Be Glad When You Are Mistaken

God said:

Let yourself be mistaken. You do not always have to be right. You do not have to be proven right nor do you have to prove someone else wrong. What is changed, beloveds, whether you or anyone is correct or incorrect? Either way, it is a passing fancy. Only to an ego here or there does it matter.

Count your mistakes as great steps to learning. You are on the path of learning. Do not be dismayed because you learned something, even when you did not want to learn it.

Pretty much, in the world you live, much of your learning has to do with unlearning, has to do with your ability and willingness to let go. What is unlearning but letting go of an idea? Let ideas be stepping stones not ignorance written in stone.

A free Being does not hold himself to the past. He does not stick up for it, nor does he denounce it. He lets it go.

The wiser you are, the more you have let go of, the more that is out of the way. Then your mind becomes like a decluttered house. That is the same as to say the past is behind you.

As you awake each day, consider that you have been washed of the past. Consider that just as you can put fresh clothes on your body, you can put on fresh thoughts in your mind. You can try them on. You can accept or discard. Your mind can move forward.

Certainly, each day is meant to be new. It is new. It is a day that has never appeared before. Remember this.

At the same time, part of your purpose in life is to forget. Blessed is he who lets go of the past and looks to this day and never minds about the future. The past and the future are two fruits of the same vine of time, that scraggly illusion so timely, so honored, so taken into account. Time weighs heavily on you. Time has become a kind of censorship of your heart. Time tells you to listen to its own ticktock rather than the beat of your heart. Time would put you on a schedule not of your making. Time would take over your life. It would push you into the past and into the future. It would tell you when to blow out a candle and when to start the car.

Time would rush you or slow you down. It is far easier to please Me than it is to satisfy time. Time is always hounding you. It doesn't wait. Because I am beyond time, it can be said that I wait, and yet I am instant. I am instant, and I am Eternal, and so are you.

You are so much more than you credit yourself with. You hardly credit anyone. This is one of your patterns that will change. When you exonerate yourself from the past, then you will begin to see yourself and others in My light. You are going to turn your eyes and your heart inside out. You are going to reveal yourself. As you do, you reveal everyone, and you reveal Me.

Reveal Me, beloveds. Understand what it is that I ask of you. I ask you to reveal yourself to yourself. Unmask yourself. Take off those old thoughts, and you will reveal yourself in the same breath. Thoughtless, you are revealed. Thoughtless, the Whole Universe is revealed. Heaven opens up, and you walk right in. You walk in with your conscious awareness. You will have awakened from the dream that you were ever anywhere else, for never has there been anywhere else to be.

Your thoughts have convinced you otherwise. Now you are stepping out of time and all its temporary thoughts. What is left then but you and I, Our Oneness, revealed in Its Eternal Self?

Read Comments

Thoughtless. That's what

That's what Tolle says and what so many have been saying for millennia.
How I long to be thoughtless, to not know, to look afresh!
But how do you be thoughtless? (Incorrect sentence, sorry.)
Chasing "thoughtless" for one, two, three and more decades just seems to turn it into a thought that much more.
Away with chasing.
Away with important.
Away with "have to".

“Look, God", You recommended I say, "I want to know You for myself. I don’t want to read about You any longer. I don’t want to hear what other people have to say. I want You, and I want to know I know You. I don’t want faith any longer. I don’t want the faith that You are by My side. I want to know that You are by my side. I want to know for myself that You are deep in My heart. I want to know the love You give me firsthand. I don’t want to take anyone’s word for it anymore but Yours. I want to hear You for myself. I don’t want any more reports about You. I want You right here. I want You undeniably right where I want You. With all respect, God, give me back My awareness of You. Give me my awareness back once and for all, and never let me lapse my contract with You again.” (#2582)

Help me be thoughtless. I know You already do. I'm being impatient. Time to get out of time.

Thank You.

(Gloria, is the distribution of lower and upper case in this copied quote intentional?)

Beloved Jochen, I do mean to

Beloved Jochen, I do mean to capitalize You when we refer to God. I see, though, that I forgot to capitalize You in some cases above. I just noticed now. I'm sorry, a careless error on my part.
I will fix it on the quote in a minute. I think the discrepancy is what you were referring to. I sure got mixed up as to Who was who in this one. I will fix the original Heavenletter now. Many thanks to you, Jochen.

If anyone notices such errors, please always let me know.

My dear brother Jochen, if

My dear brother Jochen,

if you want to live in peace, forget any thoughts of God and every other thought of unnecessary ideals, dreams and vain hopes.
Be yourself your own ideal, dream, hope.
Leaves tales to the childrens who need to feel reassured and cuddled every moment. Let God take care of you and not you to Him.
The grass grows by itself, there is no need to push it.
Live in the YOUR Present and do what YOU want. Life is too short to waste time thinking, and thinking of God is no exception.

With authentic love.

Danilo, you make a point

Danilo, you make a point when you say to let God take care of us.God tells us all the time to let go of our worries and such.

Are you also you saying we shouldn't have dreams? Are you saying ideals, dreams and hopes are unnecessary and vain?

To my mind, dear dear Danilo, you are a describing a state of mind that many depressed people are in without dreams and hopes. They have given up.

Forget about God? How could I? Why would I? For the sake of what?

Caro Danilo, wonderful

Caro Danilo, wonderful fighter for truth,

there is such deep wisdom in your grass simile, and if I understand you right, you are saying that thinking about things all the time, even thinking about God, isn't very helpful. That's true. There are many coarse and subtle ways to try and push the grass and we usually resort to them when life gets difficult and uncomfortable - as inevitably it will from time to time.

But otherwise .... well, I'm a lover of grasses. I have several different species in my backyard and I know many places in nature where I'm sure to find endless varieties of them. When the first tiny little rolled-in leaves appear, as they do right now where I live, they immediately trigger images of what they will look like fully developed in summer and later in their autumn glory -- and my soul feels joyous and nourished without wanting to push in any way. I like to carry them in my heart, all the beautiful stages of their life at once. I'm sure that is not what you mean by "unnecessary ideals, dreams and vain hopes". But what are they?

Danilo, perhaps we just shouldn't be so concerned about doing things right or wrong, about wasting time by dreaming and hoping too much, or by wanting to be cuddled and not being grown-up enough. Perhaps all we have to do is to finally stop being smart. I know that's easier said than done (since, in my experience of myself, being smart very often means being afraid). But I have lived a life of deep and relentless depression and I just know that any idea of right and wrong, of better and worse, of how to live this life in a way that makes it work ..... is pointless. All steps lead to Me. Steps away from Me also lead to Me. (#2573; I know you know these words from Paula's translation). What could this mean other than: You need not fear making mistakes. You can't. And you need not use devices of any kind to come to Me. How are you going to shovel yourself closer to Me?

It's as if there was a very slight, almost imperceptible slant to life. Whatever we do, however long we may go round in circles or even engage in uphill battle, we will still, inch by inch, go down that incline the name of which is love.

Oh, I got carried away. But do you recognize some of what was on your mind in my words?

Perfectly, dear

Perfectly, dear Jochen.
Everyone inside knows the truth about himself, the truth about their little "I" and his illusory world.

Then your mind becomes like

Then your mind becomes like a decluttered house.

My external world is a reflection of my internal world...I have been decluttering my out what no longer serves me and it is a manifestation of decluttering my mind and opening my soul to the Glory of God within. KNOW rather than believe...a deep sense of KNOWING the Truth, The Love, The Light and LIVING IN THE MOMENT OF KNOWING AND NOW. What a blessing to breathe deep and breathe in LOVE and breathe out the past and untruths...what a blessing to share this journey with understanding Souls...ah but if we could all unmask ourselves there would truly be heaven on earth...I shall create my own heaven and be ever so grateful for this beautiful life!

As the thoughts come, they

As the thoughts come, they can be observed and allowed to go on their way.
Where do they come from and where do they go? When a particular thought is may wish to pick it up and play with it. Just like walking up a mountain path, one may wish to side step the muddy patches while picking the ripe berries.

The thoughts quieten when one connects to that ever present humm, right in the centre of oneself...from where expanding awareness unfolds...from where the light shines forth.

In practice I have observed that when awareness is not on the centre, the world becomes dreamlike. By being aware of the centre the world becomes coherent and things...just make sense without having to think about it.

Finding ones centre, thoughtlessness and timelessness may be experienced.

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloveds
Reveal yourself to yourself
And you reveal Me

God said out of time
What is left but you and I
Oneness Eternal

Love, Light and Aloha!


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