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HEAVEN # 2661 Prekrasni Darove Patuvat

Вие искате да знаете какви са всичките хубави неща, които пътуват към вас. Искате да знаете до най-малката подробност. Искате да знаете точно какво идва, кога и всяка частица от неговото съдържание. Е, възлюбени, бъдете доволни, защото ще разберете достатъчно скоро. Можете ли да бъдете доволни със знанието, че чудо след чудо пътуват към вас? Можете ли да се задоволите със знанието, че чудесата бързат към вас и към света? Какво повече трябва да знаете? Не бихте ли желали да се изненадате? Не е ли част от радостта в незнанието?

Не искате ли радостта на откритието? Предпочитате ли някой приятел да ви разкаже всяка подробност от филма, преди да го видите, или по-скоро бихте го гледали и открили за себе си?

Вие се самозалъгвате, възлюбени, ако мислите, че наистина искате целия си обяд поднесен, така че да можете да го видите предварително.

За да разберете какво се крие зад ъгъла, трябва да завиете на ъгъла. Трябва да се срещнете лице в лице с живота си. Винаги е било така. Вие не се нуждаете от официална предпремиера. Вие не се нуждаете и от предварително известие, въпреки че Аз ви изпращам предварителни известия. Чудо след чудо пътуват към вас и чудесата няма да подминат. Те ще излязат право напред. Няма да трябва да чакате на опашка, само дето наистина трябва да чакате.

Всичко, което е ваше, е ваше. Може да не знаете за него сега, но всичко, което е ваше е вече в движение. Аз бих казал, че то вече е ваше, само още не е получено. С Моето намерерние, съобщението е изпратено. Колелата се въртят. Вие ще имате една голяма усмивка.

Аз говора на всеки един от вас, като казвам това. Някои от изненадите ви ще бъдат от голямо значение. Някои ще бъдат за дребни неща. Големи или малки, радостта ще е същата. Вие ще знаете, че животът любезно ви възнаграждава за това, че сте себе си. Страхотно е, че да сте себе си също е ваша награда. Вие не се нуждаете от допълнителна награда. Независимо от това, много много награди пътуват към вас.

Вие няма да ги подминете. Ще ги видете, както виждате слънцето в небето. Всичко, което трябва да правите, е да приемате. Дори не е нужно да търсите. И вие не можете да направите нищо, което да спре тези награди да ви достигнат. Дарове на любовта вече ви бяха изпратени. Понякога пощата е бърза, а понякога пощата е бавна. Какво ви интересува? Какво значение има? Вие вече сте възнаградени с непоколебимото знание, че дар след дар пътуват към вас, по суша, въздух и вода. По личен вестител, по съкровище, което се пада на вас, което пада в краката ви, което попада в кръгозора ви. Изключително удоволствие пътува към вас.

Насладете му се сега, предварително, докато чакате с нетърпение. Може ли сбъдването да ви даде повече радост от този изпълващ устата със слюнка момент на очакването? Цялата радост е ваша сега. Когато сте сигурни, че предстои голямо щастие, когато имате увереност, че това е така, радостта вече е ваша.

Скоро името ви ще бъде извикано и вие ще излезете на сцената на живота, както е поставена, за да получите медала си, това ваше признание, което е винаги ваше за да го имате и за да го пазите. Аз ви виждам сега, приемник на голямо благоволение, докато пристъпвате в светлините на рампата и заставате, готови да приемате.

Copyright@ 1999-2008

Превод: Ваня Тонева

Blessed Vanya, you are back!

Blessed Vanya, you are back! How wonderful and generous of you! It means so much, dear angel.

Vanya, when you have a translation, in addition to sending it to the proper channels, will you also send it to me? Then I will be sure to know and feel so happy.

God bless you.

With love,


Beloved Gloria, I love to be

Beloved Gloria, I love to be back! I was so heartbroken to leave in the first place. I am very Grateful I regained my time and there is nothing that I would rather do but translate Heavenletters. I browse through some religion and spirituality groups digests and if I find something interesting I would read/watch it. However, with Heavenletters it is pretty much a daily synchronicity that they sound just like they were written for me. Therefore translating them comes very naturally. The messages are so sweet, I feel better when I am done, and I feel refreshed. Also I have statistics on my yahoo 360 that show some silent visitors come and go. They never leave any comments, but watching the number of visitors grow encourages me to post translations. Last but not least – your appreciation of my talent and my contributions to Heavenletters means so much to me, it feeds me and it keeps me going.
Of course I will send my translations to you too.

Love and blessings to you!


Beloved Vanya, you know how

Beloved Vanya, you know how happy it is to have you back.

Wonderful that the visitors to your translations grow. Will you tell me how you know this? Is it somewhere I haven't noticed?

Also, how do you think we can bring more people to read your translations? What are your ideas, and let's do them!

That’s an interesting

That’s an interesting one… I have never thought how to attract more people to read my translations. I have referred them to a close friend and she gave a high acclaim. I know she’s checking up for my new posts whenever she can. I dared to tell two other friends about my translations but they have not given any feedback. I consider this to be a “no, I’m not interested”… I used to think that Heavenletters reach anybody who is ready and willing to read them naturally. This is for the first time I ask myself what I could do to help them reach their Bulgarian readers… I am sure to post any ideas as soon as they bloom in my mind, beloved Gloria.

Love & blessings,


Remember how God tells us to

Remember how God tells us to not to be attached to results? If someone welcomes Heavenletters or not, it's their business, and has nothing to do with us. That's what I've had to learn. I'm happy when someone subscribes, and don't even think about it anymore when someone doesn't. And sometimes we just can't know what someone is going to do.

I remember once a friend of mine whom I sent a Heavenletter to replied they were nice and all that but not for her. A few days later, meaning to send a Heavenletter to someone else, I mistakenly sent it to this same friend. I didn't even realize I had until she emailed me back and said something like this: "All right, I give in. Send them to me." And she's been subscribing ever since!

I think it helps when we send a Heavenletter to someone that we tell them to subscribe!

Vanya, are there Belgian Yahoo groups and places like that where Heavenletters can be posted?

Maybe some of the other translators know ways.

God bless you, Vanya.

Love, Gloria

Very Dear Vanya, in the

Very Dear Vanya,
in the beginning I used to think about this issue quite a lot. And all of my subscribers were family members who have the same surname with me, all of them were Vurals. :p With time others - with different surnames - came as well.

Now, the number of the subscribers are not as high as I want, on the other hand I believe that these letters are reaching the people whose hearts are open and ready.

I think Heavenletters are finding their subscribers by themselves, or vice versa. Time is the great instrument. As long as we do these translations with such pleasure and contentment, subscribers will come own their own, with time. :thumbup:

Love you

Engin, you have 60+

Engin, you have 60+ subscribers now?

And, of course, the more that come, the more that will come!

When Heavenletters started, I was thrilled when we had four new readers a month! Now I'm disappointed when there are only four on a particular day! There really is that aspect of Heavenletters where they seem to go on their own. But, sometimes, a little pushing helps!

I wonder, just thinking about this now, if we shouldn't have a letter that goes out to readers of translations, asking them to bring a friend or family member. Something like that?

What do you think?

I do not know Maybe we

I do not know :Rolleyes:

Maybe we can thank readers emphasizing that "the number of the subscribers are increasing day by day, people are happy with the letters so we are"...etc.. :blushing:

Gloria & Engin, Thank you

Gloria & Engin,

Thank you for your comments. I feel content with the way things are right now with spreading Heavenletters. I like things to flow naturally. I found Heavenletters at some point, or maybe they found me and then it was like “OK, you’ve read it, you loved it, and so… are you going to keep it for yourself alone???” That is simply impossible. So that is what triggers me to translate them. And also a new aspect that had never occurred to me before: expression; the expression of self. Yes, translating does bring ones talent out and with love, persistence and diligence it makes a talent shine. Yes, it is in service to God, but it seems to me that it is really the expression of self that comes first. Consider a bird, singing. When a bird is blessed with a voice what else is it to do but sing and whom else is it to sing about but God?

Love and blessings to You!


Dear Gloria, I don’t see

Dear Gloria,

I don’t see the statistics all the time – sometimes they appear and sometimes they don’t but basically a visitor should be able to see them on the top page of a yahoo 360 profile. Sometimes I get some more detailed ones on my yahoo 360 home page.

Love and blessings,
