For One Moment of Eternity

God said:

From My intention, you came into Being. From My intention came Creation. Creation fashioned Me a Creator, and so it is said I created you. Together, as One, We created you, a facsimile of the Creator.

You intended to be. You wanted to see what it would be like if you manifested as a flesh and blood human being. What a diversity the One of Us became. Multiplication came easily. You were not exactly produced, and yet you became.

As I think this Heavenletter and it comes into Being, so had I the thought of you, and, before My very eyes, I was disguised and came into Being as you. You (I) arose from the fire of love in My heart. I say I think this Heavenletter, but I don't really think it as you understand think. I vibrated it. I hummed. I manifested it, and then the hummed went through layers of existence until it was received and funneled to you. Of course, you think it came in a sequence of time, and yet, despite what your senses and mind tell you, it came all at once. It will always reverberate. So many Heavenletters, so many human beings even when they are all One.

From now on when I say you, you will understand that I mean Myself as you.

Neither of Us contrived your intricacies. The outer manifestation of you is not what mattered. We knew its unimportance even as We knew it would become important to you, for the world is the world, and the world itself is external. Values got turned upside down. No matter. They will right themselves.

You became mental, emotional, physical. Energy manifested. You became moveable parts. You became an Odyssey. You became everything, everything imagined. You were the precursor to your existence on Earth, and you became the Earth and everyone and everything on it, and yet you had your shape and your tricks of the trade, life that is, and you became a stranger to yourself, the soul of yourself, the solace of yourself.

I am having a good time this morning with this puzzling Heavenletter that appears before Me as though already written except I have it and give it in one fell swoop.

Where shall I take you now? Where did I leave off? Does it matter?

Let's begin all over again.

If you are in a rut, let's get you out of it. Of course, it is up to the physical, mental, emotional you to do that, for, in reality, although the physical, mental, and emotional play a heavy role in your life on Earth, they do not exist any more than the Earth under your feet exists, and yet you take a step in the game board you play. What board game are you playing? Where do you go but round and round? When do you pass Go, and when do you Exit this played-out existence?

For one moment of Eternity, I had a dream, and My dream was you. I am My own dream come true as far as imagination goes, that is. I imagined you. I am real. The manifestation of you is not real. What you appear to be in the world is not at all Who you are. You are a being so powerful that you can even go against the grain. You who are a Divine Being can even shed blood on Earth, and it doesn't change who you are. You can be smallness on Earth, and great in Heaven. You make boundaries which are judgments and do not even grasp the magnitude of the game you are playing that is called Life on Earth.

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Thanks!I know!

love and ligth,

dear heaveneley father,
am thankfulness of your heavenletter,
your heavenletter today its so defecoult to understan,
i want to thank very much you created as a human being
of love, what els i can say your loveng letter
i just want to thank for everyday and night
love and light


How Powerful they are, when received by the heart!
These heavenletters in fact must be received by the heart and then the whole person is awakened and revived.

The words are simple but Powerful. Our mind should be quiet and silently receiving the content with an open mind.

Some happy people will easily break their prejudices and be receptive to Heavenletters with a new mind.

All of them are 100% different from what we have been thinking. Oh what a benefit when we open the heart and allow it to make up the mind!

Thank you so much


Beloved Timoteo, it is

Beloved Timoteo, it is interesting to note that what you say is in tune with what God says. God says this on the FAQ page:

Someone asked: How can I know that Heaven Letters come from God?

God answered:

"Ask your heart."

You became an Odyssey

So my Father, where do we go from here?
Am I sensing a change in the game of Life?
Are we coming to involution?
Are we about to embark upon a shift or fling upon another ring of orbit to continue another kind of Human experience?
Is the Human moving into awsome Divine Power?
Surely we Humans are not returning to a state of flux.

Thanks for answering my questions, my Father.

Love to all Hearts and to all of Creation

I love the Human experience.


God does seem to be saying

Beloved Victor, God does seem to be saying that we are coming to awesome Divinity.

Yesterday, five Heavenletters came. They were about Oneness.

Please see today's blog:


I realized that all these words with all their simplicity,they cannot be understood by our conditioned minds.

We have to stop the thinking mind with its rationalizations and arguments and learn simply to hear what is above the so called rational mind.

It was Pascal who said that:« our hearts have reasons that our reason ignores».I stoped believing in what I have always believed, so that with a new bottle I can receive the «new wine»

NOW, I have no doubt that the Heavenletters come from God. My heart says and confirms it.

I have been struggling a little bit to submit my arguments to the word of God; but the immediate benefits speak louder.

Timoteo see this Letter.

Timoteo you brighten our day with the way you say the Truth of this Heaven Letter!


"For one moment of Eternity, I had a dream," Says God.

We are so used to the mythology of time that we can't imagine one moment of NOW being what real Eternity is. With our belief systems running full blast in our consciousness we think in terms of our clocks or time pieces and we miss the beauty of Existence unfolding under our feet as we breethe or sleep, One moment at a time.. Existence never pauses or changes but remains the IS OF ALL THAT IS. one moment of now at a time.

Unless you study this Heaven Letter you will miss its exquisite word, its perfect message about life that is formed by our concept of it. "Be still and Know" who you are and always have been. Listen as He, through Gloria tells you: " You make boundaries which are judgments and do not even grasp the magnitude of the game you are playing that is called Life on Earth."


'I' AM 'U'!

///From now on when I say you, you will understand that I mean Myself as you.///

Beautiful Inspiring Heavenletter, Thank You God for Your Love.

'I' Curve & Become 'U'!
'U' Straighten & Be "I'!
'I' AM 'U'!
'U' Are 'I'!

........ dear

"If you are in a rut, let's get you out of it. Of course, it is up to the physical, mental, emotional you to do that, for, in reality, although the physical, mental, and emotional play a heavy role in your life on Earth, they do not exist any more than the Earth under your feet exists, and yet you take a step in the game board you play. What board game are you playing? Where do you go but round and round? When do you pass Go, and when do you Exit this played-out existence?"

After going round and round and fulfilling some of my dreams. I didn't find nearly as much peace as when deciding to end it all. When ending it all, with full conscious intention, have no where else to go, where else is there to be other than now? It's very peaceful lol. Don't do 2018 wassupposed to my year,it still is, Ifeel like. Where my dreams are coming true. But even when dreams do come true, the peace of it or fullfulment never last. Rather sleep than to get on with the day. I don't like people telling me what is what and how to do that what. Dress this way,that way. You need this to be succesful or that. Or you dont have peace or happiness. peCe or happiness isdoing, not idling. How do you know wiseone who isn'tMe?

Why do we like to, "hey,Itold you so?" Feels like others want usto fail. Do we project each others thoughtsand emotions on one another? This isn't the time for me to be alive. Maybe it is? I'm not a fighter, I want change, butIwon't stand up and change what I don't like. I'm also in acceptance, Idon't like pushing my opinions on others. Others pushed their opinion on me because I didn'thave a stance, so Ijustwent woth it. Or I didn'thave anywhere to fit in, soI fitin, atlleast somewhere. I never had many friends, the friendsI had Idon'thaveanymore.

Isit in my fatheersshop and watch people come by all day. They all walk funny, broken,looking for something. If I don't act they don't come by. If I don't tell them whats good,theydon't buy. When I'm peaceful they look at me like something iswrong with me. one time a girl came by, she had everything, I could tell. the curiosity on her face, it was lovely. The parents ask their kids what they want, because the parents don't seem to know what the kids have that makes them so innocently peaceful. Maybe Im wrong? It disgusts me, the comfort we have grown into. Everyone, is sitting everywhere. In their cars, bikes, scooters,homes, wheelchairs.

The thought came in a long time ago. Everyone is sitting everywhere" it was in a dream. Even the kids walk funny, with a limp. Reminds me of the movie wall-e. Well I an going to pour my emotions out on this little device right now. I was on the right track yearsago, 19, one year working out, if I completed it I could do anything. 4months in, brother comes home with drugs, ha ha ha. All downhill from there. Now I'm at my dads place,the 3rd beautiful flying bird time. Mybrother has been depressed most his life. acted most his life. (don't blame others) Maybe just a little bit.

I didn't give a flying bird about anything when I was a child, while my brother and parents acted like it all did. Cat died? Evertone was sad, except mr. I didn't care, I wondered why are they crying? Motheers horse died a couple years later, cried. Wanted my company, I didn't care. I wanted to play. She got mad that I wanted to play. Eventually caught up in all the outer things that so dearly matter when nothing truly matters. Now I am here, dehydrated, blanking out waiting, Im sorry. Not waiting. More like enjoying to die. The peace that comes with dehydrationor the buzz is unlike any other.

my mtovie, if its a lucid dream, then I won't die anyway. If there are no limits, my body can adapt, evolve. If my body dies, I am eternal anyways. I have long waited for a deep deep sleep.

Maybe I'll "wake up" sooner next timj haha lol. Words are so ssilly. Good night good morning blah blah blah.

These letters are truly beautiful, thanks

Dear Jonatan, you lead us to

Dear Jonatan, you lead us to a powerful ending. All that you write is inspiring. I'm glad to be reading Heavenletters along with you! :)


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