From Now On

God said:

Set your sights high. Never mind any distance between the sights you have set and what occurs. Anyone can measure fault. It takes no talent. You may be an expert at that already. Certainly, you need no practice.

Now practice at continuing to set your sights higher. Keep the light shining high before you. When you climb a tall mountain or scale the side of the Empire State Building, you know better than to keep looking down. This applies the same to life.

You would not measure the distance between what you desired and what befell unless you were looking back. You may call looking back facing reality. You may call it whatever you will, but you are looking behind you. You are not facing reality. You are shaking your finger at the past. You are pointing out the errors of its way. You are scolding it. A lot of good that does! The best it does is make you bemoan the past. Bemoaning is not a high vibration, beloveds. Did you think it was?

Or perhaps you thought it clever to point out to the past its failings. The past doesn't care what you call it. It makes no difference to the past. The past knows it is all said and done. The past is smarter than you, for it has already moved on to more fertile fields. In that respect, beloveds, be as good as the past that knows to move on.

You are not here on Earth to prove anything. Give all the proof you want, and what have you proved? The world is spinning under your feet, and you are miles away, and you make your proofs, and you build a case to prove to yourself what you already knew. And, yet, here you are. You give substantial evidence of errors the world has made, and you point out what it should have done. I will not point out to you what you should have done. I will point out what is right in front of you now. I will tell you to face front. Past skirmishes are over.

When you don't have to prove anything, you are freed. If you insist on proving something, prove then that there is a clear slate before you. Prove that you will not be hung up on the past. Put your records away, and take out a clean piece of life to write on. Your life may be a story, but your life is not writing that you are to go back and edit.

The best you can do is to make your story better from now on. To do that, put the past aside. Let it go. It will go in any case.

All your references to the past and its misbehavior are only throwbacks to the past. You are like an old veteran of the wars who pounces on his old stories again and again. He loves to go over the battles he fought and fritter over the past and neglect what is right before him. Beloveds, the past is no more good to you than it ever was.

Do not be a collector of the past. Do not fill the drawers of your mind to overflowing. Do not keep every rubber band and twist-it that has entered your mind. Let them exit. Keep your mind uncrowded so that you are clear and forthright and engage what is yours to engage. Back off the past. Never mind it. What is in your hand right now?

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In my hand right now

WOW God!
In my hand right now as i were reading this letter was a tiny hand of a dear child who makes my present times so worthwhile and easy for me to let the past go.
She gently placed her tiny hand in my hand -just in time before i could read the last sentence of this letter from You!
thank You God for reminding me.
Organic love,

to let go of the past....

dear readers,
Oh how difficult it is to let go of what I thought was the love a my life.....I keep on thinking of what I should have said to make him stay. I blame myself for not knowing what I know now..Or is there a perfection in it all????
I keep on weeping, I said the wrong things..I was wrong...blaming myself....but than again...he didn t gave me a seccond change. Maybe intuitivly he knows this is best??? However I think and weep over and over again it didn t solve the pressent It doesn t make it any better..and so the past is wiser than me...there is already so much more past happend every thing is like it is....
and now is now!!!! So I can choose to move on and still alow myself to love him no matter what....that what there

Past skirmishes are over Do

Past skirmishes are over
Do not be a collector of the past.
What is in your hand right now?

When my fists are tightly closed, holding onto the past, there is no room to let in the Glory of this present I open my hand and first of all...there is nothing but dust from the past and I easily blow that away...and now look at my hand...this Glorious Creation of Yours and I reach out and I place Your Hand in mine dear God and I place my hand in Your Hand...- I cannot feel where One ends and One begins ... and I feel the Love, the Energy, the Peace flow from my hand through every vein in my body...and Your life Force flows through my river to renew and refresh.
Thank You for this beautiful Heaven Letter -- I unclutter my mind and fill it with Gratitude and Love and Hope and Life

WOW Gloria! Thank you for

WOW Gloria! Thank you for the great reminder. This mind needs to hear it often as it has a deep old tendency to go back to and dwell on the past with the idea of some justice or restitution in the present. Also loved May 8 & May 11th on the past and on love. Thank you! Love, Sasha

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said to write on
What is in your hand right now
The best you can do

God said miles away
You are looking behind you
And yet here you are

God said from now on
Keep the light high before you
So that you are clear

Love, Light and Aloha!


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