A Daytime Star

God said:

Your heart is a musical instrument with great versatility. It plays many chords. Its range is high, and its range is low. Your heart has a repertoire. And now We are increasing what is available to you. There are notes in your heart that you have not played. You haven't quite known they were there.

I strum your heart. You are beginning to feel My strumming. There is an almost imperceptible sweetness. I dip your heartstrings in honey.

The vibration of your heart has always reached everywhere, but now it reaches everywhere more powerfully. It is even reaching you. You are beginning to hear it yourself. Surely goodness and mercy shall flow in your heart. Your heart is a channel of love, and you are the listener to it.

Your heart is an ocean. Your heart is a pitcher of My love. Your heart, like your brow, is meant to be unfurrowed.

If you have put locks on your heart, now is the time to let the tide of love through. Have no hesitation. Open the locks of your heart wide, and let all who enter enter. There is nothing else for your heart to do. Closing is not an option. I understand why you try to close your heart, but I also understand the futility.

Closing a heart is arduous. And you cannot close yours alone. You also close others' hearts, the same way as an opened heart reverberates and opens other hearts. All hearts are connected like Christmas lights, or like notes of a Christmas carol, and not one note is to be left out. There is place in your heart for all the notes. I put them there.

Throw the gates of your heart wide open. Gates were never meant to be there. Take them off by the hinges. Your heart is to be freed to flow across the universe and back again.

Turn on the lights of your heart. Your heart is meant to shine. Shine on, Harvest Heart.

Oh, your heart. What a privilege is a heart of man, made in the image of Mine!

I am attracted to your heart. I see Myself there. I like to look into the mirror of your heart. Blessed be your heart. Blessed be you who carries it like a holy grail before you. Blessed be you who sees Me sitting in your heart.

Sometimes you treat your heart like a wounded animal, and you put it in isolation. You feed it little. No matter. Now is time to treat your heart with ebullience. Give it dessert. Give it all the dessert it wants. Let your heart pour sweetness in and out like cream from a giant pitcher.

Woe to the heart that resists love. It resists only because it fears that love can be taken away. A heart resistant to love misunderstands itself. It restricts itself out of self-preservation. It just didn't know that restricting the heart does not preserve it but wilts it.

Do not cramp your heart. Tend to your heart like a Garden of Eden. A strong heart is not resistant to the flow of life. It knows it is a galloping part of it. Exercise your heart with love. Allow it to be the pulsating strength it is. Take the blinders off your heart, and then it can see. Stir your heart. Release it. It is My gift to you and to the world. No longer hoard it. Let your heart step out of imposed boundaries. Let your heart come out into the light of day and shine like a daytime star, light on light.