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Heaven #4195 The Creator And The Created

Dear Gloria,


parag. 6:

"If you have one crayon, you can still draw everything with it. The sunlight will cast a different view. According to the Sun, your one crayon becomes many colors streaming through the Universe. Oneness shines according to a prism of it. There is no end to the light that can be cast and the light that can sweep you up in it."

I am not sure of what the "it" in "the prism of it" is standing for. Is it the prism of Oneness? And is the "it" in " the light that can sweep you up in it" referring to the light or to Oneness?


I believe that the reference

I believe that the reference is to light! Oneness is said to shine. So Oneness is also light. Are light and Oneness then the same? Nevertheless, this is rather an awkward grouping of sentences.

Would it be clearer if the sentence read: "Oneness shines according to its prism." Then, is the sentence clearer, simpler, less awkward? Please let me know what you feel.

Normand, leave it to you to find sentence structure that needs clarification.

God bless you.

With love, Gloria

Indeed this is rather an

Indeed this is rather an awkward grouping of sentences. The more I read this paragraph, the less I grasp the intended meaning of it. It seems connected to the preceding paragraph where the vast Created World is said to be only the size of a drop in a bucket. But I can hardly make the connection between the 5th and the 6th paragraph. I can only speculate.

The expression "According to the Sun" confuses me also. Does it mean "according to the position of the Sun"?

My interpretation of this paragraph is that the light that created what seems to us as an overwhelming vast Universe does not reside into space or time. It has no dimension. That is why you can draw everything with a crayon. The Sun acts like a prism and the crayon becomes many colors streaming through the Universe. There is no end to the light because it is beyond space and time, beyond a dimensional Universe.

Even with this interpretation of mine, I am not sure of what I am talking about (!?!?) so I guess that the french readers probably won't know either what I am talking about.

Could we have some inputs from our translators?


Beloved Normand, somewhere

Beloved Normand, somewhere God has said that it is good to be confused, much better than thinking we know something with certainty. Thank you for all your input.