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Email & Images
Posted November 9th, 2009 by Oldooz
I haven't been able to insert the needed image into the body of the Heavneletters emails I'm sending out. Does anyone know how to do it? Simply pasting the image doesn't work.
Hmm. You are talking about
Hmm. You are talking about the logo that goes across the top of each Heavenletter?
Bear in mind that I am the last person to give advice about computers!
My first thought, however, is: Are you sending in HTML? I know that plain text won't show images.
Thank you, beloved Oldooz, for all you do for Heavenletters. You offer them to Iran in Farsi. Is that not a beautiful thing?
Yes, I'm talking about the
Yes, I'm talking about the logos. I know nothing about HTML. I've just created a table, as template, in my word processor and I copy from there, and then paste in my email, text space. The images are shown in my template but not in the email.
I wish I could do more. :)
I'm not going to suggest I
I'm not going to suggest I know the full answer but a good starting point for anyone to hep you is to know which email program or website you are using.
In Love and Light,
Thank you, Steve I use my
Thank you, Steve
I use my Gmail account to send out Heavenletters in Farsi.
I actually could generate HTML version of my Word doc. but still the logos don't appear in the emails when I paste the HTML codes.
You are welcome Oldooz. Do
You are welcome Oldooz.
Do you use the gmail website for composing the emails? If so it could be that gmail doesn't recognise the link to your image when you paste because it is pointing to your local computer and that you have to insert using button next to the smiley face button on the toolbar above the edit window when your compose an email.
I hope that makes sense!
Hallo Oldooz! It's a little
Hallo Oldooz!
It's a little bit tricky and not so plain to be done with Gmail but I found out that this task can be accomplished. I've tested it for myself and it worked. Follow the instructions given in the following messagge from this thread
"it can be done as what D.BOY wants it. I've done it several times successfully. First thing to do is make your image available online. upload it somewhere, like for example. if you uploaded it in imageshack, get the direct link of the image and paste it on your browser. Here is a sample image i uploaded so you can test it yourself in the next steps: . Once its loaded in your browser, drag your mouse across the image so the whole image gets selected or highlighted (it would turn dark to indicate that it is successfully highlighted/selected). don't miss that part. Then while it is selected/highlighted, right-click your mouse over it, then from the menu which appears, choose COPY. Go to your GMAIL account, then COMPOSE MAIL. use RICH FORMATTING instead of PLAIN TEXT. then press CTRL-V to paste the copied image in your message body. the image will then show and appear embedded. fill out the recipients of your email, then send away! Of course, your recipients should be online to be able to view the image (in GMAIL, they should choose to DISPLAY IMAGES
BELOW when they receive your email with embedded image).
Btw, it will not appear as an attachment as it will directly access the online image from where you uploaded it when recipient views your email with embedded image. "
Hope it helps. Of course you have to save the logo and or whatever you need to insert apart from the text as images.
Steve & Andrea
Thank you both. I tried the instruction... and it's done! Thank you Andrea. :)
Very good! Happy it worked
Very good! Happy it worked for you! :)
Please Oldooz send me a copy of a Farsi translation: I'm very curious because I've been told that even if it's not understandable (by me) the sound of the words is very melodious. :) Thanks!
P.s. as regards the instructions I psted I think you don't have to upload the HL logo on some images repository site since it's already online :)
Dear Andrea
I just sent you a copy of the most recent translation :)
I didn't konw how to use the already unloaded logos on here, so I uploaded them somewhere which needed no sign up. :)
Much love,
Thanks for the copy. I'll
Thanks for the copy. I'll check soon my mailbox. Here it is the link of the HL banner laying on the top of each e-mail coming from HL server:
You can use this link in the same way explained two messages above this one :)
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
BIG HUG.. :)