A Thief of Love

God said:

Your heart beats anyway. Despite being rubbed the wrong way, your heart keeps beating until its last beat. Your heart is hardy. It has withstood many storms. Love your heart. Love that you have one. Have a heart, and love that you have a heart with which to love, or, even to ache.

Separate your sensitive heart of love from over-sensitive ego. Ego is not to be nourished. Your heart is. There is a big difference between your heart and ego. One is straight-forward. One is devious. Your heart is not devious, beloveds! Ego is always a dissembler, a con artist, a trickster, a contriver. Ego is out for itself. Your heart, on the other hand, cares deeply for others while ego cries out: “Me, me, me.”

The heart is self-respecting while ego is self-enhancing. Ego is one-pointed. Ego pretends sensitivity, yet ego is red-faced. It is a thief of love. It is a pretender to the throne. It is a make-shift prop that calls attention to itself. Poor devious red-faced ego convinces you that it, ego, is necessary to you for self-preservation. The self the ego speaks for is a back-biter. It preserves itself and not you. It jeopardizes you. It keeps you from loving. Ego is one of those guys who pretends to be a nice guy while it is stabbing you in the back. It smiles lovingly while it causes you pain.

How does ego succeed so well? How is it that you are taken in time and time again? Ego has quite a track record. It has been known to supplant or supersede the heart. The villain triumphs, and the hero is left behind the eight ball.

To love thyself does not mean to egotize yourself. The hero, your heart, has to ego-proof itself. Rather, your mind has to ego-proof itself. The mind has to learn to say no to ego the way teen-agers need to say no to drugs.

Ego is an opiate, and it lets you down every time. Ego is very small. It blinds you and deafens you. It sets traps for you all the time. It is a mine field.

Strengthen your heart, and ego is automatically weakened. Down with ego. Up with heart.

Ego is skinny-livered. Heart is like a thrush’s throat and beats fulsomely. Hurray for heart. Boo for ego.

This must be coming clear to you. Ego will try to lure you to save its life and destroy yours. The enemy is ego. There is no other. Do you understand Me? Ego wants to capture you, and time and time again it does. Beware of ego. Ego is a menace. Do not think for one moment that ego is your friend.

Ego is a Mata Hari. How enticing and alluring is a spy. And how cut-throat.

No matter how many times you have been taken in by ego, you are seduced again. Ego is all illusion, you understand, and ego lures you with illusion. It has false premises and betrays you with false promises. Ego promises you the sun, moon, and stars of fame and reward, and it kicks you in the pants. Ego has no mercy. It is never sorry. It makes you sorry, while ego just cackles in the background.

Ego is no friend at all. Ego is a bald-faced liar. Ego leads you down the garden-path where the weeds are poisonous. Ego is the bewitched queen’s voice in the mirror that asks: “Who is the fairest of all?” And ego insists you are. Ego loves a good joke on you.

Look into the mirror of your heart and ask to be loving and not beguiled by the mind’s ego ever again.

Read Comments

ask to be loving

Teenagers needing to say no to drugs – I think that's not the same situation. Having said yes innocently often enough and being thoroughly addicted – that's the situation. I don't know what serious substance addiction feels like, but I'm sure that even the thought of saying no makes you tremble when you are in the throes of it. Ego is an opiate...

After reading this characterization of ego, a whole Heavenletter, I'm tempted to ask: Then who or what on earth is ego? But things tend to get very complicated when I ask this question because there seems to be a hero and an villain and lots of different selves and I somehow between them scratching a head that could be mine er someone's. It's probably enough to know that ego is not an easy opponent: Ego will try to lure you to save its life and destroy yours. Must be a strange fellow if it can survive me – whatever "me" may mean.

So what is there to do? Just one thing, ask to be loving. Every other plan is ego's.


Ego is illusion, illusion is darkness and ignorance of light. How can we dissipate all these shadows' creatures? By saying, as Goethe did while dying in his bed: "More Light...give me more Light!" ( with this light you can put on a fire and slowly roast your ego with some salt and spices. Most delicious).

garnished with capers.

garnished with capers.

Yum yum.

Yum yum.

am more understan everyday,

dear God heavenley father,
am more understan and gratetude all your heavenletter,
my openion of our ego is not vanished untel the end of our time,
i can also tel to my ego can folow me with your light,
am also careful of my being everyday because in our ego it's always
in our mind, take over our goodt tought, not for me enymore,
am gratetude all your heavenletter and advice

EGO, oh, what to do, what to do?

"Separate your sensitive heart of love from over-sensitive ego"
I happen to consider my EGO as a servant given to me at birth by God. It is part of what we grow to know as will power. Because the EGO is concerned with the BODY it quickly invokes the will connected to BODY functions, tastes, desires, intentions.

The EGO is not attached to spirit, but quickly learns to submit to spirit, our's and God's. The EGO appears over sensitive only because it is driven by emotions. Emotions are concerned with the choices that each person must make.

It is not up to the EGO or the SPIRIT. It is up to us. Choose how you want to think. Thinking is responsible for emotions. This is how I feel about the power of thought.


"Ego is concerned with the body"

We could almost say that the ego IS the body. Is not the physical appearance the very basis of our experimentation/choice of separation? Separation can hardly be lived or experimented without forgetting. Is it not what "temptation" is all about? To live the temptation of the world, we have to obscure our real function of forgiveness (which is letting go of the past) and find a justification of forgetting it.

The notion of "sin" seems to be quite universal and it is tightly linked to the notion of guilt and punishment. But this exists only in the split mind. For God, there never was any sin and we are all innocent. So the physical apperance of temptation becomes a mean to awake the spiritual recognition of salvation which is putting an end to illusion and restoring real happiness and joy.

Normand lives in the Light.

Norman, I teach ACIM and you talk like a student. I love what you have to say.


And ACIM goes perfectly hand

And ACIM goes perfectly hand in hand with Heavenletters like the left and right hands.

Normand lives in the Light.

You bless me sweet friend Normand!
