At 3 O'clock in the Morning

God said:

When you cannot sleep, it is not such a terrible thing. All it means is that you are awake. Awake at night or asleep, you are you.

Certainly, it is wonderful to sleep at night, and yet it is also wonderful to be awake at any time. Of course, it is also wonderful to be sleepy. Life in the world does not give you much opportunity to sleep during the day, so, of course, you want to cram sleep in at night between certain hours. Then you can be done with it.

Yet sleep is not the main thing in your life. Notwithstanding, how important it seems when you can't get to sleep when it is your chance. You would do almost anything for a good night's sleep. Change your thoughts a little bit and enjoy wakefulness when you have it. Enjoy sleep when you have it too. As a matter of fact, just enjoy.

Even when your coffee is not served hot, you can still enjoy your coffee. That the coffee is not so hot as you like it doesn't have to spoil your day. Nor does not sleeping have to wreak havoc on you. That is an idea only that you have to have eight hours of sleep at night. Of course, I am for your having a good night's sleep. I am also for your not being ravaged when you don't.

Let go of the idea that everything has to be exactly as you like. Let go of any thought that surrounds you with dismay. Be happy even when you are awake at midnight or at two or three. All it means is that you are not the master of your sleep. Very likely, when you can let go of control, you will find yourself falling asleep more easily.

You may be someone who doesn't want to go to bed, and you may, at the same time, be someone who doesn't like to get up in the morning.

Sleep is a marvelous thing, and yet you are not dependent even upon your sleep for energy and happiness. That is an old idea you had.

Happiness is independent of everything and anything. Nothing is needed for happiness except that you be happy. All you need to have greater energy is a mind set. Beloveds, your energy comes from an unlimited Source.

You can dance on the sand or on your kitchen floor. Dancing isn't dependent upon something you proscribe. You can dance regardless of the ground under you. You can dance anywhere. And, if you are lame, you can dance in your mind. Dancing does take place in your mind.

It is the same when it comes to happiness. Your happiness isn't dependent upon anything but yourself. Unhappiness comes about from your thoughts. Think other thoughts or disregard the thoughts that moil across your mind. Better to think happiness-building thoughts. Most likely, you need to think a new way. Most certainly, you do. You can grow in appreciation of dance.

Take a deep breath and know that you have infinite energy. Don't talk yourself out of energy. Do not say: "Oh, I didn't sleep well last night. Oh, I didn't sleep at all. Oh, I am so tired. Oh, I don't know how I will make it through the day. All I want to do is to sleep."

All you want to do, beloveds, is to be awake now. What if you knew this is the day you would win the million-dollar lottery? I daresay that you would be wide awake. Oh, yes, you would be energized. With or without the lottery, beloveds, you can win the day.

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thank you of your calm,

dear God,,
thank , you let as know about our slepping of the
night , somtimes defecult try to slep in the night,
the must of time of my thought it you in my mind,
but you calm me always, and i want to thank you
you calm me, of my nigth sleppeng,
thank you of your advice dear God,,


Dear God, I understand what You say and I do my best to live in joy my day. I often pamper myself in many ways, I am now more self indulgent, easy going, playful as a child, I am also loosing my social inhibitions, You know, imposed behaviours on proper acting, speaking, smiling etc.. This is freedom and it is also amusement seeing how simple all people are and would like to be if only they knew there is no danger. Yes, I am learning to put off my mask and being just kind with myself and others. Yet...I have this deep ache in my heart. It is always there for no apparent reasons. I suspect Father that, despite life can be wonderful, I mourn because "life in the world is life in the world". It seems to me that without the Awareness of who I am and what life is, I cannot overcome this pain which is not permeable to positive thoughts and also it seems indipendent from negative ones. This ache is deep in the center if my heart, almost a physical presence, and was born with me. I wanted to share all this because maybe someone else, on a spiritual path, knows what I am speaking of.

I will not claim I know

I will not claim I know exactly what you are speaking of, Emilia. All we can ever say is that something strikes a chord or does not. Your words do, of course. I know about deep unrelenting ache and the feeling that it must be as old as I am or older. I also feel and almost hear, like the peal of a bell in the far distance, that there must be joy that is equally deep, unimaginably deep and wild – and older or more fundamental than the pain. For me also, the pain never seemed "permeable to positive thoughts", but that looks like it's changing now after almost two years of acquaintance with Heavenletters; and clearly, in my case, negative thoughts make the pain worse.

We have all heard lots of stuff about how we are the ones who create our reality. It makes sense; it has been making sense to me for quite a few years; and I didn't believe it at all. The pain is done to me, I wouldn't do that to myself, I'm the victim of it, I can't help it – that is what I really felt all the time. Until recently when it started to dawn on me that I'm not actively inflicting pain on myself, only denying myself the good and happy and joyful things. I'm finding out there are no deep existential or metaphysical issues, only habits of self-denial.

I have now seriously started to intend good things for myself, like peace of heart, self-love and true generosity toward myself. And for the first time in my life, it feels good, it feels true. A month ago, I would not have been able to predict this.

I'm not saying, of course, that anything can be done right or wrong here. We don't need more spiritual techniques and levers, at least I don't. But I would like to share my very clear experience that Heavenletters are leading me closer to myself step by little step. And then one day a word or phrase you have heard a thousand times finally strikes home, and you can't stop laughing, or crying. Yesterday's Heavenletter was like that for me. It can happen anytime, anywhere. Spirit bloweth where it listeth.

Thank you

"...not actively inflicting pain on myself...only habits of self-denial". It must be so, Jochen. The fact is that I do not feel a victim, like love, pain "simply is" in me, I see it as I see the colour of my eyes, the shape of my hands. It is not a mood, but a state of my being. I daresay it is a soul aching, but I know the soul knows only love. "Bearing fruit trees bear fruits", it must be that I do not really trust that life on earth is this sort of tree. I will try to "look beyond" and beyond the beyond, maybe I am denying to myself the possibility to see Some One. Surely we find ourselves in the place where to enjoy the vastest view.

Dearest Gloria, How I LOVE

Dearest Gloria,
How I LOVE these gems of daily advice - they sustain me at this challenging time of life on this beautiful planet. My youngest daughter is suffering from a serious eating disorder and I learn so much and get so much from these daily posts to me from GOD - He is right beside me and Amy and I practise the positivity and joy, as best I can when dealing with life and helping her. much love to you and your wonderful team. Catherine7

Here is what God said in Farsi:

HEAVEN #3219 - ساعت 3 شب

خداوند گفت:

اینکه نتوانید بخوابید، اتفاق وحشتناکی نیست. تمام مفهوم آن این است که بیدارهستید. خفته یا بیدار درشب، شما همانید که هستید.

خوابیدن در شب فوق العاده است، بیدار بودن هم همین طور. البته، خواب آلود بودن هم فوق العاده است. زندگی در دنیا فرصت آنچنانی به شما نمیدهد تا در طول روز بخوابید، بنابراین می خواهید درساعات معینی از شب بخوابید. به این ترتیب نیازتان به خواب برطرف می شود.

خواب تنها مسئله مهم زندگی شما نیست، علیرغم اینکه چقدر مهم است که به موقع بخوابید. افکارتان را کمی تغییر بدهید و از این بیداری لذت ببرید. از خواب هم لذت ببرید. فقط لذت ببرید.

حتی زمانی که فنجان قهوه تان سرد شده، باز هم میتوانید از آن لذت ببرید. گرم نبودن قهوه به اندازه دلخواه تان نبایستی روز شما را خراب کند. همان طور که نخوابیدن نبایستی صدمه ای به شما بزند. اینکه بایستی هشت ساعت در شب خوابید فقط یک تصور ذهنی است. البته من مخالف خواب خوب شبانه نیستم. من بر آنم که بگویم نباید به شما صدمه ای وارد شود زمانی که خواب خوبی نداشته اید.

رها کنید عقیده ای را که می گوید همه چیز باید طبق آنچه که شما دوست دارید پیش برود. رها کنید هر آنچه را که شما را در ترس و دلهره محصور میکند. شاد باشید حتی زمانی که نیمه شب یا ساعت یک یا دو بیدارهستید. محتملا زمانی که دست از تلاش بردارید به راحتی در خواب فرو میروید.

شاید نخواهید به تختخواب بروید، شاید نخواهید صبح از خواب بیدار شوید.

خواب چیزی حیرت انگیز است. با این حال، برای شاد بودن و پر انرژی بودن به آن نیازی نیست. این عقیده و تصوری قدیمی است.

شادی مستقل از همه چیز و هر کس است. برای شاد بودن هیچ چیزی لازم نیست به جز خود شما. ذهنیت تمام آنچیزی است که برای پر انرژی بودن لازم دارید. عزیزان، انرژی شما از منبعی نامحدود سر چشمه میگیرد.

می توانید در ساحل شنی یا آشپزخانه برقصید. رقصیدن وابسته به چیزی که شما آن را ممنوع کرده اید نیست. بدون توجه به زمین زیر پایتان می توانید برقصید. همه جا میتوانید برقصید. و اگر پای معیوبی دارید می توانید در ذهنتان برقصید. رقصیدن در ذهن شما شکل میگیرد.

شادی هم همینگونه است. برای شاد بودن به چیزی غیراز خود شما نیاز نیست. ناراحت بودن از افکار شما سرچشمه میگیرد. به چیزهای دیگری فکر کنید یا به افکارناراحت کنده ای که در ذهنتان جولان میدهند توجه نکنید. بهتر است افکار شادی آور در ذهن بپرورید. محتملا باید شیوه ای نو برای اندیشیدن بیاموزید. به یقین می توانید. به مرور زمان می توانید رقص ذهنتان را درک کنید و بشناسید.

نفسی عمیق بکشد و بدانید که انرژی شما بی پایان است. انرژی تان را تحلیل نبرید. نگوید: وای، دیشب خوب نخوابیدم. وای، اصلا نخوابیدم. وای، من خیلی خسته ام. وای، نمی دانم روز را چگونه خواهم گذراند. من فقط می خواهم بخوابم.

عزیزان، بیدار باشید، این تنها چیزی که در این لحظه باید انجام بدهید. چه میشد اگر میدانستید که امروز، روزی است که برنده یک میلیون دلاری قرعه کشی خواهید شد؟ گمان میکنم بیدار بیدار میشدید. اوه، بله، پر انرژی میشدید. عزیزان، با یا بدون قرعه کشی شما می توانید برنده باشید.

With Love

P.S. Could not large the font a little bit.


Dear Oldooz,
how beautiful and elegant is your language and writing, though I can't understand a word! You know the fascinating Art of Word.

Dear Oldooz, it is

Dear Oldooz,
it is wonderfull see Heavenletter wrote in Farsi, it remembers me butterfly flights.
Thank you, dear, I just have seen a new wonderful thing.


Oh wow! Thank you Oldooz.

Oh wow! Thank you Oldooz. I'm waiting at Heathrow airport for Gloria to arrive. This is the news I'm going to greet her with. I think this maybe the first Heavenletter in Farsi. I remember a greeting in the Farsi language friends from Iran taught me, "Durod!"

Oceans of Love,


Thank you Heaven.

Thank you, Emilia. Thank you, Pitta.
Durod (درود ) and Thank you, Santhan.

Heavenletter is my New Reality! I'm thrilled to be here with you, my Sister Souls and Brother Souls.

Thank you Gloria for giving me this chance. You knew I was the right person coming to Heaven!.

Big Hug


Dearest Maestro, Creator of the Universe of Love, I have even heard of the 3 o'clock club
which is a group now that wakens frequently at 3:00 a.m. No one is upset at being awake
then at 3:00, it's a time when we can be still and know YOU are with us and all is well with
our Souls. Recently I heard you say that any day knows where it's going and any day comes
with its own gifts and offerings. YOU are a Creator of Infinite Energy and when we can't
sleep, we can stop the dissatisfaction at not being able to sleep and there's nothing wrong
with dancing in our minds!

Yesterday you reminded us that happiness is not dependent upon getting the prescribed
8 hours of sleep at night. There is nothing that can interfere with our happiness, not even
sleep. Happiness is a decision we make and there it is. At 3:00 we can certainly decide
to grow in appreciation of so many things, even the inhales and exhales we take can make
us happy. INSPIRATION is breathing IN. EXHALING is being delighted to just let things be
as sweet as they are. Thank you for thinking of us and our silly reasons to fret over nothing!

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said just enjoy
Think happiness-building thoughts
And be energized

Love, Light and Aloha!

Thank you, thank you, thank you

I have not been sleeping well for months and although I haven't put a LOT of energy into it, I was putting SOME energy into it and I definitely believed I should be sleeping better and getting MORE sleep. What a wonderful reminder to remember that awake/asleep it's all good and cause for celebration either way. I'm printing this wonderful, beautiful letter from God to read as my bedtime story. This Heavenletter has been a balm to my soul.

All it means is that you are

All it means is that you are awake.

Without double meaning. Simply. Oh, so simply. I love simplicity, in all things.

3 3's in the morning?

hi gloria,

it so happens that at 3 in the morning, i saw this Heaven Letter... made me smile.

once i was reading a spy novel. the hero was sneaking around in the woods outside of the bad guy's compound. he looked at his watch and it was 3 in the morning. at that point, i looked at my watch. it was 3 in the morning. got a great mind bending chuckle...

maybe good things come in 3's -- in the morning. i will eagerly stay up late again tonight to find out! heh heh.

many thanks,


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