? Or what is going on??

(For Whom Does Your Heart Beat?
Heavenletter #4411 Published on: December 22, 2012)

love and light, namasté, Anneke

You're right Anneke. HL#4412

You're right Anneke. HL#4412 is "Choose Happiness Today" which title Gloria changed today to Lingering light of the sun. I mixed up the #. Always check with Theophil's listing. But the title of this #4412 as been changed, on Gloria's request, to "Lingering Light of the Sun", which hasn't been changed yet on Theophil's listing.

still confused...

Dear Normand,

thanks for clearing that up about HL #4412; I changed the title.

Luus send me the translation of Heavenletter #4411 For Whom Does Your Heart Beat? Published on: December 22, 2012, so I don't understand to which HL your question

And in HL #4412: Change That Tune"

paragr. 8

"Turn in all your
complaints. Like your looks. Like, for like breeds like. Fault-finers breed fault. Love yourself. Love the Universe. " Should we read "fault-finders breed fault"?

is related? Maybe HL #4413? Because I can't find this paragr.8 in HL #4411)

love and light, namasté, Anneke

Dear Anneke, it is

Dear Anneke, it is understandable that you are confused. HL #4413 should be posted tomorrow by Theophil. I posted that question too soon for the Translator Forum.

We could think of lingering

We could think of lingering light of the sun as "continuing light of the sun." Of course, lingering light of the sun sounds better. "Come out of shadow into the sun" except more poetically it says: "Come out of the shadow into the lingering light of the sun." I don't have the exact quote in front of me, so I could be inexact.

At first, I too felt there was something obscure in that phrase, but now I don't. Maybe we don't have to thoroughly understand everything. Somewhere, if I'm not mistaken, God says something about the rhythm and sound being important, not only the meaning.

Let me know if the phrase makes more sense now. Don't hesitate.


Dear Normand,

... from bottom up ...

# 4413 "Change That Tune" is now posted, and I caught the typo Fault-finers >> Fault-finders, too.


Light - like love - is several characteristics in one, if we could take this word or expression here.
... Light is coming ... light is staying and lingering and sojourning and is never walking off ... and, indeed, light is leaving where it lingers - - all in one stance, and beyond its appearances, though sometimes in its appearances too.
That is why light has no reasons or places or times to be, and why light is able to dispense with our thought.
Light is.
And what is, is going to be.

. . . .

... Let's turn towards shadow.
Shadow is a seeming lack of light - affected by whatever; light has no effect towards those matters which affect shadow.
Coming out of shadow is coming out of a seeming and temporary light appearance. Coming out of shadow is getting into the staying, abiding and ever dwelling light of the sun.
And God is so gracious, and says to me, HOW He would like to guide us out of shadow. God wants to ease me out of shadow.

* * *
... I would like to ease out my child, when I observed, that my younger child stood at the doorstep of the room of one of her best friends. Her friend's room was messed up by a drunken relative, remnants of paints on the wall, on her books, singes and seared clothes are to be seen, and so on. As a father I will guide my daughter's sight of her eyes, her attention of her mind and the actually intended direction of her body, gently and quietly, to other horizons, which are more filled with light, with light for her eyes, as I could know, how they are and how they see presently in the state of her awareness.

Yes, this is a wonderful passage in this Heavenletter. And it is an auspicious pledge of God, what We are going to do.


Exquisite what you write,

Exquisite what you write, beloved Theophil. I am learning through you. Thank you.

Dear Theophil, this is a

Dear Theophil,
this is a beautiful comment on this Heavenletter. You should post it on the HL Readers' forum so more people can read it. It is very inspiring.


Yes! My vision of the


My vision of the website upgrade is that all posts on whatever subject appear altogether right in front of everyone so every post is seen by all.

Thank you, Normand, and thank you, Theophil, for your translations and all the administrative work you also so seamlessly provide for Heavenletters.

God blesses us.