Congratulations, You Are Beginning Your Life Today

God said:

What if everything in the world is meant to be just as it is? Could this be? Could it be that all the mistakes you have made in the past were not mistakes, that you, unbeknownst to you, set something in motion that would open new horizons? Could this be? What is this bemoaning your part in the past, great and small? I will tell you that you do not have to bemoan anything, yet I suppose what I say is not going to stop you.

On the other hand, you don’t fret about every spelling error or typo that you make, nor should you. You don’t make a big thing of every spelling error. Well, so, there was a spelling error, and you corrected it in time or you did not. But, ah, if the spelling error you made occurred at a spelling bee in front of others, it may still grind within you, how you could have made such an error, were dismissed, ousted, and had to go off stage which, despite your brave front, was upsetting to you. Whenever you think of it, it is upsetting still. You wonder how much of your life would be different now had you become the greatest speller in your school, your town, state, country, world etc. Yet, beloveds, when you get down to it, of what import is your winning or, as you would say – and I would not say – your losing?

Of course, there are other perceived losses that weigh more than your spelling, the loss of a parent or limb or one heartache or another. Let’s put deeper heartache aside for a moment.

I ask you: How much of regret is really pique? I suppose you might say that regret is worthier than pique. In either case, there is a preponderance of the past, your wishing to remedy it, wishing to have been the last one left on the stage and receive all the thunderous applause. Regardless, applaud yourself. You entered the spelling bee. You bumbled in life. Good for you, I say. Good for you.

You yourself are far more instrumental than events of the past. What you do the moment you are off-stage undoubtedly is more important than the spelling mistake you made, and, yet, do not even bemoan your tears and sense of defeat. Put it in the old kitbag of the past.

The wheels of life are ever-turning. The past let go of your error long ago. The past does not hang on to your mistakes. The past has moved on to new so-called errors and new so-called successes. The past does not really cling to itself. You are the one who clings and has to let go.

What would it mean to you when the meaning of an event is long past and you can put it to bed?

Even if you are a veteran of wars and were a great hero, that moment too has past and another moment in non-time is occurring right now. This is an opportune moment. The past is not opportune. It is the past. Let the past become the long-forgotten past. It may be that your future depends upon your letting go. Learn a new song, beloveds, and sing it.

Regardless of what the past has been, you are at a pivotal point now. Consider every moment a turning point now, and turn. You will turn your life around. How magnificent to let go of the past and leave it where it belongs. How magnificent to let new light into your life or, better yet, walk right into the new light. Let today be the dawn of your life. I see your light rising over the horizon. Congratulations, you are beginning your life today.

Read Comments

well well .... isn't this

well well .... isn't this fantastic ?
On the other hand, you don’t fret about every spelling error or typo that you make, nor should you.
ok, I admit I love the typos. :-)))

Regardless of what the past has been, you are at a pivotal point now.
How magnificent to let new light into your life or, better yet, walk right into the new light, Let today be the dawn of your life.

it reminds me of the story of the two monks who walked along the road. an old woman asked for help to get to next village and the elder monk carried her on his back. they left the woman at her village and went on walking for quite a time. the young monk started telling the older one that carrying that woman on his back was not proper for a monk and so on.
the elder one smiled and said: "I did put that woman down 5 hours ago at her village, have you carried her with you all the way until now?"

Much much love


I particularly love the "etc." in the second paragraph.

A little joke

For those not growing up with the English language, this little play on words by God might slip by unnoticed. "You entered the spelling bee. You bumbled in life." As should be obvious from the message, a spelling bee is a sort of group contest, mostly for fun. Women gather in social groups called sewing bees or quilting bees, mostly for pleasure, more so in the past than now. But "bee" is also the name of the busy little insect who goes from flower to flower making honey. And there is a larger bee who doesn't make honey called a bumblebee.

Bumble means to be clumsy and make mistakes, and this is how the bumblebee gets his name. He is so big and slow that he appears to have trouble moving around. Supposedly according to engineers he shouldn't be able to fly at all, but he does just fine in what he needs to do anyway.

"You entered the spelling bee. You bumbled in life." So this was not a falling down on the floor laughing joke, but just something that God tucked in with a little wink to show that while the message is serious, that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun along the way.

Charles tells it so well...

Having once been an English Teacher I really like your way of show the Way!


Techniques, anyone?

This may sound stupid, but....

In all of these letters, does anyone recall a specific technique or approach on how to accelerate
light into one's life? Beyond the vibration of the letters themselves? I ask this in light of the quote below. Thanks!

"Regardless of what the past has been, you are at a pivotal point now. Consider every moment a turning point now... How magnificent to let new light into your life or, better yet, walk right into the new light."


Those are natural questions, Gary, they are not stupid.

The "specific techniques" in Heavenletters all boil down to longing for it, intending it, leaning there. Applicable techniques, as far as my understanding goes, are an external approach not compatible with the whole drift of Heavenletters which is to remember what we know and are anyway.

another joke

They are "natural questions", but, once again, I must agree with Gary...they "may sound stupid".

A wonderful source of "techniques"

Gary, I tend to agree with Jochen that most of the specific techniques found in most Heavenletters, if you can call them techniques, are in intending toward allowing your light to shine more brightly or to see things from a new perspective based on new understandings. There is another wonderful source you might consider, though. There are a large number of "Heaven Sutras" that discuss real human problems that people have brought to God through Gloria that do provide His advice about specific techniques. You might find much in the archives that is useful, I know I did! Here is a link:

Chuck dear, thanks for

Chuck dear, thanks for bringing this link up, I think I will pass the next months reading these gems.
I just read the first one and love beyond comprehension, a love so sweet and so vast inundated my being
that I will gladly get lost in reading on and on.
a big hug to you dear

There is one technique

It is called constant repetition. That is the price of Mastery. It does not happen at the speed of light. It takes all your life to become light. The real purpose of time is to understand God's message and apply it. Enlightenment is not an objective to reach, it is a process. "Roma non fu fatta in uno giorno". The basic technique is undoing.

God decided to be our trainer in undoing. Each Heavenletter constitutes an aspect or angle of this training. You can always start back the 3629 exercises. You will always gain something new from them.

Normand, where have you

Normand, where have you been? With the elephants again? Good to see you writing again.

But you make me tremble. Really, I sincerely hope it's not all about undoing. There will be no end to undoing which is a doing just like doing and as endless, as contrived. Some undoing is in order (because inevitable), but basically I have staked everything on there being no requirements. Which is what I heard: no requirements. Only "I want You, God. Even if I'm afraid of You, I want You, only You." If that is not enough … well, I don't know what if.

a Roma

Normand was with me, to do and undo Rome is not an easy job.
Each Heavenletter a brick, definitely a good technique.

Jochen dear, "Desire is

Jochen dear,

"Desire is everything, so, what you desire is of utmost importance." I totally share your "I want only You, only You." God knows your beautiful heart.

much love

Dear Jochen, this time I

Dear Jochen, this time I spent some moments with stone elephants in temples in Laos and Cambodia. Visiting the Khmer country with its beauties and its land mines operations (150 millions bombs still hidden and several of them unexploded). What a wonderful opportunity to forgive all of us.

Forgiving ourselves and others for all our illusions, especially war and peace. We will never repeat enough the act of forgiving, releasing. That is what God keeps repeating us. God tells us: "look down carefully, that is where You will find Me".

Normand, of all the

Normand, of all the totalitarian excesses in history, Cambodia has always struck me as particularly strange. Enumerating all the historical reasons, I still feel at a loss.

I have heard from others who visited there that they saw beautiful lands and people. I'd sure like to have a look myself.



This is a GRAND, GRAND HEAVEN LETTER !! What better day than today to pack up my regrets and bemoanings into the tiresome
old kit bag and smile - FOR THOU ART A MOST MAGNIFICENT GOD, WHO DOES LOVE US -AND HAS NEVER LEFT US. We've just become accustomed to living down here in a seemingly REAL place, where Love is a very,very rare commodity, indeed. We say ridiculous
things down here such as, "well, if ALL is not lost, where in God's name is it? " That is hilariously funny, don't you think ?


This exquisite maxim - that it is good to consider every moment a turning point,- IS NOW MINE! and I am excited about Your watching for my LIGHT as it rises over the horizon. THANK YOU, I AM READY TO WALK INTO YOUR LOVING ARMS.

this last letter.

What a beautiful letter! I find that it is something hard to do, letting go, because we are all so familiar with our little quirks. However, if we want to be able to ascend, to learn more, we have to empty the vessel. How beautiful to be full of love and light!

The Past? What to do with it?

What past? This Heaven Letter tells us clearly that the past has no handle bars so you can't ride it. It has no pockets so you can't keep it, It don't remember so if you do, it's your imagination at work. Live today as though it is the rest of you life. It is, you know.


I feel the sun on my face -- here and now!

I loved this perspective so much! "The wheels of life are ever-turning. The past let go of your error long ago. The past does not hang on to your mistakes. The past has moved on to new so-called errors and new so-called successes. The past does not really cling to itself. You are the one who clings and has to let go."

My late husband used to try to place me in the present. He told me I was either in the mourning past or worrying in the future. I knew what he meant, but it was so hard to change. It has taken years and years, but here I am, in the here and now and loving it all. Your words are pivotal in so many lives. Thank you for you.