Chariot of Love
Gloria to God:
Dear God, what would You like to talk about today?
Order in the universe. Order is not for order's sake. It is for balance. Perfect alignment, not for the sake of neatness, but for the sake of smooth-runningness. Order is artistry.
Nature rolls in unison. The farthermost and the innermost are aligned in weight and perspective.
All the known and unknown laws of nature are unity, which is exemplification of perfect love.
Each star is in love with another. The planets hold each other up.
The created universe is a sturdy balancing act. A spinning top that ceaselessly spins. Satellites are in rhythm, singing a song of perfect harmony.
The ordered universe is not ordered in the sense of control. It is ordered in the sense of expression, craftsmanship, and beauty.
It is ordered like a rose whose petals fall into place, tucked-in rose petals, bursting forth.
Order in the universe is a settling down. That is what falling into place is.
It is serving as it best serves. It is giving as it best gives. Best means in its place, in the spot where it shines and polishes the world for God and man and all the creatures on the face of the earth and beyond.
Falling into place requires no effort.
Falling into place for individuals may mean bouncing. In the process of falling into place, you are in place.
Where you are at this moment is not only where you are, but where you are to be.
The words you write down now are the words to be written down now.
That you are in this room and not another at this time is correct.
You rose from sleep at the right time, regardless of the clock.
You are a playing out of energy. You are your own sun in orbit. You orbit a path that is not aimless, even though you may not know the name of the path or its parameters.
You are a perfect spinning of light energy, and you take your rightful place in the spinning of the whole.
When you are in harmony with yourself, when you are in the moment of love, when you are aware of God and His connection to all, you are in a moment of awareness of your spinningness.
You are never "out there" somewhere lost in space, do you understand?
You are the perfect unfoldment of a rose. A rose does not question its own beauty or its placement on earth. The rose takes God's love for granted, as its own, as its due, as its right, as itself, and so must you.
That is the same as recognizing your own worthiness. You do not seek it. You are it.
You are clay balanced on the potter's wheel.
You live in a spinning humming universe. The universe is spinning love. You are the spinning love spun, the spun love spinning, the stillness moving, the stillness moving in place.
Not one of My children is an accident or excess or misplaced or for naught. All are integers and serve the balance.
Balance is solid love. You are love embedded in love so fluid and so solid that it takes your breath away to even conceive of it.
You are God's light spinning in and out like music, which, in fact, you are.
Today consider yourself music, a perfect note singing itself in an orchestra that plays a grand symphony named Love Expressing Itself through Love.
What you are feeling at this moment is the spinning of My love as it courses through you. Call it peace. Call it awareness. Call it love calling to love. Call it hearing Me. Call it embracing Me. Call it knowing Me. Call it being Me. Call it being yourself. Call it an ocean noticing its waves, or a wave noticing its ocean.
Whose love is it you feel at this moment? It is everyone's, and it is Mine, and it is yours, and it is its own beingness. It is Itself calling to Itself, and you answer.
I am in love with My creation. My love pulses like a heartbeat. It is everflowing, coursing through your life and back again, pulling and releasing, a contraction of love that in its very contracting expands into another squeeze and greater expansion of all that it is.
You don't want to stop writing, and I don't want to stop talking. Which is the contracting and which is the expanding?
Expand into your day today, and keep Me with you, for, indeed, I am. You go nowhere without Me.
That is what you are learning. And someday you will fully believe it, and accept it, to the point that you will never have to think about it, for you will think of nothing else.
I tuck Myself into your heart like a handkerchief in your pocket. Know I am there, and pull me out every once in a while. Think:
"God rides in my heart today. He is my Passenger and my Accompaniment. He is my heartbeat beating a song of itself. He is my God, for there is no other. All there is is God everywhere.
"I give my Passenger a good ride today in my heart. I remember to extend His greetings to all, for I am more than myself. I am God's chariot, and He nods to all and blesses all in His wake.
"I am not only a messenger of God, I am a carrier of God. I shine His light today in thanks for the miracle of being One with Him and knowing Him as the One in others.
"So God shines on God today through me. Amazing as that is, I will accept it, and remember it, and be one of God's blessings today on earth."