As We sit together right now, ask Me what I want. What do you imagine that I want?
If you were to speak words for Me, what would you have Me say through you?
And if you, as I, could not say a word, what would you convey with your arms?
I will tell you what it would be. You would hold your arms out upward as an offering, offering Heaven to all. "Here is Heaven for you," your arms would say.
And if you could use only one hand, you would place it as a blessing on the head of each one before you. The blessing would be simply in turning the hand over so that it is emptied and the offering delivered. My message that your hand would convey is: "Yes, now you have Heaven. I have given it to you."
That is it. Offering and blessing, gift and award, they are all the same. And so you come to know there is no difference between offering and blessing. And now you know that My occupation is giving. Had you thought that taking away was?
Look to the staff and not the distaff.
Look to the yes and not the no.
Await the good that is proliferating on its way to you. I do not miss My target. And you are what I aim for.
Remember, judging limits you. Do not judge what comes to you. Call it all good, for all can be known as almighty love. Do not interpret events according to what you feel. That is too short-ranged for one such as you. That is too up and down.
Your feelings are not insignificant, but they are not the main significance either. They are reactions, but they are reactions to your interpretation, not to the actual events. Many things are what you say they are. You say something is good, and you say something is bad, and then they are whatever you say. You know by now that you have often misinterpreted. And what you interpret is what you get. That yours is a misinterpretation does not change the event you misinterpret, but it certainly affects your reaction to it. And so now you know that you react only to what you make of things and not to the things themselves.
And what do you make of Me? Make of Me what you will. It affects Me not. But it most certainly does affect you. What power do you grant Me? What do you think I am trying to do with you? What do you think Our relationship is? What is your place in it? How far or how close are We, to your way of thinking?
And so it is.
Now you know how powerful you are. You can turn anything to gold. You can turn anything and everything to gold. You can do this because all is golden light. All that you see and all that you don't see are golden light. And so, you can see everything in the light of goldenness, for you can see truth.
All that befalls is a blessing. That is not always easy for you to see. Often impossible-seeming, for you see many occurrences as obstacles, and obstacles they will be. You have said so. You are the determiner of your interpretations. You are the one who turns dross to gold. No one can do it for you. Love sometimes comes in disguise, but it is you who must see through the disguise in order to see the gold underneath.
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