Echoes of God's Words

God said:

You ponder:

“God, does emptiness exist? You have heard that the core of a seed is emptiness? How can that which is vibrant and fertile and empty perpetuate life? Is DNA emptiness? Is emptiness that which makes DNA ready to carry on life to more than one precise destination? Is emptiness what Innocence amounts to? Are questions part of existence? If Yes, how does life get away with this, for from one question inevitably arises another?”

Further, you ask:

“Does DNA carry life on into Infinity? Does DNA stay Whole forever? Is there no end to Wholeness? Does Infinity mean no end to it? Then it must be that there is no end to life, for it is seeded Infinitely.”

“Why are such thoughts coming into my empty head? How on Earth do such thoughts spring up from one like me who knows nothing, not with certainty, that is. Can it be that I am actually born with Knowledge and then let it fly off without actually grasping it?”

“Hmm, are my thoughts of my DNA flown like dandelion puffs to the air? Of course, it is no surprise that air plays an important part in life. Air carries life and perhaps DNA so that life from DNA continues.”

Now I will speak for you again:

You tend to think that you must be playing dress-up when you pull on a royal robe because you’re sure royalty doesn’t belong to you, not in a million years.

But what if royal robes really are yours and you do more than play dress up? Look in the corner of the robe's hem that you are sure doesn’t belong to you, and you will see your initials sewn in there.

You are sure the idea of you as royalty is preposterous, yet what if it is True? Unimaginable, yet True? What can life not be attributed to, when I say that even all those seen as nonentities are Great Beings? You passed by your gloried Self, somehow wearing unseen robes of Great Stature unbeknownst to you yet never forgotten.

Hey, Beloveds, what if you do have the eyes to see, and incredible as it may seem to be to you, your eyes are wide open, and they see afar.

Or, what if you are a Godwriter? Blessed be you. A Godwriter simply hears the Echoes of My Words. You are God’s beloved dummy who hears My words and babbles them without knowing what they mean, or, you are the last to know. So what if it all is without your knowing, so what?

When you take a walk in the woods and sniff the flowers, and you are happy, how much happier can you be? What if you are simply falling under My Spell? Isn’t this good enough? Isn’t this even Great?

This is all I ask for you, and this is what you want to ask for yourself. Perhaps even far more than you would have asked for, actually far far more than you would have asked for, and yet, nevertheless, more than what you would have asked for has been thrown in your lap! You picked up all the bread crumbs or simply followed their path and find yourself where you never knew the official name for where you find yourself now could have been. You might have called it Nowhere, yet, Beloveds, look at yourself now. You are Somewhere.

At the same time, you are well aware that you are not at the end of the tunnel. There is no tunnel, yet you arrived Somewhere, even undocumented. Inasmuch as you got here - who cares about documentation?

I say it is documentation enough that your fingers touch My Hem, and I am as happy as ever.

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Echo's of Gods Words.

Good Morning Family; Thank you Gloria for the constant reminders of who I am (we are). It seems that reminders are necessary in our busy lives with all our thinking and doing that we-I forget who we are and our purpose here in this place. So I thank you so much for what you do. God Bless. Great Love. Yourself called alan.

Let your hand grasp that which you cannot even yet see.

You ponder:

“God, does emptiness exist? You have heard that the core of a seed is emptiness? How can that which is vibrant and fertile and empty perpetuate life? Is DNA emptiness? Is emptiness that which makes DNA ready to carry on life to more than one precise destination? Is emptiness what Innocence amounts to? Are questions part of existence? If Yes, how does life get away with this, for from one question inevitably arises another?”

“Why are such thoughts coming into my empty head? How on Earth do such thoughts spring up from one like me who knows nothing, not with certainty, that is. Can it be that I am actually born with Knowledge and then let it fly off without actually grasping it?”

Hey, Beloveds, what if you do have the eyes to see, and incredible as it may seem to be to you, your eyes are wide open, and they see afar.

When you take a walk in the woods and sniff the flowers, and you are happy, how much happier can you be? What if you are simply falling under My Spell? Isn’t this good enough? Isn’t this even Great?

You are not a stranger to Me, nor are you a stranger to yourself. Yet you keep discovering Me, and you keep discovering yourself. You keep finding new elements of yourself. They are not new but your rediscovery makes them seem new. You do not know of what you are made until you come across it, and then you are amazed at the wealth of wonder you are.

And are you not My wondrous creation? Are not My Human beings the most capacious of all? You are the spectrum of My light.

Without you, My heart would be empty. But I am not without you. I am within you as you are within Me. Our hearts are like rungs of a ladder, one after the other, all interchanged. Your foot steps on the ladder of My heart, and I extend yours. You heart enters Mine, and it reaches everywhere. How much do the details of worldly life matter when you have the contents of My heart?

Paint has spattered, and you just don't mind so much. It spattered from the ladder of My heart. Where can it spatter to and what is the meaning of it and how much can it matter? You do not need to clean it up. Take another step, and spatter will have dispatched itself, for you will see differently from another height. Now I have brought you a step higher, and now you see from another vantage. Your seeing is coming closer to Mine.

Dear Adam Michael It's not

Dear Adam Michael

It's not for the first time you link to something which is absolutely relevant to me in that moment. After reading this one- the Spectrum Of God's Light- I decided to pull a HL from the CG. What are the chances out of thousands of HL's that I should pull the EXACT same one? Is God shouting at me to get the message through, I wonder :-)

Thank you for being in the God flow!

Dear Brother,

Dear Brother Shay,

My apologies to you for not responding sooner. I'm not sure how I could explain, except to say that I was "going through a thang" at the time.

A while after I read your response, perhaps to remind me of my intent to reply, I too was guided again to this letter by the Cosmic Heavenletter Generator.

Thank you very much for commenting and expressing your appreciation to me. I appreciate your presence so very much too, Shay. ❤️

Love & Gratitude,
Adam Michael


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